From a16874b8c455a139f1c32bd0407144fa36f1c8c4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: gitwoz <>
Date: Fri, 15 Nov 2024 11:17:42 +0700
Subject: [PATCH 1/5] feat(tag): deprecate unused
src/components/Tag/DigestList/index.tsx | 6 +-
src/components/Tag/ToggleSelected/index.tsx | 55 -
.../Tag/ToggleSelected/withToggleSelected.ts | 41 -
src/components/User/ResetWallet/index.tsx | 81 -
.../User/ResetWallet/withResetWallet.ts | 38 -
src/definitions/index.d.ts | 13 -
src/definitions/schema.d.ts | 24813 ++++++----------
src/gql/fragments/article/detail.gql | 9 -
src/gql/fragments/tag/detail.gql | 12 -
src/gql/fragments/tag/digest.gql | 3 -
src/gql/mutations/userLogin.gql | 4 +-
src/pages/Login/index.tsx | 8 +-
.../{withUserLogin.tsx => withEmailLogin.tsx} | 10 +-
src/pages/TagDetail/index.tsx | 41 +-
src/pages/UserDetail/index.tsx | 8 -
15 files changed, 9244 insertions(+), 15898 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 src/components/Tag/ToggleSelected/index.tsx
delete mode 100644 src/components/Tag/ToggleSelected/withToggleSelected.ts
delete mode 100644 src/components/User/ResetWallet/index.tsx
delete mode 100644 src/components/User/ResetWallet/withResetWallet.ts
rename src/pages/Login/{withUserLogin.tsx => withEmailLogin.tsx} (63%)
diff --git a/src/components/Tag/DigestList/index.tsx b/src/components/Tag/DigestList/index.tsx
index 5afd109b..2380c318 100644
--- a/src/components/Tag/DigestList/index.tsx
+++ b/src/components/Tag/DigestList/index.tsx
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import DateTime from '../../DateTime'
import SetBoost from '../../SetBoost'
import TagLink from '../../Tag/Link'
import TagStateTag from '../../Tag/StateTag'
-import ToggleSelected from '../ToggleSelected'
+// import ToggleSelected from '../ToggleSelected'
import withTagMutaitons, {
} from '../../../hocs/withTagMutations'
@@ -448,7 +448,7 @@ class TagDigestList extends React.Component<
- {inRecommendedTagsPage && (
+ {/* {inRecommendedTagsPage && (
@@ -457,7 +457,7 @@ class TagDigestList extends React.Component<
- )}
+ )} */}
diff --git a/src/components/Tag/ToggleSelected/index.tsx b/src/components/Tag/ToggleSelected/index.tsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 30bf3fdb..00000000
--- a/src/components/Tag/ToggleSelected/index.tsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-import * as React from 'react'
-import { Switch } from 'antd'
-import _get from 'lodash/get'
-import ErrorMessage from '../../ErrorMessage'
-import withToggleSelected, { ChildProps } from './withToggleSelected'
-type ToggleSelectedState = {
- checked: boolean
- loading: boolean
- error: any
-class ToggleSelected extends React.Component {
- state: Readonly = {
- checked: this.props.checked,
- loading: false,
- error: null,
- }
- private _onChange = async () => {
- this.setState({ loading: true, error: null })
- const { mutate, tagId } = this.props
- try {
- const result = await mutate({
- variables: {
- input: {
- id: tagId,
- enabled: !this.state.checked,
- },
- },
- })
- const selected = _get(result, 'data.toggleTagRecommend.oss.selected')
- this.setState({ checked: selected, loading: false, error: null })
- } catch (error) {
- this.setState({ loading: false, error })
- }
- }
- public render() {
- const { checked, loading, error } = this.state
- if (error) {
- return
- }
- return (
- )
- }
-export default withToggleSelected(ToggleSelected)
diff --git a/src/components/Tag/ToggleSelected/withToggleSelected.ts b/src/components/Tag/ToggleSelected/withToggleSelected.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ceed74b..00000000
--- a/src/components/Tag/ToggleSelected/withToggleSelected.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-import { graphql, ChildMutateProps } from 'react-apollo'
-import gql from 'graphql-tag'
- mutation ToggleTagSelected($input: ToggleRecommendInput!) {
- toggleTagRecommend(input: $input) {
- id
- oss {
- selected
- }
- }
- }
-type Response = {
- toggleTagSelected: {
- oss: {
- selected: boolean
- }
- }
-type InputProps = {
- checked: boolean
- tagId: string
-type Variables = {
- input: {
- id: string
- enabled: boolean
- }
-export type ChildProps = ChildMutateProps
-const withToggleSelected = graphql(
-export default withToggleSelected
diff --git a/src/components/User/ResetWallet/index.tsx b/src/components/User/ResetWallet/index.tsx
deleted file mode 100644
index efc05824..00000000
--- a/src/components/User/ResetWallet/index.tsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-import * as React from 'react'
-import { Button, Modal, message, Tag } from 'antd'
-import withResetWallet, { ChildProps } from './withResetWallet'
-import { ApolloError } from 'apollo-client'
-type ResetWalletState = {
- loading: boolean
- error: any
-class ResetWallet extends React.Component {
- state: Readonly = {
- loading: false,
- error: null,
- }
- private action = async (resetWallet: any): Promise => {
- const { id } = this.props
- if (!resetWallet) {
- return
- }
- this.setState((prev) => ({
- ...prev,
- loading: true,
- error: null,
- }))
- try {
- const result = await resetWallet({
- variables: {
- input: {
- id,
- },
- },
- })
- message.success('重置成功')
- } catch (error) {
- this.setState(
- (prev) => ({ ...prev, loading: false, error }),
- () => {
- if (error instanceof ApolloError) {
- message.error(`重置失敗: ${error}`)
- } else {
- message.error('重置失敗')
- }
- }
- )
- }
- }
- private _onReset = async () => {
- const { mutate, ethAddress } = this.props
- Modal.confirm({
- title: `確認重置此用户加密錢包?`,
- cancelText: '取消',
- okText: '確認重置',
- onOk: async () => {
- await this.action(mutate)
- },
- })
- }
- public render() {
- const { loading } = this.state
- const { ethAddress } = this.props
- return (
- )
- }
-export default withResetWallet(ResetWallet)
diff --git a/src/components/User/ResetWallet/withResetWallet.ts b/src/components/User/ResetWallet/withResetWallet.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 462fd560..00000000
--- a/src/components/User/ResetWallet/withResetWallet.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-import { graphql, ChildMutateProps } from 'react-apollo'
-import gql from 'graphql-tag'
-const RESET_WALLET = gql`
- mutation ResetWallet($input: ResetWalletInput!) {
- resetWallet(input: $input) {
- id
- __typename
- }
- }
-type Response = {
- resetWallet: {
- user: {
- id: string
- }
- }
-type InputProps = {
- id: string
- ethAddress: string | undefined
-type Variables = {
- input: {
- id: string
- }
-export type ChildProps = ChildMutateProps
-const withResetWallet = graphql(
-export default withResetWallet
diff --git a/src/definitions/index.d.ts b/src/definitions/index.d.ts
index 970f1399..50ff5015 100644
--- a/src/definitions/index.d.ts
+++ b/src/definitions/index.d.ts
@@ -85,7 +85,6 @@ export type TagDigest = {
oss: {
boost: number
score: number
- selected: boolean
deleted: boolean
@@ -93,16 +92,6 @@ export type TagDigest = {
