The milestone focuses on item operations and introduces shortcuts for item creation
- Check that attribute name does not contain blank space (#336)
- Item creation should protect against duplicated id (#330)
- item_add should secure that item has expected structure & types (#345)
- item_delete should secure id parameter (#350)
- item add, update and delete functions should work out of a reactive context (#347)
- item add, update & delete should be secured by tryCatch (#351)
- Implement search function (#254)
- Implement value suggestion for item creation inputs (#295)
- Implement backup / restore mechanism (#294)
- Cleanup range in date_slider section (#338)
- Implement NEWS (#334)
- Implement pkgdown & GitHub Page CI (#331)
- Data model should be stored only once items have been migrated after adding an attribute (#324)
- Error in if when trying to migrate items with a new POSIXct attribute (#325)
- Need to double check that POSIXct column is there in the items before conversion (#326)
- All attributes get skip & filter set to TRUE after import (#329)
- item_search function needs to use .data (#328)
- item_search throws a warning in tidyselect (#348)
The milestone focus is on code coverage
- Remove DT package import
- Improve test coverage
- Implement R-CMD-check CI (GitHub action)
- Update codecov CI (GitHub action)
The milestone focus is on code architecture
- Implement attribute_delete function (#309)
- Externalize delete data model as functions(#308)
- Externalize attribute wizard as a module (#307)
- Reload items only if data model integrity check impacts them (#306)
- Externalize import as a module (#312)
- Implement danger_zone_ui function (#310)
- Delete data model modal gets wrong confirmation string (#311)
The milestone focus is on code architecture
- Implement admin parameter in main server (#301)
- Homogenize input / output names (#288)
- Homogenize function names (#292)
- Externalize admin in a dedicated shiny module (#301)
- Code cleanup (#289)
- Test coverage (#299)
The milestone focus is on data-model
- Implement modal wizard to create or update data model's attribute (#281)
- Support arguments in default_fun mechanism (#63)
- Implement multiple ordering in the data model definition (#239)
- Remove support of POSIXlt class (#280)
- Improve support of POSIXct class (timezone, form, persistence, ISO-8601) (#253)
- Implement delete data model (and manage impacts) (#282)
- Deleting the last attribute of a data model cleans data model & items (#273)
- Implement warning when autosave is turned off (#283)
- Improve admin UI to show module vs nested module call (#250)
- Check attribute type persistence during load (POSIXct, ISO-8601) (#177)
- Remove standard view (#278)
- Update demo app to demonstrate module call vs nested module call (#241)
- Data model is saved after check integrity even if autosave is FALSE (#291)
- Create button is still available after data model is deleted (#290)
- Deleting attribute date generates an error in filter / selected items (#287)
- Date_slider is updated twice upon init app (#285)
- Reorder column is called when initializing the admin UI (#284)
This is a minor revision focusing on code cleanup, test & documentation
- Cleanup code (#275)
- Update kitems_names.R to remove triggers, items, data model (#264)
- Remove hard coded parameters for id (#219)
- Turn trigger_create into a function
- Remove r dependency and update server signature (#276)
- Cleanup tests (#277)
- Update readme file with module return value pattern (#263)
This is a major revision introducing module server return value (instead of triggers)
- Implement module server return value (#257, #258)
- Remove / turn triggers into functions (#259, #261, #262, #265)
- Ensure datetime continuity over read / write (#269)
- Crash when trying to delete latest attribute from the data model (#272)
- Data model admin table should display all attributes (#244)
- App crashes during create if logical attribute has no default value (#246)
- Update id attribute default function does not work (#248)
- Item file is created even if autosave is FALSE when creating a data model from the admin UI (#271)
- Id does not get the default function when creating a new data model (#249)