This small project shows a clean and simplified approach for the recommended workflow for requesting permissions in Android.
You need to use AndroidX Fragment 1.3.0 or higher.
implementation "androidx.fragment:fragment-ktx:1.3.0-rc01"
Using it is as simple as registering the PermissionManager with your Fragment and, whenever you want to request permissions, you just have to send what permissions you need, a rationale of why you're requesting those permissions for a second time, and then simply get the results as a callback:
class YourFragment : Fragment() {
private val permissionManager = PermissionManager.from(this)
yourView.setOnClickListener {
.rationale("We need permission to use the camera")
.checkPermission { granted: Boolean ->
if (granted) {
// Do something with the camera
} else {
// You can't access the camera
Option 1: Simply add a new entry to the Permission class with your required permissions:
sealed class Permission(vararg val permissions: String) {
// Individual permissions
object Camera : Permission(CAMERA)
// Bundled permissions for MyFeature
object MyFeature : Permission(CAMERA, WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE)
Option 2: Send as many Permission as you require to the PermissionManager:
permissionManager.request(Permission.Camera, Permission.Storage, Permission.Location)
checkPermission { }
will return a Boolean telling you whether all permissions were granted or not.
If you want more granular control about which permissions were granted or declined, you can use checkDetailedPermission { }
to receive a Map<Permission, Boolean>
with the results:
.request(Permission.Camera, Permission.Storage)
.rationale("We need two permissions at once!")
.checkDetailedPermission { result: Map<Permission, Boolean> ->
if (result.all { it.value }) {
// We have all the permissions
} else {
// Check in result which permission was denied