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File metadata and controls

460 lines (331 loc) · 14.2 KB
  • Start Date: (fill me in with today's date, YYYY-MM-DD)
  • RFC PR: (leave this empty)
  • Yarn Issue: (leave this empty)


Workspaces adds support for managing multiple packages within a single Yarn project. Linking between them on install to make cross-development simpler.


It can be difficult to develop across packages. Especially when trying to test changes across many different packages.

Additionally, the cost of abstracting code into it's own package is too high of an additional maintenance cost. So authors will often avoid abstracting major pieces of tools into their own packages because it would make development harder.

If Yarn had a way of developing many packages as a single project which removed the additional maintenance cost of being able to test changes across packages, it would encourage more tools to abstract core functionality out.

Detailed design


The top-level project package.json may specify a "workspaces" field which contains an array of file path globs (relative to the directory of the project's package.json) which point to directories where a workspace package.json can be found.

  "name": "my-project",
  "workspaces": [

Workspace package.json's do not have any additional configuration from a standard package.

.gitignore & .npmignore

For each workspace, the .*ignore file to be used on publish should be looked up in this order:

  1. Workspace .npmignore
  2. Workspace .gitignore
  3. Project .npmignore
  4. Project .gitignore

If you reach the project's .*ignore file, it should apply from the root of the project still.







Flags which can be added to commands to allow them to filter to a subset of packages (including the project package and workspace packages).

  • --only [glob] - Whitelist workspace package names (not directories)
  • --ignore [glob] - Blacklist workspace package names (not directories)
  • --only-fs [glob] - Whitelist workspace package directories
  • --ignore-fs [glob] - Black list workspace package directories


yarn [command] --only package-name-{a,b}
yarn [command] --ignore @scope/util-name-*
yarn [command] --only-fs packages-dir/{a, b}
yarn [command] --ignore-fs utils-dir/*

Global commands

Each of these need to be modified to consider

Workspace commands

Commands for running sub-commands within workspaces.

  • yarn workspaces [command] / yarn ws (filterable)
  • yarn workspace [workspace] [command] / yarn w
Allowed sub-commands
  • add / upgrade / remove
  • link / unlink
  • run (including aliases: test, start, etc.)
  • tag / owner


When running a script like yarn test or its expanded form yarn run test, it should behave like this:

  1. Look for "test" script in root project.
  • If it exists, run that script. Exit with the result.
  1. Look up "test" script in each individual workspace.
  • If one or more exist, run them (in parallel?). Exit with the results.
  1. If no test scripts exist, exit with an error.

Install Process

With workspaces, installing will be changed to manage the dependencies of every package within a project.

As much as possible Yarn should try to treat the set of dependencies across workspaces as a single set. This includes having a single yarn.lock file and resolving the dependency tree as a whole. The exception being where dependencies get placed. If workspace-a depends on dep@1-2 and workspace-b depends on dep@1-3, it will resolve to a single dep@2 but will place copies of dep@2 in both workspaces' node_modules.

This avoids adding complexity to the Yarn codebase which would have to manage multiple trees of dependencies, resolving them separately. This ends up being a better behavior for most users anyways. It also (likely) ends up being much faster since it does not have to resolve dependencies for each workspace.


One of the major benefits to having workspaces is being able to test changes across many packages at once.

In order to accomplish this, when we have a workspace that depends on another we need to link it in.

As part of the install process, every single dependency in the entire tree should lookup to see if it exists within the local project as a workspace. If it does, it should then compare the requested version range and see if the local version matches.

If it does match we should symlink the workspace in as a dependency instead of requesting it from the cache/registry.

If it does not match we should not symlink it in. We can also add a flag that warns when this happens.


Treating the install process of an entire project including its workspaces as a single dependency tree means Yarn can have a single yarn.lock file and will not have to modify it at all.


The --link-duplicates flag should work the same exact way it does today, except it can link across workspaces' node_modules.

This could get a bit weird trying to find the actual contents of a dependency in your file system since they could be in any workspace. I'm also proposing a /node_modules/.hoisted directory, and I'd recommend --link-duplicates be modified to use that all the time.


Since dependencies of all workspaces get resolved at the same time, resolutions should be stored within the project's package.json.

We need to find a good way of displaying which packages depend on which version ranges. If you list all of them at once it could get massive.


This is a separate RFC but affects workspaces. Note that it only works when you are using --flat (because you can't create node_modules within symlinks), and using --hoist should probably imply --flat.

Alternatively it could only hoist dependencies that don't require nesting.


The goal here is to have a reliable location for every dependency to live inside which is a flat structure that gets symlinked into every package's node_modules.


Dependencies should be placed within the project's node_modules/.hoisted directory with

  dependency-a -> ./.hoisted/dependency-a-v1.0.0/
  dependency-b -> ./.hoisted/dependency-b-v1.0.0/

All of the node_modules within workspaces should also link back to the project's node_modules/.hoisted directory.

    dependency-a -> ../../../node_modules/.hoisted/dependency-v2.0.0
    dependency-c -> ../../../node_modules/.hoisted/dependency-v3.0.0
    dependency-a -> ../../../node_modules/.hoisted/dependency-v1.0.0
    dependency-b -> ../../../node_modules/.hoisted/dependency-v1.0.0


When using workspaces, yarn version should not allow major/minor/patch/etc. It should error and tell you to use just yarn version. Using that should iterate through each workspace and prompt for a new version.

