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Java port of + Android demo.

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This respository contains a single Android project, implementing a demo using the polybool-java library. For information about the library please visit the original source.

State Changes

The polybool library was transpiled (manually) to Java 8 source code. It was hard work, but I tried to preserve the code as original as possible. This way, the Java code can be maintained easily, by comparing it side-by-side (diff)

Due to the nature of Javascript, the Java code relies heavily on lambdas and on 2 particular utility classes JSMap and JSList to emulate the Javascript language.

The only limitation I found while transpiling the code, was the implementation or lambda recursion, and not-yet-defined function calls. Fortunately, there is workarounds for this.

Android Demo

The Android demo presents an Android WebView that loads a single page /index-java.html. The content of the page is the original (as in polybooljs), however, the page does not make use of the original javascript library but rather the polybool-java library :)

The HTML Javascript calls the Android PolyBoolWebInterface methods to operate on the polygons. The communication between Javascript and PolyBoolWebInterface is all JSon strings.


  • Java 8 - Lambdas
  • Android Demo requires Api Level 24
  • Compiled using Android Studio 4.0.1 and Gradle 6.1.1


  • Java 8 - Use of Lambdas
  • Demo requires Api Level 24



Try it

You can install the application in either of these ways:

  • APK: app-debug.apk
  • Source code: clone the repository, compile with gradle and install with adb
    export ANDROID_HOME=/home/$USER/Android/Sdk
    ./gradlew assembleDebug
    adb install -r app/build/outputs/apk/app-debug.apk
    adb shell am start -n org.the3deers.polybool.demo/org.the3deers.polybool.demo.MainActivity

Open the application. You should see a web page with 2 polygons. From there you can click on the buttons to perform different boolean operations.


MIT License: Copyright (c) 2016 Sean Connelly (@voidqk, web:

MIT License: Copyright (c) 2020 The 3Deers (Java Port of polybooljs)