There is some one time setup required in order to publish to Maven Central. First, you will need a Sonatype account which
you can create at!default.jspa. You will also need permissions to publish to
the org.testingisdocumenting.znai
group ID, for that raise a similar JIRA to
Once you have an account, you will need to add credentials for Sonatype to your ~/.m2/settings.xml
. If you don't have
one then copy the one below. If you have one already then create or modify the servers
section to include the server
as shown below:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<settings xmlns=""
You will need to also download GPG files to be copied into your ~/.gnupg
and the corresponding passphrase from 1password.
$ brew install gnupg gnupg2
$ cd ~/
$ mkdir ~/.gnupg
$ chmod 700 .gnupg
$ cd .gnupg
$ mv ~/Downloads/public.key .
$ mv ~/Downloads/private.asc .
$ gpg --import public.key
$ gpg --import private.asc # you need to enter the passphrase from 1password
You need to set PATH to execute maven and JAVA_HOME to run maven and java.
$ cat ~/.profile
# location of mvn. You might need to download maven from if you don't have it.
export PATH=$PATH:~/local/maven/bin
export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home)
The first step is to prepare the release. Make sure you are on master and up to date then run:
mvn release:clean release:prepare
This will do a number of things (let's assume you're trying to release version x.y.z):
- build znai
- prompt you for a few version related things where you should generally accept the proposed values
- update the version number in all poms to x.y.z
- git commit the change
- tag git as x.y.z
- update versions to x.y.(z+1)-SNAPSHOT
- git commit the change
export GPG_TTY=$(tty)
mvn release:perform
This will prompt you for the GPG passphrase. It will then build and test znai and publish all artifacts to Maven Central.
At this stage, be patient. There is some delay completion of the release:perform
step and the artifacts being
available in Maven Central. This is of the order of hours. You can keep refreshing
until you see your version.