More info on building here: some versions of elasticsearch use a different version of lucene. Build from a branch that supports your elasticsearch version ex: elastic 6.5 uses lucene 7.5
2.3 Add the ee folder and put the stopwords file here: common/resources/org/apache/lucene/analysis/ee
Locate the new analyzers jar file. This file will replace the default elasticsearch lucene analyzers jar file later on
More info on building here: dont forget to choose the correct branch (the one you decided to base your lucene version off of)
2.1 Add the following code to the path displayed in the picture (middle part of the picture) File: StemmerTokenFilterFactory
import org.tartarus.snowball.ext.EstonianStemmer;
else if ("estonian".equalsIgnoreCase(language)) {
return new SnowballFilter(tokenStream, new EstonianStemmer());
analyzers.put("estonian", EstonianAnalyzerProvider::new);
analyzers.add(new PreBuiltAnalyzerProviderFactory("estonian", CachingStrategy.LUCENE, EstonianAnalyzer::new));
namedStopWords.put("_estonian_", EstonianAnalyzer.getDefaultStopSet());