Phalcon is an open source,high performance and one of the most popular PHP web framework delivered as an extension of C but written in Zephir (its a compiler written in PHP to convert Zephir language into C extension).
Phalcon is an extension to the PHP itself so it is installed on the server like any other PHP extension and hence is faster.It has well designed features and framework and can handle more HTTP requests per second than comparable frameworks written in PHP.It also aims at reducing resource usage,hence is prefered over other frameworks.The compiled nature of Phalcon offers extraordinary performance that outperforms all other frameworks measured in certain benchmarks.
Phalcon needs PHP to run. Its loosely coupled design (system in which each of its components has, or makes use of,little or no knowledge of the definitions of other separate components) allows developers to install Phalcon and use its functionality without additional extensions.
Install a web server on your own PC, and then install PHP and MySQL