export type TagDetail = TagDigest & {
articles: Connection
remark: string
- creator: {
- id: string
- userName: string
- displayName: string
- }
- editors: Array<{
- id: string
- userName: string
- displayName: string
- }>
@@ -143,8 +132,6 @@ export type ArticleDetail = ArticleDigest & {
appreciationsReceivedTotal: number
collection: Connection
collectedBy: Connection
- subscribers: UserDigest[]
- subscribed: boolean
hasAppreciate: boolean
remark: string
comments: Connection
diff --git a/src/definitions/schema.d.ts b/src/definitions/schema.d.ts
index b35281d9..d3ce4c9c 100644
--- a/src/definitions/schema.d.ts
+++ b/src/definitions/schema.d.ts
@@ -1,16372 +1,10009 @@
-import { Context } from './index'
-/* tslint:disable */
-/* eslint-disable */
-import { GraphQLResolveInfo, GraphQLScalarType } from 'graphql'
- * This file is auto-generated by graphql-schema-typescript
- * Please note that any changes in this file may be overwritten
- */
+import {
+ GraphQLResolveInfo,
+ GraphQLScalarType,
+ GraphQLScalarTypeConfig,
+} from 'graphql'
+import {
+ User as UserModel,
+ Wallet as WalletModel,
+ OAuthClientDB as OAuthClientDBModel,
+} from './user'
+import { Tag as TagModel } from './tag'
+import { Collection as CollectionModel } from './collection'
+import { Comment as CommentModel } from './comment'
+import {
+ Article as ArticleModel,
+ ArticleVersion as ArticleVersionModel,
+} from './article'
+import { Draft as DraftModel } from './draft'
+import {
+ Circle as CircleModel,
+ CircleInvitation as CircleInvitationModel,
+ CircleMember as CircleMemberModel,
+} from './circle'
+import {
+ CirclePrice as CirclePriceModel,
+ Transaction as TransactionModel,
+ Writing as WritingModel,
+ Context,
+} from './index'
+import { PayoutAccount as PayoutAccountModel } from './payment'
+import { Asset as AssetModel } from './asset'
+import { NoticeItem as NoticeItemModel } from './notification'
+import { Appreciation as AppreciationModel } from './appreciation'
+import { Report as ReportModel } from './report'
+import { MattersChoiceTopic as MattersChoiceTopicModel } from './misc'
+import { Moment as MomentModel } from './moment'
+import {
+ Campaign as CampaignModel,
+ CampaignStage as CampaignStageModel,
+} from './campaign'
+export type Maybe = T | null
+export type InputMaybe = T | undefined
+export type Exact = {
+ [K in keyof T]: T[K]
+export type MakeOptional = Omit &
+ {
+ [SubKey in K]?: Maybe
+ }
+export type MakeMaybe = Omit &
+ {
+ [SubKey in K]: Maybe
+ }
+export type MakeEmpty<
+ T extends { [key: string]: unknown },
+ K extends keyof T
+> = { [_ in K]?: never }
+export type Incremental =
+ | T
+ | {
+ [P in keyof T]?: P extends ' $fragmentName' | '__typename' ? T[P] : never
+ }
+export type Omit = Pick>
+export type RequireFields = Omit &
+ {
+ [P in K]-?: NonNullable
+ }
+/** All built-in and custom scalars, mapped to their actual values */
+export type Scalars = {
+ ID: { input: string; output: string }
+ String: { input: string; output: string }
+ Boolean: { input: boolean; output: boolean }
+ Int: { input: number; output: number }
+ Float: { input: number; output: number }
+ DateTime: { input: any; output: any }
+ Upload: { input: any; output: any }
- * *
- * *
- *******************************/
-export interface GQLQuery {
- article?: GQLArticle
- campaign?: GQLCampaign
- campaigns: GQLCampaignConnection
- circle?: GQLCircle
- node?: GQLNode
- nodes?: Array
- frequentSearch?: Array
- search: GQLSearchResultConnection
- official: GQLOfficial
- oss: GQLOSS
- viewer?: GQLUser
- user?: GQLUser
- oauthRequestToken?: string
- exchangeRates?: Array
- oauthClient?: GQLOAuthClient
- moment?: GQLMoment
+export type GQLAddCollectionsArticlesInput = {
+ articles: Array
+ collections: Array
-export interface GQLArticleInput {
- mediaHash?: string
- shortHash?: string
+export type GQLAddCreditInput = {
+ amount: Scalars['Float']['input']
- * This type contains metadata, content, hash and related data of an article. If you
- * want information about article's comments. Please check Comment type.
- */
-export interface GQLArticle extends GQLNode, GQLPinnableWork {
- /**
- * Unique ID of this article
- */
- id: string
+export type GQLAddCreditResult = {
+ __typename?: 'AddCreditResult'
+ /** The client secret of this PaymentIntent. */
+ client_secret: Scalars['String']['output']
+ transaction: GQLTransaction
- /**
- * The number represents how popular is this article.
- */
- topicScore?: number
+export type GQLAnnouncement = {
+ __typename?: 'Announcement'
+ content?: Maybe
+ cover?: Maybe
+ createdAt: Scalars['DateTime']['output']
+ expiredAt?: Maybe
+ id: Scalars['ID']['output']
+ link?: Maybe
+ order: Scalars['Int']['output']
+ title?: Maybe
+ translations?: Maybe>
+ type: GQLAnnouncementType
+ updatedAt: Scalars['DateTime']['output']
+ visible: Scalars['Boolean']['output']
- /**
- * Slugified article title.
- */
- slug: string
+export type GQLAnnouncementType = 'community' | 'product' | 'seminar'
- /**
- * Time of this article was created.
- */
- createdAt: GQLDateTime
+export type GQLAnnouncementsInput = {
+ id?: InputMaybe
+ visible?: InputMaybe
- /**
- * Time of this article was revised.
- */
- revisedAt?: GQLDateTime
+export type GQLApplyCampaignInput = {
+ id: Scalars['ID']['input']
- /**
- * State of this article.
- */
- state: GQLArticleState
+export type GQLAppreciateArticleInput = {
+ amount: Scalars['Int']['input']
+ id: Scalars['ID']['input']
+ superLike?: InputMaybe
+ token?: InputMaybe
- /**
- * Author of this article.
- */
- author: GQLUser
+export type GQLAppreciation = {
+ __typename?: 'Appreciation'
+ amount: Scalars['Int']['output']
+ content: Scalars['String']['output']
+ /** Timestamp of appreciation. */
+ createdAt: Scalars['DateTime']['output']
+ purpose: GQLAppreciationPurpose
+ /** Recipient of appreciation. */
+ recipient: GQLUser
+ /** Sender of appreciation. */
+ sender?: Maybe
+ /** Object that appreciation is meant for. */
+ target?: Maybe
- /**
- * Article title.
- */
- title: string
+export type GQLAppreciationConnection = GQLConnection & {
+ __typename?: 'AppreciationConnection'
+ edges?: Maybe>
+ pageInfo: GQLPageInfo
+ totalCount: Scalars['Int']['output']
- /**
- * Article cover's link.
- */
- cover?: string
+export type GQLAppreciationEdge = {
+ __typename?: 'AppreciationEdge'
+ cursor: Scalars['String']['output']
+ node: GQLAppreciation
- /**
- * List of assets are belonged to this article (Only the author can access currently).
- */
- assets: Array
+export type GQLAppreciationPurpose =
+ | 'appreciate'
+ | 'appreciateComment'
+ | 'appreciateSubsidy'
+ | 'firstPost'
+ | 'invitationAccepted'
+ | 'joinByInvitation'
+ | 'joinByTask'
+ | 'systemSubsidy'
- /**
- * A short summary for this article.
- */
- summary: string
+ * This type contains metadata, content, hash and related data of an article. If you
+ * want information about article's comments. Please check Comment type.