Right now we use a question field to manually type in a version. However, we should change that to a multi-choice selector (See Inquirer.js).

info Package: workspace-a
info Current version: 1.0.0
question New version:
  Patch (1.0.1)
> Minor (1.1.0)
  Major (2.0.0)

As you go through the items, the selector should default to the previously selected version choice. So if you picked "patch" previously, the next prompt would default to "patch".

With Git

Should look at the git diff since the last tag and see if there were any changes to each workspace.]

If there were no changes, default the version selector to "Skip" which does not create a version.

info Package: workspace-a
info Current version: 1.0.0
question New version:
  Diff (no changes)
> Skip
  Patch (1.0.1)
  Minor (1.1.0)
  Major (2.0.0)

There should also be a diff option to open up a scroller to view the diff, when you exit it brings you back to the version selector.

info Package: workspace-a
info Current version: 1.0.0
question New version:
> Diff (changes: +46, -14)
  Patch (1.0.1)
  Minor (1.1.0)
  Major (2.0.0)

If you want to automatically skip packages that have diff since their last tag you can run yarn version --skip-unchanged to do so.

Without Git

Should go through every workspace and prompt you for a new version with the option not to create a new version.

On failure

If for any reason creating a new tag fails, we should roll everything back immediately.


Temporary tags

If you publish everything as latest immediately you end up causing builds to break while it's running (npm publishing lots of packages takes a long time).

Instead you need to publish all the packages to a temporary tag on npm and then move them over to "latest" all at once.

For example:

  • Publish dependency-a@1.0.1#yarn-temp
  • Publish dependency-b@1.1.0#yarn-temp
  • Publish dependency-c@2.0.0#yarn-temp
  • Tag dependency-a@1.0.1 latest
  • Tag dependency-b@1.1.0 latest
  • Tag dependency-c@2.0.0 latest

Updating tags is much faster than publishing so this ends up breaking less.

Deciding which packages to publish

Since yarn version handles creating new versions, we don't know which workspaces need publishing.

We could just lookup the current version of every package on the registry but that leads to race conditions if someone else tries to publish at the same time (a rarity, but could easily happen within larger organizations).

Instead, we first go through every package and "lock" them by publishing a yarn-lock-{unique id} tag to each package's highest version.

If we discover an existing yarn-lock-{unique id} tag in this process we roll back the tags immediately and tell the user we think someone else is publishing right now because of the yarn-lock-{unique id} tag we discovered.

Once we have everything locked we go through and lookup the latest version of every package.

If we have new versions locally, we queue those up to be published.

After publishing (including on failure) we roll back the yarn-lock-{unique id} tags.

On failure

If a single package fails to publish, we should continue publishing the rest. Which might seem unintuitive, but oftentimes the author will just have to create a new version for just that package and run publish again to make it work.

The alternative is to leave a bunch of packages in half finished states which means the author has to go through and fix them all individually.

Building workspaces (postinstall/prepublish)

Because workspaces can depend on one another as devDependencies that are then needed for build scripts in postinstall and prepublish hooks, we need to make sure that they are ordered correctly.

Instead of simply iterating through every workspace and running the postinstall/prepublish script, we need to topologically sort them based on which workspaces depend on what.

If we encounter circular dependencies, we can still run the postinstall/prepublish scripts, but we should warn the user.


Yarn should include a number of utility commands to make scripting easier.

yarn exec / yarn ws exec

yarn exec is a new command which executes another command (separated by --) with /node_modules/.bin in the $PATH.

$ which babel
# does not exist
$ yarn exec -- which babel

If you want to run a command within every single workspace, you can do that via yarn workspace exec (or yarn ws exec) like so:

$ yarn workspaces exec -- pwd

There's three options for what the $PATH should be within workspaces.

  • The project's node_modules/.bin
  • The workspace's node_modules/.bin
  • Both (w/ workspace before project)

Differences from Lerna

  1. No "fixed" mode - Keeping every package at the same version will require manually doing so. This is a source of complexity in the Lerna codebase which is not necessary.
  2. Resolves all packages at once and shares version constraints across workspaces
  3. Does not integrate with git as tightly

How We Teach This


We'll have three terms when describing a codebase using Yarn:

  • Package: A directory which contains a package.json and all of its code.
  • Project: A top-level package (generally a repository) which might specify nested workspaces.
  • Workspace: A package which which is specified by the project nested within the project. The top-level project package may also be specified as a workspace.

All packages are installable and publishable, including the project package and any workspace packages.

Right now we only have project packages, the Yarn docs are already using the term "project" to describe them this way.

Documentation changes:

  • New guide teaching what workspaces are including how to create and use them.
  • Commands that have additional behavior around workspaces will need to be updated.
  • Additional commands will have to be documented.


  • It could add a lot of complexity to the codebase.
  • Adding additional languages in the future will have to solve problems around linking as well.


  • Develop as a separate tool (like Lerna). Which might be good because it would force us to have a detailed programatic api, but also might be bad because it would expose a lot of internal behavior of Yarn.

Unresolved questions

  1. What should be the behavior of running commands in nested workspace packages? Should they treat that as the top-level package or lookup to see
  2. Where should yarn workspace[s] pack place all of the .tgz files (top-level or inside each workspace)?