**This is an old erroneous test which I attempted without much knowledge of L1, L2 regression and benchmarking. I attempted this test again after a lot of research and my new test is in the same repo with the name easy_test.md.
Now it's only a memoir of the progress that I underwent throughout the week while attempting the tests
Including the required library files and initializing empty variables
> rm(list = ls())
> library(reshape2)
> library(glmnet)
> library(iregnet)
> library(ggplot2)
> library(microbenchmark)
> #Prostate dataset
> data("Prostate", package = "lasso2")
> #Benchmark times for glmnet and irgnet respectively
> glm_time <- vector()
> irg_time <- vector()
> #The data set size vector
> ds_size <- vector()
Checking the difference between the results produced by irgnet and glmnet for a dataset size of 50
> #Reshaping as matrix
> X = as.matrix(Prostate[1:50, c(2:9)])
> Y = matrix(c(Prostate[1:50, 1]))
> dimnames(Y) <- NULL
> dimnames(X) <- NULL
> #Setting the minimum fractional change in deviance for stoppinng path to 0 so that function
> #continues all along the path, even without much change(effectively, 100 lambda values are obtained)
> glmnet.control(fdev = 0)
> #Building the model with glmnet(Lasso is selected by default)
> lasso_glm <- glmnet(y = Y, x = X, family="gaussian")
> #Since, the input to iregnet cannot be a one dimensional matrix, replicating column one into two
> Y = matrix(c(Prostate[1:50, 1],Prostate[1:50, 1]), nrow = 50, ncol = 2)
> dimnames(Y) <- NULL
> #Building the model with irgnet(Lasso selected by default)
> lasso_irg <- iregnet(y = Y, x = X, family="gaussian")
> #Plotting
> plot(lasso_irg)
> plot(lasso_glm)
> #Finding the change in lambda values obtained
> change <- lasso_irg$lambda - lasso_glm$lambda
> summary(change)
Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
-3.332e-02 -3.335e-03 -3.336e-04 -3.751e-03 -3.660e-05 -3.660e-06
We see that the mean change of lambda over the two functions is -3.751 x 10^(-3), i.e. can be considered "almost similar" upto a certain degree of error.
Even the lasso regression plots of the two functions are almost identical.
Evaluating the runtime of both the functions using the package microbenchmark over the data set size from 50 to 97
> #Iterating i from 1 to 47 and then adding 50 to it
> for(i in 1:47)
+ {
+ #Creating the Y and X matrices
+ Y = as.matrix(Prostate[1:50+i, 1])
+ X = as.matrix(Prostate[1:50+i, c(2:9)])
+ dimnames(Y) <- NULL
+ dimnames(X) <- NULL
+ #Setting the minimum fractional change in deviance for stoppinng path to 0
+ glmnet.control(fdev = 0)
+ #Timing the glmnet function using microbenchmark
+ mlm <- microbenchmark(
+ glmnet(y = Y, x = X, family="gaussian")
+ )
+ #Microbenchmark executes 100 times to evaluate runtime and hence taking mean of all the observation
+ # and dividing by 1000000 to obtain the time in milliseconds and storing in a vector
+ glm_time <- c(glm_time, mean(mlm$time)/1000000)
+ #Replicating column one into two for irgnet input
+ Y = matrix(c(Prostate[1:50+i, 1],Prostate[1:50+i, 1]), nrow = 50, ncol = 2)
+ dimnames(Y) <- NULL
+ #Timing irgnet using microbenchmark
+ mlm <- microbenchmark(
+ iregnet(y = Y, x = X, family="gaussian")
+ )
+ irg_time <- c(irg_time, mean(mlm$time)/1000000)
+ }
> #Defining the dataset sizse for which the benchmarks were performed
> ds_size <- c(51:97)
> #Storing the observations in a data frame
> df <- data.frame(ds_size, glm_time, irg_time)
> names(df) <- c("ds_size", "glmnet", "irgnet")
> #Melting the dataframe to make it ggplot friendly
> df_long <- melt(df, id = "ds_size")
> #Plotting the two runtimes using ggplot
> p <- ggplot(df_long, aes(x = ds_size, y = value, color = variable)) +
+ geom_line() +
+ ggtitle('Runtime(in milliseconds) vs Dataset Size') +
+ xlab('Dataset Size') +
+ ylab('Runtime (in milliseconds)')
> direct.label(p,"angled.boxes")
#Including the required libraries
rm(list = ls())
#Prostate dataset
data("Prostate", package = "lasso2")
#Benchmark times for glmnet and irgnet respectively
glm_time <- vector()
irg_time <- vector()
#The data set size vector
ds_size <- vector()
#Reshaping as matrix
X = as.matrix(Prostate[1:50, c(2:9)])
Y = matrix(c(Prostate[1:50, 1]))
dimnames(Y) <- NULL
dimnames(X) <- NULL
#Setting the minimum fractional change in deviance for stoppinng path to 0 so that function
#continues all along the path, even without much change(effectively, 100 lambda values are obtained)
glmnet.control(fdev = 0)
#Building the model with glmnet(Lasso is selected by default)
lasso_glm <- glmnet(y = Y, x = X, family="gaussian")
#Since, the input to iregnet cannot be a one dimensional matrix, replicating column one into two
Y = matrix(c(Prostate[1:50, 1],Prostate[1:50, 1]), nrow = 50, ncol = 2)
dimnames(Y) <- NULL
#Building the model with irgnet(Lasso selected by default)
lasso_irg <- iregnet(y = Y, x = X, family="gaussian")
#Finding the change in lambda values obtained
change <- lasso_irg$lambda - lasso_glm$lambda
#Iterating i from 1 to 47 and then adding 50 to it
for(i in 1:47)
#Creating the Y and X matrices
Y = as.matrix(Prostate[1:50+i, 1])
X = as.matrix(Prostate[1:50+i, c(2:9)])
dimnames(Y) <- NULL
dimnames(X) <- NULL
#Setting the minimum fractional change in deviance for stoppinng path to 0
glmnet.control(fdev = 0)
#Timing the glmnet function using microbenchmark
mlm <- microbenchmark(
glmnet(y = Y, x = X, family="gaussian")
#Microbenchmark executes 100 times to evaluate runtime and hence taking mean of all the observation
# and dividing by 1000000 to obtain the time in milliseconds and storing in a vector
glm_time <- c(glm_time, mean(mlm$time)/1000000)
#Replicating column one into two for irgnet input
Y = matrix(c(Prostate[1:50+i, 1],Prostate[1:50+i, 1]), nrow = 50, ncol = 2)
dimnames(Y) <- NULL
#Timing irgnet using microbenchmark
mlm <- microbenchmark(
iregnet(y = Y, x = X, family="gaussian")
irg_time <- c(irg_time, mean(mlm$time)/1000000)
#Defining the dataset sizse for which the benchmarks were performed
ds_size <- c(51:97)
#Storing the observations in a data frame
df <- data.frame(ds_size, glm_time, irg_time)
names(df) <- c("ds_size", "glmnet", "irgnet")
#Melting the dataframe to make it ggplot friendly
df_long <- melt(df, id = "ds_size")
#Plotting the two runtimes using ggplot
p <- ggplot(df_long, aes(x = ds_size, y = value, color = variable)) +
geom_line() +
ggtitle('Runtime(in milliseconds) vs Dataset Size') +
xlab('Dataset Size') +
ylab('Runtime (in milliseconds)')