+ */
+export type GQLArticle = GQLNode &
+ GQLPinnableWork & {
+ __typename?: 'Article'
+ /** Access related fields on circle */
+ access: GQLArticleAccess
+ /** Number represents how many times per user can appreciate this article. */
+ appreciateLeft: Scalars['Int']['output']
+ /** Limit the nuhmber of appreciate per user. */
+ appreciateLimit: Scalars['Int']['output']
+ /** Appreciations history of this article. */
+ appreciationsReceived: GQLAppreciationConnection
+ /** Total number of appreciations recieved of this article. */
+ appreciationsReceivedTotal: Scalars['Int']['output']
+ /** List of assets are belonged to this article (Only the author can access currently). */
+ assets: Array
+ /** Author of this article. */
+ author: GQLUser
+ /** Available translation languages. */
+ availableTranslations?: Maybe>
+ bookmarked: Scalars['Boolean']['output']
+ /** associated campaigns */
+ campaigns: Array
+ /** whether readers can comment */
+ canComment: Scalars['Boolean']['output']
+ /** This value determines if current viewer can SuperLike or not. */
+ canSuperLike: Scalars['Boolean']['output']
+ /** List of articles which added this article into their collections. */
+ collectedBy: GQLArticleConnection
+ /** List of articles added into this article' collection. */
+ collection: GQLArticleConnection
+ /** The counting number of comments. */
+ commentCount: Scalars['Int']['output']
+ /** List of comments of this article. */
+ comments: GQLCommentConnection
+ /** Content (HTML) of this article. */
+ content: Scalars['String']['output']
+ /** Different foramts of content. */
+ contents: GQLArticleContents
+ /** Article cover's link. */
+ cover?: Maybe
+ /** Time of this article was created. */
+ createdAt: Scalars['DateTime']['output']
+ /** IPFS hash of this article. */
+ dataHash: Scalars['String']['output']
+ /** whether current viewer has donated to this article */
+ donated: Scalars['Boolean']['output']
+ /** Total number of donation recieved of this article. */
+ donationCount: Scalars['Int']['output']
+ /** Donations of this article, grouped by sender */
+ donations: GQLArticleDonationConnection
+ /** List of featured comments of this article. */
+ featuredComments: GQLCommentConnection
+ /** This value determines if current viewer has appreciated or not. */
+ hasAppreciate: Scalars['Boolean']['output']
+ /** Unique ID of this article */
+ id: Scalars['ID']['output']
+ /** whether the first line of paragraph should be indented */
+ indentFirstLine: Scalars['Boolean']['output']
+ /** the iscnId if published to ISCN */
+ iscnId?: Maybe
+ /** Original language of content */
+ language?: Maybe
+ /** License Type */
+ license: GQLArticleLicenseType
+ /** Media hash, composed of cid encoding, of this article. */
+ mediaHash: Scalars['String']['output']
+ oss: GQLArticleOss
+ /** The number determines how many comments can be set as pinned comment. */
+ pinCommentLeft: Scalars['Int']['output']
+ /** The number determines how many pinned comments can be set. */
+ pinCommentLimit: Scalars['Int']['output']
+ /** This value determines if this article is an author selected article or not. */
+ pinned: Scalars['Boolean']['output']
+ /** List of pinned comments. */
+ pinnedComments?: Maybe>
+ /** Cumulative reading time in seconds */
+ readTime: Scalars['Float']['output']
+ /** Total number of readers of this article. */
+ readerCount: Scalars['Int']['output']
+ /** Related articles to this article. */
+ relatedArticles: GQLArticleConnection
+ /** Donation-related articles to this article. */
+ relatedDonationArticles: GQLArticleConnection
+ remark?: Maybe
+ /** creator message after support */
+ replyToDonator?: Maybe
+ /** creator message asking for support */
+ requestForDonation?: Maybe
+ /** The counting number of this article. */
+ responseCount: Scalars['Int']['output']
+ /** List of responses of a article. */
+ responses: GQLResponseConnection
+ /** Time of this article was revised. */
+ revisedAt?: Maybe
+ /** Revision Count */
+ revisionCount: Scalars['Int']['output']
+ /** whether content is marked as sensitive by admin */
+ sensitiveByAdmin: Scalars['Boolean']['output']
+ /** whether content is marked as sensitive by author */
+ sensitiveByAuthor: Scalars['Boolean']['output']
+ /** Short hash for shorter url addressing */
+ shortHash: Scalars['String']['output']
+ /** Slugified article title. */
+ slug: Scalars['String']['output']
+ /** State of this article. */
+ state: GQLArticleState
+ /**
+ * This value determines if current Viewer has bookmarked of not.
+ * @deprecated Use bookmarked instead
+ */
+ subscribed: Scalars['Boolean']['output']
+ /** A short summary for this article. */
+ summary: Scalars['String']['output']
+ /** This value determines if the summary is customized or not. */
+ summaryCustomized: Scalars['Boolean']['output']
+ /** Tags attached to this article. */
+ tags?: Maybe>
+ /** Article title. */
+ title: Scalars['String']['output']
+ /** The number represents how popular is this article. */
+ topicScore?: Maybe
+ /** Transactions history of this article. */
+ transactionsReceivedBy: GQLUserConnection
+ /** Translation of article title and content. */
+ translation?: Maybe
+ /** history versions */
+ versions: GQLArticleVersionsConnection
+ /** Word count of this article. */
+ wordCount?: Maybe
+ }
- /**
- * This value determines if the summary is customized or not.
- */
- summaryCustomized: boolean
+ * This type contains metadata, content, hash and related data of an article. If you
+ * want information about article's comments. Please check Comment type.
+ */
+export type GQLArticleAppreciationsReceivedArgs = {
+ input: GQLConnectionArgs
- /**
- * Tags attached to this article.
- */
- tags?: Array
+ * This type contains metadata, content, hash and related data of an article. If you
+ * want information about article's comments. Please check Comment type.
+ */
+export type GQLArticleCollectedByArgs = {
+ input: GQLConnectionArgs
- /**
- * Word count of this article.
- */
- wordCount?: number
+ * This type contains metadata, content, hash and related data of an article. If you
+ * want information about article's comments. Please check Comment type.
+ */
+export type GQLArticleCollectionArgs = {
+ input: GQLConnectionArgs
- /**
- * IPFS hash of this article.
- */
- dataHash: string
+ * This type contains metadata, content, hash and related data of an article. If you
+ * want information about article's comments. Please check Comment type.
+ */
+export type GQLArticleCommentsArgs = {
+ input: GQLCommentsInput
- /**
- * Media hash, composed of cid encoding, of this article.
- */
- mediaHash: string
+ * This type contains metadata, content, hash and related data of an article. If you
+ * want information about article's comments. Please check Comment type.
+ */
+export type GQLArticleDonationsArgs = {
+ input: GQLConnectionArgs
- /**
- * Short hash for shorter url addressing
- */
- shortHash: string
+ * This type contains metadata, content, hash and related data of an article. If you
+ * want information about article's comments. Please check Comment type.
+ */
+export type GQLArticleFeaturedCommentsArgs = {
+ input: GQLFeaturedCommentsInput
- /**
- * Content (HTML) of this article.
- */
- content: string
+ * This type contains metadata, content, hash and related data of an article. If you
+ * want information about article's comments. Please check Comment type.
+ */
+export type GQLArticleRelatedArticlesArgs = {
+ input: GQLConnectionArgs
- /**
- * Different foramts of content.
- */
- contents: GQLArticleContents
+ * This type contains metadata, content, hash and related data of an article. If you
+ * want information about article's comments. Please check Comment type.
+ */
+export type GQLArticleRelatedDonationArticlesArgs = {
+ input: GQLRelatedDonationArticlesInput
- /**
- * Original language of content
- */
- language?: string
+ * This type contains metadata, content, hash and related data of an article. If you
+ * want information about article's comments. Please check Comment type.
+ */
+export type GQLArticleResponsesArgs = {
+ input: GQLResponsesInput
- /**
- * List of articles which added this article into their collections.
- */
- collectedBy: GQLArticleConnection
+ * This type contains metadata, content, hash and related data of an article. If you
+ * want information about article's comments. Please check Comment type.
+ */
+export type GQLArticleTransactionsReceivedByArgs = {
+ input: GQLTransactionsReceivedByArgs
- /**
- * List of articles added into this article' collection.
- */
- collection: GQLArticleConnection
+ * This type contains metadata, content, hash and related data of an article. If you
+ * want information about article's comments. Please check Comment type.
