This folder contains the Arduino Sketch for the moth.CO2.2 sensor and a set of configuration files in SD that need be copied to the SD card of the device.
The moth_core folder of the project is structured as follows:
Historic versions of the project (kept for reference):
Most recent PlatformIO project:
Configuration files that define the behaviour of the device.
Configuration for everything related to displaying values.
documentation (please do not use the documented version on the device, but a clean json without the comments):
"min": 3, <<< display update time in minutes
"ssc": true, <<< allow shorter display update when a significant value change occured
"alt": 153, <<< base altitude of the device
"tzn": "CET-1CEST,M3.5.0,M10.5.0/3", <<< timezone
"co2": {
"wHi": 800, <<< co2 warn limit
"rHi": 1000 <<< co2 risk limit
"ref": 425, <<< co2 reference value for stale calculation
"cal": 400, <<< co2 reference value for fresh air calibration
"lpa": 0.5 <<< low pass filter alpha, low value yields stronger filtering
"deg": {
"rLo": 14, <<< lower temperature (celsius) risk limit
"wLo": 19, <<< lower temperature (celsius) warn limit
"wHi": 25, <<< upper temperature (celsius) warn limit
"rHi": 30, <<< upper temperature (celsius) risk limit
"off": 1.5, <<< temperature offset of the scd41 sensor
"c2f": false <<< temperature display in fahrenheit?
"hum": {
"rLo": 25, <<< lower humidity (% RH) risk limit
"wLo": 30, <<< lower humidity (% RH) warn limit
"wHi": 60, <<< upper humidity (% RH) warn limit
"rHi": 65 <<< upper humidity (% RH) risk limit
"bme": {
"alt": 153, <<< base altitude of the sensor
"lpa": 0.25 <<< low pass filter alpha, low value yields stronger filtering
General timezone documentation can be found at: timezones
Measurements are stored with local times.
Timezones that have been tested to work are (but other will work too):
code | where |
CET-1CEST,M3.5.0,M10.5.0/3 | Vienna |
GMT0BST,M3.5.0/1,M10.5.0 | London |
AST4ADT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0 | Atlantic |
EST5EDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0 | New York |
CST6CDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0 | Chicago |
MST7MDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0 | Denver |
PST8PDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0 | Los Angeles |
"min": 3,
"ssc": true,
"tzn": "CET-1CEST,M3.5.0,M10.5.0/3",
"co2": {
"wHi": 800,
"rHi": 1000,
"ref": 425,
"cal": 400,
"lpa": 0.5
"deg": {
"rLo": 14,
"wLo": 19,
"wHi": 25,
"rHi": 30,
"off": 1.5,
"c2f": false
"hum": {
"rLo": 25,
"wLo": 30,
"wHi": 60,
"rHi": 65
"bme": {
"alt": 153,
"lpa": 0.25
Configuration for MQTT.
documentation (please do not use the documented version on the device, but a clean json without the comments):
"use": true, <<< use mqtt?
"srv": "", <<< mqtt broker host (required)
"prt": 8883, <<< mqtt broker port (required)
"usr": "hannes", <<< mqtt user (optional)
"pwd": "n7NZ+SfvP68wzUgh3t4acw==", <<< mqtt password (optional)
"cli": "moth_2", <<< the mqtt client-id that the device will use
"min": 5 <<< publish interval in minutes
example (protected, if a certificate is present at "/config/ca.crt" secure):
"use": true,
"srv": "",
"prt": 8883,
"usr": "hannes",
"pwd": "fleischer",
"cli": "moth__66",
"min": 5
example (unprotected server, if the server does not require a secure connection, the certificate file "/config/ca.crt" should not exist):
"use": true,
"srv": "",
"prt": 1883,
"cli": "moth__66",
"min": 5
example (mqtt inactive):
"use": false
for all above configurations, if there is a certificate present at "/config/ca.crt", a secure wifi-connection will be created using that certificate.
Configuration for the WiFi connection of the decive.
documentation (please do not use the documented version on the device, but a clean json without the comments):
"min": 5, <<< wifi timeout in minutes, when not connected to power, wifi will auto turn off after that time
"ntw": [ <<< an array of network connections
"key": "your-wifi-ssid", <<< the ssid of your network
"pwd": "your-wifi-password" <<< the password of your network
"min": 5,
"ntw": [
"key": "your-wifi-ssid",
"pwd": "your-wifi-password"
example (unprotected network):
"min": 5,
"ntw": [
"key": "your-wifi-ssid",
"pwd": ""
The device provides webserver accessible through WiFi. The files in this folder provide a web-application that can be used to administer the device
The files for the webserver are built from the moth_client_p22 subproject.