This is a PCB lightsaber controlled by a gyroscope and accelerometer that I designed. I created it originally for The Trail, an event organized by Hack Club.
I initially designed the entire board with a ATmeag32U4 chip, and you can find the schematic and PCB design in the main branch. I also added some lighthouse-themed silkscreens as my original idea was to make it a desk lamp. I encountered a lot of problems along way and decided to use an Ardunio Nano instead. I used my PCB board as a base and connected the Ardunio Nano.
Dynamic LED Control: LEDs light up based on movement detected by the gyroscope and acceleromenter.
- The faster you accelerate, the more LEDs illuminate.
- Each axis (x, y, z) on the gyroscope control a different LED color: red, blue, or green.
- Ardunio Nano Microcontroller
- MPU-6050 Gyroscope and Accelerometer
- NeoPixel LED Strip
- 6V Battery
Here are some really cool long-exposure light photos I took with the lightsaber in action!
Special thanks to Thomas Stubblefield, Kevin Yang, and Isaac Davenport for helping and encouraging me on the way!
Magic Frog's Lightsaber is licensed under the MIT License. See the full license text in License.