+ */
+export type GQLArticleTranslationArgs = {
+ input?: InputMaybe
- /**
- * Related articles to this article.
- */
- relatedArticles: GQLArticleConnection
+ * This type contains metadata, content, hash and related data of an article. If you
+ * want information about article's comments. Please check Comment type.
+ */
+export type GQLArticleVersionsArgs = {
+ input: GQLArticleVersionsInput
- /**
- * Donation-related articles to this article.
- */
- relatedDonationArticles: GQLArticleConnection
+export type GQLArticleAccess = {
+ __typename?: 'ArticleAccess'
+ circle?: Maybe
+ secret?: Maybe
+ type: GQLArticleAccessType
- /**
- * Appreciations history of this article.
- */
- appreciationsReceived: GQLAppreciationConnection
+/** Enums for types of article access */
+export type GQLArticleAccessType = 'paywall' | 'public'
- /**
- * Total number of appreciations recieved of this article.
- */
- appreciationsReceivedTotal: number
+export type GQLArticleArticleNotice = GQLNotice & {
+ __typename?: 'ArticleArticleNotice'
+ /** List of notice actors. */
+ actors?: Maybe>
+ article: GQLArticle
+ /** Time of this notice was created. */
+ createdAt: Scalars['DateTime']['output']
+ /** Unique ID of this notice. */
+ id: Scalars['ID']['output']
+ target: GQLArticle
+ type: GQLArticleArticleNoticeType
+ /** The value determines if the notice is unread or not. */
+ unread: Scalars['Boolean']['output']
- /**
- * Total number of donation recieved of this article.
- */
- donationCount: number
+export type GQLArticleArticleNoticeType = 'ArticleNewCollected'
- /**
- * Total number of readers of this article.
- */
- readerCount: number
+export type GQLArticleCampaign = {
+ __typename?: 'ArticleCampaign'
+ campaign: GQLCampaign
+ stage?: Maybe
- /**
- * Subscribers of this article.
- */
- subscribers: GQLUserConnection
+export type GQLArticleCampaignInput = {
+ campaign: Scalars['ID']['input']
+ stage: Scalars['ID']['input']
- /**
- * Limit the nuhmber of appreciate per user.
- */
- appreciateLimit: number
+export type GQLArticleConnection = GQLConnection & {
+ __typename?: 'ArticleConnection'
+ edges?: Maybe>
+ pageInfo: GQLPageInfo
+ totalCount: Scalars['Int']['output']
- /**
- * Number represents how many times per user can appreciate this article.
- */
- appreciateLeft: number
+export type GQLArticleContents = {
+ __typename?: 'ArticleContents'
+ /** HTML content of this article. */
+ html: Scalars['String']['output']
+ /** Markdown content of this article. */
+ markdown: Scalars['String']['output']
- /**
- * This value determines if current viewer has appreciated or not.
- */
- hasAppreciate: boolean
+export type GQLArticleDonation = {
+ __typename?: 'ArticleDonation'
+ id: Scalars['ID']['output']
+ sender?: Maybe
- /**
- * This value determines if current viewer can SuperLike or not.
- */
- canSuperLike: boolean
+export type GQLArticleDonationConnection = {
+ __typename?: 'ArticleDonationConnection'
+ edges?: Maybe>
+ pageInfo: GQLPageInfo
+ totalCount: Scalars['Int']['output']
- /**
- * This value determines if current Viewer has subscribed of not.
- */
- subscribed: boolean
+export type GQLArticleDonationEdge = {
+ __typename?: 'ArticleDonationEdge'
+ cursor: Scalars['String']['output']
+ node: GQLArticleDonation
- /**
- * This value determines if this article is an author selected article or not.
- * @deprecated Use pinned instead
- */
- sticky: boolean
- pinned: boolean
+export type GQLArticleEdge = {
+ __typename?: 'ArticleEdge'
+ cursor: Scalars['String']['output']
+ node: GQLArticle
- /**
- * Translation of article title and content.
- */
- translation?: GQLArticleTranslation
+export type GQLArticleInput = {
+ mediaHash?: InputMaybe
+ shortHash?: InputMaybe
- /**
- * Available translation languages.
- */
- availableTranslations?: Array
+/** Enums for types of article license */
+export type GQLArticleLicenseType =
+ | 'arr'
+ | 'cc_0'
+ | 'cc_by_nc_nd_2'
+ | 'cc_by_nc_nd_4'
- /**
- * Transactions history of this article.
- */
- transactionsReceivedBy: GQLUserConnection
+export type GQLArticleNotice = GQLNotice & {
+ __typename?: 'ArticleNotice'
+ /** List of notice actors. */
+ actors?: Maybe>
+ /** Time of this notice was created. */
+ createdAt: Scalars['DateTime']['output']
+ /** Unique ID of this notice. */
+ id: Scalars['ID']['output']
+ target: GQLArticle
+ type: GQLArticleNoticeType
+ /** The value determines if the notice is unread or not. */
+ unread: Scalars['Boolean']['output']
- /**
- * Donations of this article, grouped by sender
- */
- donations: GQLArticleDonationConnection
+export type GQLArticleNoticeType =
+ | 'ArticleMentionedYou'
+ | 'ArticleNewAppreciation'
+ | 'ArticleNewSubscriber'
+ | 'ArticlePublished'
+ | 'CircleNewArticle'
+ | 'RevisedArticleNotPublished'
+ | 'RevisedArticlePublished'
- /**
- * Cumulative reading time in seconds
- */
- readTime: number
+export type GQLArticleOss = {
+ __typename?: 'ArticleOSS'
+ boost: Scalars['Float']['output']
+ inRecommendHottest: Scalars['Boolean']['output']
+ inRecommendIcymi: Scalars['Boolean']['output']
+ inRecommendNewest: Scalars['Boolean']['output']
+ inSearch: Scalars['Boolean']['output']
+ score: Scalars['Float']['output']
+ spamStatus: GQLSpamStatus
- /**
- * Drafts linked to this article.
- * @deprecated Use Article.newestUnpublishedDraft or Article.newestPublishedDraft instead
- */
- drafts?: Array
+export type GQLArticleRecommendationActivity = {
+ __typename?: 'ArticleRecommendationActivity'
+ /** Recommended articles */
+ nodes?: Maybe>
+ /** The source type of recommendation */
+ source?: Maybe
- /**
- * Newest unpublished draft linked to this article.
- */
- newestUnpublishedDraft?: GQLDraft
+export type GQLArticleRecommendationActivitySource =
+ | 'ReadArticlesTags'
+ | 'UserDonation'
- /**
- * Newest published draft linked to this article.
- */
- newestPublishedDraft: GQLDraft
+/** Enums for an article state. */
+export type GQLArticleState = 'active' | 'archived' | 'banned'
- /**
- * Revision Count
- */
- revisionCount: number
+export type GQLArticleTranslation = {
+ __typename?: 'ArticleTranslation'
+ content?: Maybe
+ language?: Maybe
+ summary?: Maybe
+ title?: Maybe
- /**
- * Access related fields on circle
- */
- access: GQLArticleAccess
+export type GQLArticleVersion = GQLNode & {
+ __typename?: 'ArticleVersion'
+ contents: GQLArticleContents
+ createdAt: Scalars['DateTime']['output']
+ dataHash?: Maybe
+ description?: Maybe
+ id: Scalars['ID']['output']
+ mediaHash?: Maybe
+ summary: Scalars['String']['output']
+ title: Scalars['String']['output']
+ translation?: Maybe
- /**
- * whether content is marked as sensitive by author
- */
- sensitiveByAuthor: boolean
- /**
- * whether content is marked as sensitive by admin
- */
- sensitiveByAdmin: boolean
- /**
- * License Type
- */
- license: GQLArticleLicenseType
- /**
- * whether current viewer has donated to this article
- */
- donated: boolean
- /**
- * creator message asking for support
- */
- requestForDonation?: string
- /**
- * creator message after support
- */
- replyToDonator?: string
- /**
- * the iscnId if published to ISCN
- */
- iscnId?: string
- /**
- * whether readers can comment
- */
- canComment: boolean
- /**
- * history versions
- */
- versions: GQLArticleVersionsConnection
- /**
- * associated campaigns
- */
- campaigns: Array
- oss: GQLArticleOSS
- remark?: string
- /**
- * The counting number of comments.
