- issue #46: UserObjectProxy: changed visibility of getFilemanagerUserConfig
- issue #39: Adapt FilemanagerConfig to Filemanager 2.5.
- issue #40: Integrate the filemanager source into the jar file
- issue #41: New directory with name equals to Parent directory
- issue #43: The default implementation of FilemanagerCapability should respect if a file is protected
- issue #44: updated filemanager to 2.5.0
- issue #45: wrong path in getinfo for folders
- issue #36: Client and adapter tight coupling (refactored the fetching of the default configuration of the filemanager)
- issue #37: Implementation of 'baseUrl' property
- issue #38: Build a bundle with the filemanager source
- updated Jackson to 2.5.4
- issue #33: Implementation of 'version' property
- issue #34: Implementation of the 'protected' flag for get-responses
- issue #35: Implement sorting files in 'getfolder'
- updated Jackson to 2.5.0
- updated slf4j to 1.7.12
- updated servlet-api to 3.1.0
- issue #30: filemanager.config.js.default isn't loaded
- issue #32: Adapt FilemanagerConfig to Filemanager 2.0
- issue #29: extend the shared-config with option#theme
- internal: global refactoring, refactored the upload code
- issue #25: Implementation of the mode 'preview'
- issue #26: introduce a property to hold the max. preview dimension
- issue #28: introduce a remover for EXIF data
- issue #21: Implementation of 'replace'
- internal: refactored the Dispatcher
- issue #22: change name of the base package to codes.thischwa
- issue #23: replacing an image doesn't have any effect on preview/thumbnails
- updated slf4j to 1.7.7
- issue #20: All regex from the 'shared' config have to be moved to the properties file
- issue #7: Implementation of the excludes#unallowed properties
- issue #17: Implementation of thumbnailing
- issue #18: implementation of 'savefile'
- issue #19: implementation of 'editfile'
- updated jackson to 2.2.2
- updated slf4j to 1.7.5
- fixed concurrency issues with reading image properties
- issue #15 FilemanagerIconResolver isn't thread-save
- issue #14 IconResolver must respect the properties of 'icons'-section
- issue #13 Implementation of the upload properties
- issue #11 Simplify the connector API
- issue #10 Revision of the JSON-responses
- issue #9 A directory couldn't be deleted
- issue #5 Configuration of the filemanager in an Java-style approach
- restructured FilemanagerIconResolver to get an easier access for embedded applications
- restructured the resolving of messages for the filemanager to get an easier access for embedded applications
- compatible with the Servlet 3.0 specification
- fixed scope of the dependency slf4j-nop
- extended the UserActionMessageHolder to work with user-defined properties files
- issue#4: Implementation of a 'UserPathBuilder'
- updated slf4j to 1.7.2
- updated test-jetty-servlet to 8.1.9
This repository has been archived by the owner on Jul 28, 2021. It is now read-only.