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File metadata and controls

768 lines (594 loc) · 29.2 KB

Protocol Specification

This document contains a specification of the protocol used by the mobile app to send commands to Tesla vehicles. It covers session management and cryptography. Application-layer payloads are out of scope, but should be easily reproduced by following source code links from the package documentation.

Message encoding

Protocol messages are encoded using Google's Protocol Buffers. The top-level type is a RoutableMessage, defined in universal_message.proto.

A typical RoutableMessage looks like this:

to_destination {
from_destination {
  routing_address: 0a7962c10d38b61dd2a7722780a4f096
protobuf_message_as_bytes: 0a020805
uuid: 05514f57616bcc81a8ce0f9d7b483229

The fields of a RoutableMessage are always raw binary values; the hex encodings above are for printability.

  • For commands sent to the vehicle, the to_destination should be the Domain responsible for handling the command.
  • For commands sent to the vehicle, from_destination should be a randomly generated 16-byte routing_address that uniquely identifies the connection. Vehicles use routing addresses to associate clients with transport-layer addresses when forwarding the response.
  • The vehicle reverses the to and from fields in its response.
  • The protobuf_message_as_bytes field is a oneof named payload that can have the following types:
    • payload.protobuf_message_as_bytes contains an application-layer payload. Messages addressed to DOMAIN_VEHICLE_SECURITY (VCSEC) parse this as a vcsec.UnsignedMessage, while messages addressed to DOMAIN_INFOTAINMENT parse this as a carsever.Action.
    • payload.session_info_request is a handshake request from a client. The client needs to complete a handshake before it can send commands.
    • payload.session_info is a handshake response from the vehicle.
  • The signature_data field contains information used to authenticate the command. See Authentication.
  • The uuid field must uniquely identify the command, and must be at most 16 bytes. It will be copied into the request_uuid field of the response. Due to memory constraints, the request_uuid field is typically not populated in replies from VCSEC. Requests can use unique routing addresses to disambiguate responses, but note that due to VCSEC memory constraints, clients should avoid making simultaneous requests to that domain. The UUID should be unpredictable in order to prevent replayed handshake responses.
  • The vehicle sets signedMessageStatus to indicate protocol-layer errors. Application-layer errors appear in protobuf_message_as_bytes.
  • The flags field is a bit mask of universal_message.Flags values. There is currently no need for clients to use this field; future versions of the protocol may use this field to add authenticated data that is discarded by older vehicles.

Decoding messages

For command-line debugging, a RoutableMessage can be decoded using the protoc tool from Google. It can also generate language-specific bindings from the *.proto files included in this repository.

For example, running tesla-control -vin YOUR_VIN -ble -debug list-keys shows a debug line:

2023-12-13T14:41:13-08:00 [debug] TX: 320208023a1212100a7962c10d38b61dd2a7722780a4f0969a031005514f57616bcc81a8ce0f9d7b48322952040a020805

The hex string above can be decoded using protoc using the command below, executed from this document's directory:

echo 320208023a1212100a7962c10d38b61dd2a7722780a4f0969a031005514f57616bcc81a8ce0f9d7b48322952040a020805 \
    | xxd -r -p \
    | protoc --decode=UniversalMessage.RoutableMessage -I protobuf protobuf/*.proto
to_destination {
from_destination {
  routing_address: "\nyb\301\r8\266\035\322\247r\'\200\244\360\226"
protobuf_message_as_bytes: "\n\002\010\005"
uuid: "\005QOWak\314\201\250\316\017\235{H2)"

This shows the client transmitted (TX) a RoutableMessage sent to DOMAIN_VEHICLE_SECURITY. If a message is sent to this domain, then the protobuf_message_as_bytes field encodes a VCSEC.UnsignedMessage, which can be similarly decoded with protoc:

printf "\n\002\010\005" | protoc --decode=VCSEC.UnsignedMessage -I protobuf protobuf/*.proto
InformationRequest {

Message transports

Messages can be sent to vehicles either over a REST API or over BLE.


See Fleet API documentation for information on using OAuth authentication.

To send a message to a vehicle, make a POST request to api/1/vehicles/<vin>/signed_command. The body should be {"routable_message": <base64-encoded RoutableMessage>}.