- */
- commentCount: number
- /**
- * The number determines how many pinned comments can be set.
- */
- pinCommentLimit: number
- /**
- * The number determines how many comments can be set as pinned comment.
- */
- pinCommentLeft: number
- /**
- * List of pinned comments.
- */
- pinnedComments?: Array
- /**
- * List of featured comments of this article.
- */
- featuredComments: GQLCommentConnection
- /**
- * List of comments of this article.
- */
- comments: GQLCommentConnection
- /**
- * The counting number of this article.
- */
- responseCount: number
- /**
- * List of responses of a article.
- */
- responses: GQLResponseConnection
+export type GQLArticleVersionTranslationArgs = {
+ input?: InputMaybe
-export interface GQLNode {
- id: string
+export type GQLArticleVersionEdge = {
+ __typename?: 'ArticleVersionEdge'
+ cursor: Scalars['String']['output']
+ node: GQLArticleVersion
-/** Use this to resolve interface type Node */
-export type GQLPossibleNodeTypeNames =
- | 'Article'
- | 'User'
- | 'Circle'
- | 'Comment'
- | 'Tag'
- | 'Moment'
- | 'IcymiTopic'
- | 'Collection'
- | 'Draft'
- | 'ArticleVersion'
- | 'Report'
- | 'WritingChallenge'
+export type GQLArticleVersionsConnection = GQLConnection & {
+ __typename?: 'ArticleVersionsConnection'
+ edges: Array>
+ pageInfo: GQLPageInfo
+ totalCount: Scalars['Int']['output']
-export interface GQLNodeNameMap {
- Node: GQLNode
- Article: GQLArticle
- User: GQLUser
- Circle: GQLCircle
- Comment: GQLComment
- Tag: GQLTag
- Moment: GQLMoment
- IcymiTopic: GQLIcymiTopic
- Collection: GQLCollection
- Draft: GQLDraft
- ArticleVersion: GQLArticleVersion
- Report: GQLReport
- WritingChallenge: GQLWritingChallenge
+export type GQLArticleVersionsInput = {
+ after?: InputMaybe
+ first?: InputMaybe
-export interface GQLPinnableWork {
- id: string
- pinned: boolean
- title: string
- cover?: string
+/** This type contains type, link and related data of an asset. */
+export type GQLAsset = {
+ __typename?: 'Asset'
+ /** Time of this asset was created. */
+ createdAt: Scalars['DateTime']['output']
+ draft?: Maybe
+ /** Unique ID of this Asset. */
+ id: Scalars['ID']['output']
+ /** Link of this asset. */
+ path: Scalars['String']['output']
+ /** Types of this asset. */
+ type: GQLAssetType
+ uploadURL?: Maybe
-/** Use this to resolve interface type PinnableWork */
-export type GQLPossiblePinnableWorkTypeNames = 'Article' | 'Collection'
+/** Enums for asset types. */
+export type GQLAssetType =
+ | 'announcementCover'
+ | 'avatar'
+ | 'campaignCover'
+ | 'circleAvatar'
+ | 'circleCover'
+ | 'collectionCover'
+ | 'cover'
+ | 'embed'
+ | 'embedaudio'
+ | 'moment'
+ | 'oauthClientAvatar'
+ | 'profileCover'
+ | 'tagCover'
-export interface GQLPinnableWorkNameMap {
- PinnableWork: GQLPinnableWork
- Article: GQLArticle
- Collection: GQLCollection
+export type GQLAuthResult = {
+ __typename?: 'AuthResult'
+ auth: Scalars['Boolean']['output']
+ token?: Maybe
+ type: GQLAuthResultType
+ user?: Maybe
- * A date-time string at UTC, such as 2007-12-03T10:15:30Z, compliant with the
- * `date-time` format outlined in section 5.6 of the RFC 3339 profile of the ISO
- * 8601 standard for representation of dates and times using the Gregorian calendar.
- */
-export type GQLDateTime = any
- * Enums for an article state.
- */
-export type GQLArticleState = 'active' | 'archived' | 'banned'
+export type GQLAuthResultType = 'LinkAccount' | 'Login' | 'Signup'
-export interface GQLUser extends GQLNode {
- /**
- * Circles belong to current user.
- */
- ownCircles?: Array
+export type GQLAuthorsType = 'active' | 'appreciated' | 'default' | 'trendy'
- /**
- * Circles whiches user has subscribed.
- */
- subscribedCircles: GQLCircleConnection
- notices: GQLNoticeConnection
+export type GQLBadge = {
+ __typename?: 'Badge'
+ type: GQLBadgeType
- /**
- * Global id of an user.
- */
- id: string
+export type GQLBadgeType =
+ | 'architect'
+ | 'golden_motor'
+ | 'grand_slam'
+ | 'nomad1'
+ | 'nomad2'
+ | 'nomad3'
+ | 'nomad4'
+ | 'seed'
- /**
- * Global unique user name of a user.
- */
- userName?: string
+export type GQLBadgedUsersInput = {
+ after?: InputMaybe
+ first?: InputMaybe
+ type?: InputMaybe
- /**
- * Display name on user profile, can be duplicated.
- */
- displayName?: string
+export type GQLBalance = {
+ __typename?: 'Balance'
+ HKD: Scalars['Float']['output']
- /**
- * LikerID of LikeCoin, being used by LikeCoin OAuth
- */
- likerId?: string
+export type GQLBlockchainTransaction = {
+ __typename?: 'BlockchainTransaction'
+ chain: GQLChain
+ txHash: Scalars['String']['output']
- /**
- * Liker info of current user
- */
- liker: GQLLiker
+export type GQLBlockedSearchKeyword = {
+ __typename?: 'BlockedSearchKeyword'
+ /** Time of this search keyword was created. */
+ createdAt: Scalars['DateTime']['output']
+ /** Unique ID of bloked search keyword. */
+ id: Scalars['ID']['output']
+ /** Types of this search keyword. */
+ searchKey: Scalars['String']['output']
- /**
- * URL for user avatar.
- */
- avatar?: string
+export type GQLBoostTypes = 'Article' | 'Campaign' | 'Tag' | 'User'
- /**
- * User information.
- */
- info: GQLUserInfo
+export type GQLCacheControlScope = 'PRIVATE' | 'PUBLIC'
- /**
- * User settings.
- */
- settings: GQLUserSettings
+export type GQLCampaign = {
+ id: Scalars['ID']['output']
+ name: Scalars['String']['output']
+ shortHash: Scalars['String']['output']
+ state: GQLCampaignState
- /**
- * Recommendations for current user.
- */
- recommendation: GQLRecommendation
+export type GQLCampaignApplication = {
+ __typename?: 'CampaignApplication'
+ createdAt: Scalars['DateTime']['output']
+ state: GQLCampaignApplicationState
- /**
- * Articles authored by current user.
- */
- articles: GQLArticleConnection
+export type GQLCampaignApplicationState = 'pending' | 'rejected' | 'succeeded'
- /**
- * Articles and moments authored by current user.
- */
- writings: GQLWritingConnection
+export type GQLCampaignArticleConnection = GQLConnection & {
+ __typename?: 'CampaignArticleConnection'
+ edges: Array
+ pageInfo: GQLPageInfo
+ totalCount: Scalars['Int']['output']
- /**
- * collections authored by current user.
