This utility automatically identifies Patternfly class names that need to be updated after the introduction of versioned class names in Patternfly v5 or v6. Currently v5 is set at the default so if you are updating to v6, please use the --v6
Requires Node.js >= 10.
npx @patternfly/class-name-updater ./path-to-src
Giving node more RAM can help for large codebases.
NODE_OPTIONS=--max-old-space-size=4096 npx @patternfly/class-name-updater ./path-to-src
These commands will show you places in your code that appear to need class name changes. Add the --fix
flag to allow us to autofix issues where possible.
Usage: @patternfly/class-name-updater [options] <path> [otherPaths...]
-V, --version output the version number
--v6 run in PF6 mode
--extensions comma-delineated list of file extensions to update, by default includes css, scss, less, ts, tsx, js, jsx and md
--exclude comma-delineated list of files to exclude, files should include their path relative to where this utility is being called
--fix whether to run fixer
-h, --help display help for command
.pf-c-console {
display: grid;
"actions-main actions-extra"
"main main";
row-gap: var(--pf-v5-global--spacer--md);
.pf-c-console__actions {
grid-area: actions-main;
display: flex;
.pf-c-console__actions > div {
margin-right: var(--pf-v5-global--spacer--sm);
.pf-m-selectable {
color: red;
.pf-u-screen-reader > .pf-l-stack__item {
color: blue;
<div className="pf-c-console">
<div className="pf-c-console__actions pf-m-selectable">
<p className="pf-u-screen-reader">
Helper text
.pf-v5-c-console {
display: grid;
'actions-main actions-extra'
'main main';
row-gap: var(--pf-v5-global--spacer--md);
.pf-v5-c-console__actions {
grid-area: actions-main;
display: flex;
.pf-v5-c-console__actions > div {
margin-right: var(--pf-v5-global--spacer--sm);
.pf-m-selectable {
color: red;
.pf-v5-u-screen-reader > .pf-v5-l-stack__item{
color: red;
<div className="pf-v5-c-console">
<div className="pf-v5-c-console__actions pf-m-selectable">
<p className="pf-v5-u-screen-reader">
Helper text