If the server receives a response from the vehicle, it returns status code 200 and the response body will be a JSON document of the form {"response": <base64-encoded RoutableMessage>}.

Note that a 200 HTTP code does not indicate the vehicle successfully executed a command, just that the server received a response. The RoutableMessage may contain an error message.

See online documentation for information on other HTTP status codes.

Although communication between clients and Tesla's servers use TLS/TCP, the communication channel between Tesla's servers and vehicles does not provide TCP transport guarantees; messages may be dropped or arrive out of order.


Clients connect to vehicles using the following identifiers:

  • Service UUID: 00000211-b2d1-43f0-9b88-960cebf8b91e
  • Vehicle write characteristic: 00000212-b2d1-43f0-9b88-960cebf8b91e. Use your BLE library's "write with response" API.
  • Vehicle read characteristic: 00000213-b2d1-43f0-9b88-960cebf8b91e
  • BLE advertisement local name: S + <ID> + C, where <ID> is the lower-case hex-encoding of the first eight bytes of the SHA1 digest of the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN). For example, If the VIN is 5YJS0000000000000, then the BLE advertisement Local Name is S1a87a5a75f3df858C.

Messages sent or received over BLE are preceded by the two-byte big-endian encoding of the message length.

Note: Due to hardware constraints, VCSEC can only reliably maintain up to three simultaneous BLE connections. These are shared by keyfobs and phone keys.

Protocol concepts

This section provides an overview of concepts handled by the protocol.


Vehicles have subsystems called domains that have different public keys and therefore require separate handshakes and session state tracking. The VCSEC domain controls locks, remote start, and trunk, among others; The Infotainment domain processes the remaining commands. VCSEC can be reached over BLE even when infotainment is asleep.


Each domain has its own clock and represents time using (epoch_id, timestamp) pairs. The epoch_id is a random 16-byte value generated at boot, and the timestamp is an integer giving the number of seconds since the start of the epoch.


The vehicle associates each client public key with a role that determines what commands that client can authorize. The most common roles are Owner and Driver. Roles are enumerated in keys.proto.

The capabilities of a given role may change as new features are added or new use-cases arise.

An Owner can authorize all commands, including adding and removing public keys for other users.

A Driver has access to most commands but cannot manage other users' keys or otherwise configure access controls, such as changing vehicle PINs.

A Fleet Manager represents a cloud-based Owner key. In vehicles running 2023.38 or later, a Fleet Manager cannot add or remove other users' keys from the vehicle and cannot send commands over BLE. If a cloud-based service needs to manage Owner and Driver access, this should be done at the account level using Fleet API.

A Vehicle Monitor can read vehicle data, such as location information, but cannot authorize commands that change the vehicle's state.

A Charging Manager can read vehicle data and authorize commands that affect vehicle charging.

A Service key bootstraps pairing other keys and authorizes commands on behalf of service technicians. Service keys can remotely (un)lock vehicles in order to provide roadside assistance, but vehicles in their default state prevent Service keys from authorizing other commands over the Internet.

Metadata serialization

The protocol requires peers to authenticate messages in a way that binds them to associated metadata, such as the VIN. This in turn requires a canonical method of serializing the metadata so it can be used as an input to a hash function.

A metadata key/value pair is serialized using a tag-length-value encoding. Each metadata value has an associated numeric tag defined in Signatures.Tag. For example, the tag for a VIN is TAG_PERSONALIZATION = 2. So the key-value pair VIN: "abc" would be serialized as:

TLV(VIN: "abc") = TAG_PERSONALIZATION || LEN("abc") || "abc"
                      = 0x02 || 0x03 || 0x61 0x62 0x63
                      = 0x0203616263

Integer values are encoded as big-endian four-byte values:

TLV(COUNTER: 100) = TAG_COUNTER || LEN(uint32) || 0x00000064
                  = 0x05 || 0x04 || 0x00000064
                  = 0x050400000064

To serialize a set of metadata items, sort by tag in ascending order, serialize each item, concatenate the results, and append a final 0xFF byte to mark the end of the metadata string:

    = TLV(VIN: "abc") || TLV(COUNTER: 100) || 0xFF
    = 0x0203616263 || 0x050400000064 || 0xFF
    = 0x0203616263050400000064FF