- */
- collections: GQLCollectionConnection
+export type GQLCampaignArticleEdge = {
+ __typename?: 'CampaignArticleEdge'
+ cursor: Scalars['String']['output']
+ featured: Scalars['Boolean']['output']
+ node: GQLArticle
- /**
- * user latest articles or collections
- */
- latestWorks: Array
+export type GQLCampaignArticleNotice = GQLNotice & {
+ __typename?: 'CampaignArticleNotice'
+ /** List of notice actors. */
+ actors?: Maybe>
+ article: GQLArticle
+ /** Time of this notice was created. */
+ createdAt: Scalars['DateTime']['output']
+ /** Unique ID of this notice. */
+ id: Scalars['ID']['output']
+ target: GQLCampaign
+ type: GQLCampaignArticleNoticeType
+ /** The value determines if the notice is unread or not. */
+ unread: Scalars['Boolean']['output']
- /**
- * user pinned articles or collections
- */
- pinnedWorks: Array
+export type GQLCampaignArticleNoticeType = 'CampaignArticleFeatured'
- /**
- * Tags by usage order of current user.
- */
- tags: GQLTagConnection
+export type GQLCampaignArticlesFilter = {
+ featured?: InputMaybe
+ stage?: InputMaybe
- /**
- * Drafts authored by current user.
- */
- drafts: GQLDraftConnection
+export type GQLCampaignArticlesInput = {
+ after?: InputMaybe
+ filter?: InputMaybe
+ first?: InputMaybe
- /**
- * Articles current user commented on
- */
- commentedArticles: GQLArticleConnection
+export type GQLCampaignConnection = GQLConnection & {
+ __typename?: 'CampaignConnection'
+ edges?: Maybe>
+ pageInfo: GQLPageInfo
+ totalCount: Scalars['Int']['output']
- /**
- * Artilces current user subscribed to.
- */
- subscriptions: GQLArticleConnection
+export type GQLCampaignEdge = {
+ __typename?: 'CampaignEdge'
+ cursor: Scalars['String']['output']
+ node: GQLCampaign
- /**
- * Record of user activity, only accessable by current user.
- */
- activity: GQLUserActivity
+export type GQLCampaignInput = {
+ shortHash: Scalars['String']['input']
- /**
- * Followers of this user.
- */
- followers: GQLUserConnection
+export type GQLCampaignOss = {
+ __typename?: 'CampaignOSS'
+ boost: Scalars['Float']['output']
- /**
- * Following contents of this user.
- */
- following: GQLFollowing
+export type GQLCampaignParticipantConnection = GQLConnection & {
+ __typename?: 'CampaignParticipantConnection'
+ edges?: Maybe>
+ pageInfo: GQLPageInfo
+ totalCount: Scalars['Int']['output']
- /**
- * Whether current user is following viewer.
- */
- isFollower: boolean
+export type GQLCampaignParticipantEdge = {
+ __typename?: 'CampaignParticipantEdge'
+ application?: Maybe
+ cursor: Scalars['String']['output']
+ node: GQLUser
- /**
- * Whether viewer is following current user.
- */
- isFollowee: boolean
+export type GQLCampaignParticipantsInput = {
+ after?: InputMaybe
+ first?: InputMaybe
+ /** return all state participants */
+ oss?: InputMaybe
- /**
- * Users that blocked by current user.
- */
- blockList: GQLUserConnection
+export type GQLCampaignStage = {
+ __typename?: 'CampaignStage'
+ description: Scalars['String']['output']
+ id: Scalars['ID']['output']
+ name: Scalars['String']['output']
+ period?: Maybe
- /**
- * Whether current user is blocking viewer.
- */
- isBlocking: boolean
+export type GQLCampaignStageDescriptionArgs = {
+ input?: InputMaybe
- /**
- * Whether current user is blocked by viewer.
- */
- isBlocked: boolean
+export type GQLCampaignStageNameArgs = {
+ input?: InputMaybe
- /**
- * user data analytics, only accessable by current user.
- */
- analytics: GQLUserAnalytics
+export type GQLCampaignStageInput = {
+ description?: InputMaybe>
+ name: Array
+ period?: InputMaybe
- /**
- * active applied campaigns
- */
- campaigns: GQLCampaignConnection
+export type GQLCampaignState = 'active' | 'archived' | 'finished' | 'pending'
- /**
- * Status of current user.
- */
- status?: GQLUserStatus
- oss: GQLUserOSS
- remark?: string
+export type GQLCampaignsInput = {
+ after?: InputMaybe
+ first?: InputMaybe
+ /** return pending and archived campaigns */
+ oss?: InputMaybe
- /**
- * User Wallet
- */
- wallet: GQLWallet
+export type GQLChain = 'Optimism' | 'Polygon'
- /**
- * Payment pointer that resolves to Open Payments endpoints
- */
- paymentPointer?: string
+export type GQLChangeEmailInput = {
+ newEmail: Scalars['String']['input']
+ newEmailCodeId: Scalars['ID']['input']
+ oldEmail: Scalars['String']['input']
+ oldEmailCodeId: Scalars['ID']['input']
-export interface GQLCircle extends GQLNode {
- /**
- * Unique ID.
- */
- id: string
+export type GQLCircle = GQLNode & {
+ __typename?: 'Circle'
+ /** Analytics dashboard. */
+ analytics: GQLCircleAnalytics
* Circle avatar's link.
* @deprecated No longer in use
- avatar?: string
+ avatar?: Maybe
+ /** Comments broadcasted by Circle owner. */
+ broadcast: GQLCommentConnection
* Circle cover's link.
* @deprecated No longer in use
- cover?: string
+ cover?: Maybe
- * Slugified name of this Circle.
+ * Created time.
* @deprecated No longer in use
- name: string
+ createdAt: Scalars['DateTime']['output']
+ /** A short description of this Circle. */
+ description?: Maybe
+ /** Comments made by Circle member. */
+ discussion: GQLCommentConnection
+ /** Discussion (include replies) count of this circle. */
+ discussionCount: Scalars['Int']['output']
+ /** Discussion (exclude replies) count of this circle. */
+ discussionThreadCount: Scalars['Int']['output']
* Human readable name of this Circle.
* @deprecated No longer in use
- displayName: string
+ displayName: Scalars['String']['output']
- * A short description of this Circle.
+ * List of Circle follower.
+ * @deprecated No longer in use
- description?: string
+ followers: GQLUserConnection
+ /** Unique ID. */
+ id: Scalars['ID']['output']
+ /** Invitation used by current viewer. */
+ invitedBy?: Maybe
+ /** Invitations belonged to this Circle. */
+ invites: GQLInvites
- * Prices offered by this Circle.
+ * This value determines if current viewer is following Circle or not.
+ * @deprecated No longer in use
- prices?: Array
+ isFollower: Scalars['Boolean']['output']
- * Circle owner.
+ * This value determines if current viewer is Member or not.
+ * @deprecated No longer in use
- owner: GQLUser
+ isMember: Scalars['Boolean']['output']
* List of Circle member.
* @deprecated No longer in use
members: GQLMemberConnection
- /**
- * List of Circle follower.
- * @deprecated No longer in use
- */
- followers: GQLUserConnection
- * List of works belong to this Circle.
+ * Slugified name of this Circle.
* @deprecated No longer in use
- works: GQLArticleConnection
+ name: Scalars['String']['output']
+ /** Circle owner. */
+ owner: GQLUser
+ /** Pinned comments broadcasted by Circle owner. */
+ pinnedBroadcast?: Maybe>
+ /** Prices offered by this Circle. */
+ prices?: Maybe>
* State of this Circle.
* @deprecated No longer in use
state: GQLCircleState
- /**
- * Created time.
- * @deprecated No longer in use
- */
- createdAt: GQLDateTime
* Updated time.
* @deprecated No longer in use
- updatedAt: GQLDateTime
- /**
- * This value determines if current viewer is following Circle or not.
- * @deprecated No longer in use
- */
- isFollower: boolean
+ updatedAt: Scalars['DateTime']['output']
- * This value determines if current viewer is Member or not.
+ * List of works belong to this Circle.
* @deprecated No longer in use
- isMember: boolean
- /**
- * Invitations belonged to this Circle.
