- All date properties are integer unix timestamps in milliseconds
- Unless otherwise specified all profile items and item properties can be assumed to be strings
- Array profile item descriptions are followed by the format and description of the their object elements
badges: an array of the user's badge objects
badge = {
badgeType : badge category,
name : badge name / text,
url : badge icon url,
color : (SLACK) badge attachment color
bestStreak: an integer value of the user's longest streak days
blog: url of the user's blog
certifications: an array of the user's certification objects
certification = {
name: certification name,
url: certificate url,
date: unix timestamp of the certification date
checkins: an array checkin objects
checkin = {
channelID: (SLACK) channel ID,
sessions: [ array of check-in session objects ]
session = {
kind: kind of checkin - accountability, pair programming, self check-in, team meeting
task: kind-specific task that the user(s) worked on,
partners: [ array of partner(s) user names ],
date: unix timestamp date of check-in
cohorts: an array of cohorts the user has been a part of
cohort = {
cohortName: the name of the cohort,
teamID: (SLACK) cohort team ID,
userID: (SLACK) user ID for that team,
startDate: unix timestamp cohort start date,
currentStreak: an integer value of the user's current streak days
gitHub: url of the user's GitHub profile
joinDate: unix timestamp of the user's Chingu join date
lastCheckin: session object of the user's last checkin session
session = {
kind: kind of checkin - accountability, pair programming, self check-in, team meeting
task: kind-specific task that the user(s) worked on,
partners: [ array of partner(s) user names ],
date: unix timestamp date of check-in
points: an integer value of the user's Chingu points
portfolio: url of the user's portfolio page
profilePic: profilePic object containing url links to several profile picture sizes
profilePic = {
size_72 : url to 72x72 image,
size_192 : url to 192x192 image,
size_512 : url to 512x512 image,
size_original : url to original upload image size,
lastUpdate: unix timestamp of the last update date
skills: object with sub-objects of the user's languages, frameworks and technologies. each skill sub-object is an array of individual objects having name and level properties representing that skill
Note: skill-level "hide" is a way to temporarily hide a skill from the user's profile while that skill is further developed. any skill with a level "hide" should not be displayed.
skills = {
languages: [{
name: language name,
level: user skill-level
frameworks: [{
name: framework name,
level: user skill-level
technologies: [{
name: technology name,
level: user skill-level
story: a (lengthy) string with Slack markdown formatting
totalCheckins: an integer value of the user's total checkins across all teams and channels
Method: One user one item
Request parameters:
key: APIkey,
userName: requested user,
profileItem: requested item
JSON = {
ok: true,
status: 200,
body: {
userName: userName,
itemName: itemValue
Method: One user bulk items
Request parameters:
key: APIkey,
userName: requested user,
bulkItems: [ array of requested profileItems ]
JSON = {
ok: true,
status: 200,
body: {
userName: userName,
items: [
itemName: itemValue
itemName(N): itemValue(N)
Method: Bulk users one item
Request parameters:
key: APIkey,
bulkUsers: [ array of requested userNames ],
profileItem: requested item for each user
JSON = {
ok: true,
status: 200,
body: {
users: [
userName: userName,
itemName: itemValue
userName(N): userName(N),
itemName(N): itemValue(N)
Method: Bulk users bulk items
Request parameters:
key: APIkey,
bulkUsers: [ array of requested userNames ],
bulkItems: [ array of requested profileItems for each user ]
JSON = {
ok: true,
status: 200,
body: {
users: [
userName: userName,
items: [
itemName: itemValue
itemName(N): itemValue(N)
userName(N): userName(N),
items: [
itemName: itemValue
itemName(N): itemValue(N)
Error: missing [profileItem]
or [bulkItems]
JSON = {
ok: false,
status: 400,
error: {
message: 'Requests must include either an item [profileItem] or a bulk items array [bulkItems]',
code: 'missing_item'
Error: missing [userName]
or [bulkUsers]
JSON = {
ok: false,
status: 400,
error: {
message: 'Requests must include either a user name [userName] or a bulk users array [bulkUsers]',
code: 'missing_user'
Error: invalid API key
JSON = {
ok: false,
status: 401,
error: {
message: 'Invalid API key',
code: 'invalid_key'
Error: invalid profile item requested
JSON = {
ok: false,
status: 401,
error: {
message: 'Invalid profile item [invalid item] requested',
code: 'invalid_item'
Error: user not found
JSON = {
ok: false,
status: 404,
error: {
message: 'User [invalid user] not found',
code: 'user_not_found'