  • c - Client Private Key
  • C = (Cx, Cy) - Client Public key, a point on NIST-P256.
  • v - Vehicle Private key
  • V = (Vx, Vy) - Vehicle Public key, a point on NIST-P256.
  • s[:n] - The first n bytes of the string s
  • BIG_ENDIAN(m, n) - The n-byte big-endian encoding of m, padded with 0x00 bytes.
  • K - 128-bit AES-GCM key shared between the client and the vehicle
  • ENCODE_PUBLIC(P) - The encoding of a public key P = (x, y) as 0x04 || BIG_ENDIAN(x, 32) || BIG_ENDIAN(y, 32); libraries refer to this as an uncompressed curve point or encoding.

Test keys

This section contains example keys that will be used to generate test vectors in the remainder of the document.

Vehicle key

*Do not use this key except to debug implementations using the test vectors included in these documents. Since the private key is published, enrolling the public key on a vehicle may result in unauthorized access.

In vehicle.key:


In vehicle.pem:

-----END PUBLIC KEY-----
v  = 0x344EE5B466A7CF1EEB12B6F50331DB2E5EC5834EF5F4BEFCFD8CBE55C2528D70
Vx = 0xC7A1F47138486AA4729971494878D33B1A24E39571F748A6E16C5955B3D877D3
Vy = 0xA6AAA0E955166474AF5D32C410F439A2234137AD1BB085FD4E8813C958F11D97
HEX(ENCODE_PUBLIC(V)) = 04c7a1f47138486aa4729971494878d33b1a24e39571f748a6e16c5955b3d877d3a6aaa0e955166474af5d32c410f439a2234137ad1bb085fd4e8813c958f11d97

Client key

Do not use this key except to debug implementations using the test vectors included in these documents. Since the private key is published, enrolling the public key on a vehicle may result in unauthorized access.

In client.key:


In client.pem:

-----END PUBLIC KEY-----
c  = 0x2538CDC29A97C19C1E99A637D6CF4F8C970C118B56EDE1E6323E6D162C4B30DB
Cx = 0xB2B6BC68C2DA0665CE656815594996C62394EDD8BEA905FE781A754FE6A845A7
Cy = 0x14330902F225E9269D466E05B349981FDA9D85CC23C6FB444AA73B629105DC6E
HEX(ENCODE_PUBLIC(C)) = 04b2b6bc68c2da0665ce656815594996c62394edd8bea905fe781a754fe6a845a714330902f225e9269d466e05b349981fda9d85cc23c6fb444aa73b629105dc6e


This section assumes the client public key C is already enrolled in the vehicle. Keys are bootstrapped by using the protocol or an NFC card to authorize new keys using existing keys, with a Tesla Service key as the root of trust. See the README file in the repository root for instructions on pairing a new key.


The client sends a RoutableMessage to the vehicle Domain it wishes to send commands to, setting the RoutableMessage.session_info_request.public_key to ENCODE_PUBLIC(C).

Example handshake request for the test client public key:

to_destination {
from_destination {
  routing_address: 2c907bd76c640d360b3027dc7404efde
session_info_request {
  public_key: 04b2b6bc68c2da0665ce656815594996c62394edd8bea905fe781a754fe6a845a714330902f225e9269d466e05b349981fda9d85cc23c6fb444aa73b629105dc6e
uuid: 1588d5a30eabc6f8fc9a951b11f6fd11


The vehicle response has the RoutableMessage.session_info populated. The client parses this field as a SessionInfo message (defined in signatures.proto).

The RoutableMessage.signature_data contains information that can be used to verify the integrity (but not authenticity) of the response, as discussed later.

Example response:

to_destination {
  routing_address: 2c907bd76c640d360b3027dc7404efde
from_destination {
signature_data {
  session_info_tag {
    tag: 996c1fe38331be138f8039c194b14db2198846ed7d8251e6749284d7b32ea002
session_info: 0806124104c7a1f47138486aa4729971494878d33b1a24e39571f748a6e16c5955b3d877d3a6aaa0e955166474af5d32c410f439a2234137ad1bb085fd4e8813c958f11d971a104c463f9cc0d3d26906e982ed224adde6255a0a0000
request_uuid: 1588d5a30eabc6f8fc9a951b11f6fd11

The session_info field decodes as:

counter: 6
publicKey: 04c7a1f47138486aa4729971494878d33b1a24e39571f748a6e16c5955b3d877d3a6aaa0e955166474af5d32c410f439a2234137ad1bb085fd4e8813c958f11d97
epoch: 4c463f9cc0d3d26906e982ed224adde6
clock_time: 2650

The session info fields are used to authorize commands.