- */
- invites: GQLInvites
+ works: GQLArticleConnection
- /**
- * Invitation used by current viewer.
- */
- invitedBy?: GQLInvitation
+export type GQLCircleBroadcastArgs = {
+ input: GQLCommentsInput
- /**
- * Analytics dashboard.
- */
- analytics: GQLCircleAnalytics
+export type GQLCircleDiscussionArgs = {
+ input: GQLCommentsInput
- /**
- * Comments broadcasted by Circle owner.
- */
- broadcast: GQLCommentConnection
+export type GQLCircleFollowersArgs = {
+ input: GQLConnectionArgs
- /**
- * Pinned comments broadcasted by Circle owner.
- */
- pinnedBroadcast?: Array
+export type GQLCircleMembersArgs = {
+ input: GQLConnectionArgs
- /**
- * Comments made by Circle member.
- */
- discussion: GQLCommentConnection
+export type GQLCircleWorksArgs = {
+ input: GQLConnectionArgs
- /**
- * Discussion (exclude replies) count of this circle.
- */
- discussionThreadCount: number
+export type GQLCircleAnalytics = {
+ __typename?: 'CircleAnalytics'
+ content: GQLCircleContentAnalytics
+ follower: GQLCircleFollowerAnalytics
+ income: GQLCircleIncomeAnalytics
+ subscriber: GQLCircleSubscriberAnalytics
- /**
- * Discussion (include replies) count of this circle.
- */
- discussionCount: number
+export type GQLCircleConnection = GQLConnection & {
+ __typename?: 'CircleConnection'
+ edges?: Maybe>
+ pageInfo: GQLPageInfo
+ totalCount: Scalars['Int']['output']
-export interface GQLPrice {
- /**
- * Unique ID.
- */
- id: string
+export type GQLCircleContentAnalytics = {
+ __typename?: 'CircleContentAnalytics'
+ paywall?: Maybe>
+ public?: Maybe>
- /**
- * Amount of Price.
- */
- amount: number
+export type GQLCircleContentAnalyticsDatum = {
+ __typename?: 'CircleContentAnalyticsDatum'
+ node: GQLArticle
+ readCount: Scalars['Int']['output']
- /**
- * Current Price belongs to whcih Circle.
- */
- circle: GQLCircle
+export type GQLCircleEdge = {
+ __typename?: 'CircleEdge'
+ cursor: Scalars['String']['output']
+ node: GQLCircle
- /**
- * Currency of Price.
- */
- currency: GQLTransactionCurrency
+export type GQLCircleFollowerAnalytics = {
+ __typename?: 'CircleFollowerAnalytics'
+ /** current follower count */
+ current: Scalars['Int']['output']
+ /** the percentage of follower count in reader count of circle articles */
+ followerPercentage: Scalars['Float']['output']
+ /** subscriber count history of last 4 months */
+ history: Array
- /**
- * State of Price.
- */
- state: GQLPriceState
+export type GQLCircleIncomeAnalytics = {
+ __typename?: 'CircleIncomeAnalytics'
+ /** income history of last 4 months */
+ history: Array
+ /** income of next month */
+ nextMonth: Scalars['Float']['output']
+ /** income of this month */
+ thisMonth: Scalars['Float']['output']
+ /** total income of all time */
+ total: Scalars['Float']['output']
+export type GQLCircleInput = {
+ /** Slugified name of a Circle. */
+ name: Scalars['String']['input']
+export type GQLCircleNotice = GQLNotice & {
+ __typename?: 'CircleNotice'
+ /** List of notice actors. */
+ actors?: Maybe>
+ /** Optional discussion/broadcast comments for bundled notices */
+ comments?: Maybe>
+ /** Time of this notice was created. */
+ createdAt: Scalars['DateTime']['output']
+ /** Unique ID of this notice. */
+ id: Scalars['ID']['output']
+ /** Optional mention comments for bundled notices */
+ mentions?: Maybe>
+ /** Optional discussion/broadcast replies for bundled notices */
+ replies?: Maybe>
+ target: GQLCircle
+ type: GQLCircleNoticeType
+ /** The value determines if the notice is unread or not. */
+ unread: Scalars['Boolean']['output']
- /**
- * Created time.
- * @deprecated No longer in use
- */
- createdAt: GQLDateTime
+export type GQLCircleNoticeType =
+ | 'CircleInvitation'
+ | 'CircleNewBroadcastComments'
+ | 'CircleNewDiscussionComments'
+ | 'CircleNewFollower'
+ | 'CircleNewSubscriber'
+ | 'CircleNewUnsubscriber'
- /**
- * Updated time.
- * @deprecated No longer in use
- */
- updatedAt: GQLDateTime
+export type GQLCircleRecommendationActivity = {
+ __typename?: 'CircleRecommendationActivity'
+ /** Recommended circles */
+ nodes?: Maybe>
+ /** The source type of recommendation */
+ source?: Maybe
-export type GQLTransactionCurrency = 'HKD' | 'LIKE' | 'USDT'
+export type GQLCircleRecommendationActivitySource = 'UserSubscription'
-export type GQLPriceState = 'active' | 'archived'
+export type GQLCircleState = 'active' | 'archived'
-export interface GQLConnectionArgs {
- after?: string
- first?: GQLfirst_Int_min_0
- oss?: boolean
- filter?: GQLFilterInput
+export type GQLCircleSubscriberAnalytics = {
+ __typename?: 'CircleSubscriberAnalytics'
+ /** current invitee count */
+ currentInvitee: Scalars['Int']['output']
+ /** current subscriber count */
+ currentSubscriber: Scalars['Int']['output']
+ /** invitee count history of last 4 months */
+ inviteeHistory: Array
+ /** subscriber count history of last 4 months */
+ subscriberHistory: Array
-export type GQLfirst_Int_min_0 = any
-export interface GQLFilterInput {
- /**
- * index of list, min: 0, max: 49
- */
- random?: GQLrandom_Int_min_0_max_49
+export type GQLClaimLogbooksInput = {
+ ethAddress: Scalars['String']['input']
+ /** nonce from generateSigningMessage */
+ nonce: Scalars['String']['input']
+ /** sign'ed by wallet */
+ signature: Scalars['String']['input']
+ /** the message being sign'ed, including nonce */
+ signedMessage: Scalars['String']['input']
+export type GQLClaimLogbooksResult = {
+ __typename?: 'ClaimLogbooksResult'
+ ids?: Maybe>
+ txHash: Scalars['String']['output']
+export type GQLClearReadHistoryInput = {
+ id?: InputMaybe
+export type GQLCollection = GQLNode &
+ GQLPinnableWork & {
+ __typename?: 'Collection'
+ articles: GQLArticleConnection
+ author: GQLUser
+ /** Check if the collection contains the article */
+ contains: Scalars['Boolean']['output']
+ cover?: Maybe
+ description?: Maybe
+ id: Scalars['ID']['output']
+ likeCount: Scalars['Int']['output']
+ /** whether current user has liked it */
+ liked: Scalars['Boolean']['output']
+ pinned: Scalars['Boolean']['output']
+ title: Scalars['String']['output']
+ updatedAt: Scalars['DateTime']['output']
+ }
- /**
- * Used in RecommendInput
- */
- followed?: boolean
+export type GQLCollectionArticlesArgs = {
+ input: GQLCollectionArticlesInput
- /**
- * Used in User Articles filter, by tags or by time range, or both
- */
- tagIds?: Array
- inRangeStart?: GQLDateTime
- inRangeEnd?: GQLDateTime
+export type GQLCollectionContainsArgs = {
+ input: GQLNodeInput
-export type GQLrandom_Int_min_0_max_49 = any
+export type GQLCollectionArticlesInput = {
+ after?: InputMaybe
+ before?: InputMaybe
+ first?: InputMaybe
+ includeAfter?: Scalars['Boolean']['input']
+ includeBefore?: Scalars['Boolean']['input']
+ last?: InputMaybe
+ reversed?: Scalars['Boolean']['input']
-export interface GQLMemberConnection extends GQLConnection {
- totalCount: number