Key Agreement

The client and the vehicle derive a shared 128-bit AES-GCM key K using ECDH:

S = (Sx, Sy) = ECDH(c, V) = ECDH(v, C)
K = SHA1(BIG_ENDIAN(Sx, 32))[:16]

Example: Computing K using client.key and vehicle.pem from above with OpenSSL:

export K=$(openssl pkeyutl -derive -inkey client.key -peerkey vehicle.pem \
    | openssl dgst -sha1 -binary \
    | head -c 16 \
    | xxd -p)
echo $K

Use a mature cryptographic library such as OpenSSL to compute K. A custom implementation will likely be vulnerable to subtle attacks.

The protocol always uses the binary encoding of K; the hex representation above is only for printability.

Response authentication

In order to prevent a man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacker from obtaining a command that expires later than intended, the client must authenticate the session info response. The vehicle will reject relayed commands if the attacker modifies the included public key, and the client will reject a modified response if attacker leaves the public key intact.

The client first derives a session info authentication key from the shared secret K:

SESSION_INFO_KEY = HMAC-SHA256(K, "session info")

The "session info" is the literal ASCII-encoded string.

Example: Using the test vector value for K above as hexkey below,

    echo -n "session info" \
    | openssl dgst -sha256 -mac hmac -macopt hexkey:"$K")

Next, the client [serializes the following metadata](#Metadata serialization):

  • TAG_CHALLENGE: UUID from session info request message

Example: Continuing with the above example values and VIN = 5YJ30123456789ABC, the serialized metadata is

           TLV(TAG_PERSONALIZATION, "5YJ30123456789ABC") ||
           TLV(TAG_CHALLENGE, 1588d5a30eabc6f8fc9a951b11f6fd11) ||
         = 00 01 06 || // Tag, length, value
           02 11 35594a3330313233343536373839414243 || // etc.
           06 10 1588d5a30eabc6f8fc9a951b11f6fd11 |\
         = 000106021135594a333031323334353637383941424306101588d5a30eabc6f8fc9a951b11f6fd11ff

The client computes the expected HMAC-SHA256 tag using the serialized metadata and session info.

export SESSION_INFO=0806124104c... (truncated from above)
echo "$METADATA$SESSION_INFO" | xxd -r -p | openssl dgst -sha256 -mac hmac -macopt hexkey:"$SESSION_INFO_KEY"

The client compares this value to the RoutableMessage.signature_data.session_info_tag.tag from the vehicle response.

Warning: Always use a constant-time comparison function when validating HMAC tags. All mature cryptographic libraries will have a special function documented for this purpose.

The client must discard responses with an invalid tag.

Authorizing commands

After completing the above handshake process, the client has:

  • The vehicle time, expressed as an (epoch, timestamp) pair.
  • The anti-replay counter
  • The shared key symmetric key K.

The client first generates a command protobuf P, which generally encodes either a VCSEC.UnsignedMessage or a CarServer.Action message. To determine the required message type and contents for a given command, follow source code links from the package documentation.


The client serializes the following metadata values into a string M:

Value Tag Description
Domain Signatures.TAG_DOMAIN Typically UniversalMesasge.DOMAIN_VEHICLE_SECURITY or UniversalMessage.DOMAIN_INFOTAINMENT
VIN Signatures.TAG_PERSONALIZATION 17-character vehicle identification number
Epoch Signatures.TAG_EPOCH Copied from session_info.epoch
Expiration time Signatures.TAG_EXPIRES_AT Time in seconds according to domain's clock
Counter Signatures.TAG_COUNTER Monotonic counter, initially session_info.counter

Setting the expiration time requires the client to track the difference between the domain's clock and the local clock. Note that each domain has its own clock.

The counter must increase with each command within the same epoch. Infotainment tracks a sliding window of valid counters to allow for out-of-order message arrival, while VCSEC requires that messages arrive in counter order.

Authentication methods

Vehicles support two authentication methods: HMAC-SHA256 and AES-GCM. Messages sent with HMAC-SHA256 authentication are sent in plaintext. This allows the Fleet API backend to (1) reject commands based on OAuth scopes and (2) drop deprecated messages sent by VCSEC that would require a more complex client state machine to disambiguate. Commands sent with AES-GCM are encrypted; Fleet API blocks these commands because it cannot enforce OAuth scopes.

The official Golang package uses AES-GCM over BLE and HMAC-SHA256 over Fleet API.

HMAC-SHA256 authentication

To add HMAC-SHA256 authentication:

  • Derive an HMAC-SHA256 key K' = HMAC-SHA256(K, "authenticated command"). The "authenticated command" is a string literal.
  • Construct a RoutableMessage as described above.
  • Set the RoutableMessge.payload.protobuf_message_as_bytes to P.
  • Set the RoutableMessage.signature_data.signer_identity.public_key to ENCODE_PUBLIC(C) (see Notation).
  • Compute the HMAC tag tag = HMAC-SHA256(K', M || P).
  • Populate RoutableMessage.signature_data.HMAC_PersonalizedData with the metadata values and authentication tag.

AES-GCM encryption

To encrypt the plaintext protobuf P using AES-GCM:

  • Set the 128-bit encryption key to K
  • Use a random 12-byte nonce (sometimes called an initialization vector, or IV). Some libraries may choose one for you.
  • Set the Associated Authenticated Data (AAD) field to SHA256(M)
  • Encrypt the P with the above parameters to obtain a ciphertext x and a message authentication tag.
  • Construct a RoutableMessage as described above.
  • Set the RoutableMessge.payload.protobuf_message_as_bytes to x.
  • Set the RoutableMessage.signature_data.signer_identity.public_key to ENCODE_PUBLIC(C) (see Notation).
  • Populate RoutableMessage.signature_data.AES_GCM_Personalized_Signature_Data with the metadata values, authentication tag, and nonce.

Example: We'll send an "Turn HVAC on" command using the above example with VIN = 5YJ30123456789ABC and the hex representation of the shared key K = 1b2fce19967b79db696f909cff89ea9a.

First we find the protobuf encoding for the command. Normally this is done using the language-specific bindings created by protoc from the *.proto files, but for purposes of illustration we'll do it from the command line:

echo 'vehicleAction {
  hvacAutoAction {
    power_on: true
}' | protoc --encode=CarServer.Action -I protobuf protobuf/*.proto | xxd -p

Output: 120452020801.

Next, we construct the serialized metadata string from values in the table below. The metadata string is used as the associated authenticated data (AAD) field of AES-GCM.

Tag Value Encoding
Signatures.TAG_DOMAIN UniversalMessage.DOMAIN_INFOTAINMENT = 0x03 01 01 03
Signatures.TAG_PERSONALIZATION 5YJ30123456789ABC 02 11 35594a3330313233343536373839414243
Signatures.TAG_EPOCH session_info.epoch 03 10 4c463f9cc0d3d26906e982ed224adde6
Signatures.TAG_EXPIRES_AT t=2655 seconds 04 04 00000a5f
Signatures.TAG_COUNTER session_info.counter 05 04 00000007

Concatenating the above encoded values together with the terminal 0xff byte gives:

import os
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers.aead import AESGCM
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes

plaintext = bytes.fromhex("120452020801")

metadata = bytes.fromhex("000105010103021135594a333031323334353637383941424303104c463f9cc0d3d26906e982ed224adde6040400000a5f050400000007ff")
aad = hashes.Hash(hashes.SHA256())

key = bytes.fromhex("1b2fce19967b79db696f909cff89ea9a")
aesgcm = AESGCM(key)

nonce = os.urandom(12)
ct = aesgcm.encrypt(nonce, plaintext, aad.finalize())
print(f"Nonce: {nonce.hex()}, Ciphertext: {ct[:-16].hex()}, Tag: {ct[-16:].hex()}")

Output (will be randomized each time by the nonce):

Nonce: dbf79447fa156674dae1caed, Ciphertext: 38038e8c0f2e, Tag: 8e128da165f162f4d7d2c8da866cf82a

Copying the above fields into a RoutableMessage protobuf yields:

to_destination {
from_destination {
  routing_address: 2c907bd76c640d360b3027dc7404efde
protobuf_message_as_bytes: 38038e8c0f2e
signature_data {
  signer_identity {
    public_key: 04b2b6bc68c2da0665ce656815594996c62394edd8bea905fe781a754fe6a845a714330902f225e9269d466e05b349981fda9d85cc23c6fb444aa73b629105dc6e
  AES_GCM_Personalized_data {
    epoch: 4c463f9cc0d3d26906e982ed224adde6
    nonce: dbf79447fa156674dae1caed
    counter: 7
    expires_at: 2655
    tag: 8e128da165f162f4d7d2c8da866cf82a
uuid: 58406580528b6a5301391800b4fe9b99

The sender may omit the epoch field from the protobuf, but including the epoch allows the vehicle to return a more specific error message if there is a mismatch.

Caching session state

If a client is not running continuously, it should cache session state to disk, along with the time difference between the local clock and the vehicle clock. Loading the session from cache removes the need to send session info requests, which reduces the latency of the first command and, when using Fleet API, reduces the number of Fleet API requests made by the client. If the session state is no longer valid, then the client can automatically recover as described below. The recovery mechanism is no more expensive than performing the handshake in the first place, so clients never incur a penalty by optimistically assuming a cache is valid.

Recovering from synchronization errors

The vehicle may include up-to-date session state in an error message in cases where an authentication error could be attributed to a synchronization fault. For example, if the infotainment system reboots, then the vehicle and the client may not be using the same epoch.

The client MUST discard the session information if any of the following are true:

  • The client did not use the request UUID in the last several seconds.
  • The session info HMAC tag is incorrect.
  • The clock time is earlier than the clock time in a previously authenticated session info message with the same epoch.

The client MUST update its session state if none of the above are true. When updating its session state, the client MUST NOT rollback its anti-replay counter unless the epoch changes. These are not security requirements per se, since the vehicle bears responsibility for rejecting replayed messages; however, this behavior allows clients to more reliably handle poor connectivity and out-of-order message delivery.

Response handling

Note that if client transmits a command and does not receive a response back from the vehicle, the vehicle may still have received and executed the command. This is especially likely if the vehicle or client is on an unreliable network.

Protocol-layer errors

Vehicle responses also RoutableMessages. If a protocol-layer error occurred, then the vehicle sets the RoutableMessage.signedMessageStatus.signed_message_fault field.

Error codes and their remediation are summarized in universal_message.proto. See comments in the MessageFault_E definition.

Infotainment application-layer responses

If a reply comes from the Infotainment domain, the client should parse the protobuf_message_as_bytes field as a CarServer.Response, defined in car_server.proto. An application-layer status code is set in Response.actionStatus.

VCSEC application-layer responses

If a reply comes from the Vehicle Security (VCSEC) domain, the client should parse the protobuf_message_as_bytes field as a VCSEC.FromVCSECMessage, defined in vcsec.proto. VCSEC emits up to three responses to a given request. Clients that use Fleet API only receive the final response; clients that use BLE will need to implement special logic to determine what responses are final, as described below.

If the client sent a request to pair a new key using the NFC card, then VCSEC sends FromVSCEC.commandStatus.operationStatus = OPERATIONSTATUS_WAIT to indicate it is waiting for the NFC card tap.

For other requests, OPERATIONSTATUS_WAIT indicates VSCEC is busy with some other request and the client should retry after a short delay.

Other values of FromVCSEC.commandStatus.operationStatus can be ignored. In particular, a value of OPERATIONSTATUS_ERROR is sent only for the benefit of legacy clients. New clients should discard the message and wait for a more specific error code in a subsequent message.

If the client sent a whitelist operation request (e.g., add or remove another key), a message is terminal if FromVCSECMessage.commandStatus.whitelistOperationStatus is populated. The client should drop empty messages.

For non-whitelist operations, an empty message indicates success and FromVCSECMessage.commandStatus.nominalError indicates an error.