+export type GQLCollectionConnection = GQLConnection & {
+ __typename?: 'CollectionConnection'
+ edges?: Maybe>
pageInfo: GQLPageInfo
- edges?: Array
+ totalCount: Scalars['Int']['output']
-export interface GQLConnection {
- totalCount: number
- pageInfo: GQLPageInfo
+export type GQLCollectionEdge = {
+ __typename?: 'CollectionEdge'
+ cursor: Scalars['String']['output']
+ node: GQLCollection
-/** Use this to resolve interface type Connection */
-export type GQLPossibleConnectionTypeNames =
- | 'MemberConnection'
- | 'UserConnection'
- | 'ArticleConnection'
- | 'InvitationConnection'
- | 'CommentConnection'
- | 'CircleConnection'
- | 'NoticeConnection'
- | 'TagConnection'
- | 'FollowingActivityConnection'
- | 'WritingConnection'
- | 'CollectionConnection'
- | 'DraftConnection'
- | 'ReadHistoryConnection'
- | 'RecentSearchConnection'
- | 'AppreciationConnection'
- | 'TopDonatorConnection'
- | 'CampaignConnection'
- | 'TransactionConnection'
- | 'ArticleVersionsConnection'
- | 'ResponseConnection'
- | 'SearchResultConnection'
- | 'OAuthClientConnection'
- | 'SkippedListItemsConnection'
- | 'ReportConnection'
- | 'IcymiTopicConnection'
- | 'CampaignParticipantConnection'
-export interface GQLConnectionNameMap {
- Connection: GQLConnection
- MemberConnection: GQLMemberConnection
- UserConnection: GQLUserConnection
- ArticleConnection: GQLArticleConnection
- InvitationConnection: GQLInvitationConnection
- CommentConnection: GQLCommentConnection
- CircleConnection: GQLCircleConnection
- NoticeConnection: GQLNoticeConnection
- TagConnection: GQLTagConnection
- FollowingActivityConnection: GQLFollowingActivityConnection
- WritingConnection: GQLWritingConnection
- CollectionConnection: GQLCollectionConnection
- DraftConnection: GQLDraftConnection
- ReadHistoryConnection: GQLReadHistoryConnection
- RecentSearchConnection: GQLRecentSearchConnection
- AppreciationConnection: GQLAppreciationConnection
- TopDonatorConnection: GQLTopDonatorConnection
- CampaignConnection: GQLCampaignConnection
- TransactionConnection: GQLTransactionConnection
- ArticleVersionsConnection: GQLArticleVersionsConnection
- ResponseConnection: GQLResponseConnection
- SearchResultConnection: GQLSearchResultConnection
- OAuthClientConnection: GQLOAuthClientConnection
- SkippedListItemsConnection: GQLSkippedListItemsConnection
- ReportConnection: GQLReportConnection
- IcymiTopicConnection: GQLIcymiTopicConnection
- CampaignParticipantConnection: GQLCampaignParticipantConnection
+export type GQLCollectionNotice = GQLNotice & {
+ __typename?: 'CollectionNotice'
+ /** List of notice actors. */
+ actors?: Maybe>
+ /** Time of this notice was created. */
+ createdAt: Scalars['DateTime']['output']
+ /** Unique ID of this notice. */
+ id: Scalars['ID']['output']
+ target: GQLCollection
+ /** The value determines if the notice is unread or not. */
+ unread: Scalars['Boolean']['output']
-export interface GQLPageInfo {
- startCursor?: string
- endCursor?: string
- hasNextPage: boolean
- hasPreviousPage: boolean
+/** This type contains content, author, descendant comments and related data of a comment. */
+export type GQLComment = GQLNode & {
+ __typename?: 'Comment'
+ /** Author of this comment. */
+ author: GQLUser
+ /** Descendant comments of this comment. */
+ comments: GQLCommentConnection
+ /** Content of this comment. */
+ content?: Maybe
+ /** Time of this comment was created. */
+ createdAt: Scalars['DateTime']['output']
+ /**
+ * The counting number of downvotes.
+ * @deprecated No longer in use in querying
+ */
+ downvotes: Scalars['Int']['output']
+ /** This value determines this comment is from article donator or not. */
+ fromDonator: Scalars['Boolean']['output']
+ /** Unique ID of this comment. */
+ id: Scalars['ID']['output']
+ /** The value determines current user's vote. */
+ myVote?: Maybe
+ /** Current comment belongs to which Node. */
+ node: GQLNode
+ /** Parent comment of this comment. */
+ parentComment?: Maybe
+ /** This value determines this comment is pinned or not. */
+ pinned: Scalars['Boolean']['output']
+ remark?: Maybe
+ /** A Comment that this comment replied to. */
+ replyTo?: Maybe
+ /** State of this comment. */
+ state: GQLCommentState
+ type: GQLCommentType
+ /** The counting number of upvotes. */
+ upvotes: Scalars['Int']['output']
-export interface GQLMemberEdge {
- cursor: string
- node: GQLMember
+/** This type contains content, author, descendant comments and related data of a comment. */
+export type GQLCommentCommentsArgs = {
+ input: GQLCommentCommentsInput
-export interface GQLMember {
- /**
- * User who join to a Circle.
- */
- user: GQLUser
+export type GQLCommentCommentNotice = GQLNotice & {
+ __typename?: 'CommentCommentNotice'
+ /** List of notice actors. */
+ actors?: Maybe>
+ comment: GQLComment
+ /** Time of this notice was created. */
+ createdAt: Scalars['DateTime']['output']
+ /** Unique ID of this notice. */
+ id: Scalars['ID']['output']
+ target: GQLComment
+ type: GQLCommentCommentNoticeType
+ /** The value determines if the notice is unread or not. */
+ unread: Scalars['Boolean']['output']
- /**
- * Price chosen by user when joining a Circle.
- */
- price: GQLPrice
+export type GQLCommentCommentNoticeType = 'CommentNewReply'
+export type GQLCommentCommentsInput = {
+ after?: InputMaybe
+ author?: InputMaybe
+ first?: InputMaybe
+ sort?: InputMaybe
-export interface GQLUserConnection extends GQLConnection {
- totalCount: number
+export type GQLCommentConnection = GQLConnection & {
+ __typename?: 'CommentConnection'
+ edges?: Maybe>
pageInfo: GQLPageInfo
- edges?: Array
+ totalCount: Scalars['Int']['output']
-export interface GQLUserEdge {
- cursor: string
- node: GQLUser
+export type GQLCommentEdge = {
+ __typename?: 'CommentEdge'
+ cursor: Scalars['String']['output']
+ node: GQLComment
-export interface GQLArticleConnection extends GQLConnection {
- totalCount: number
- pageInfo: GQLPageInfo
- edges?: Array
+export type GQLCommentInput = {
+ articleId?: InputMaybe
+ circleId?: InputMaybe
+ content: Scalars['String']['input']
+ mentions?: InputMaybe>
+ momentId?: InputMaybe
+ parentId?: InputMaybe
+ replyTo?: InputMaybe
+ type: GQLCommentType
-export interface GQLArticleEdge {
- cursor: string
- node: GQLArticle
+export type GQLCommentNotice = GQLNotice & {
+ __typename?: 'CommentNotice'
+ /** List of notice actors. */
+ actors?: Maybe>
+ /** Time of this notice was created. */
+ createdAt: Scalars['DateTime']['output']
+ /** Unique ID of this notice. */
+ id: Scalars['ID']['output']
+ target: GQLComment
+ type: GQLCommentNoticeType
+ /** The value determines if the notice is unread or not. */
+ unread: Scalars['Boolean']['output']
-export type GQLCircleState = 'active' | 'archived'
+export type GQLCommentNoticeType =
+ | 'ArticleNewComment'
+ | 'CircleNewBroadcast'
+ | 'CommentLiked'
+ | 'CommentMentionedYou'
+ | 'CommentPinned'
+ | 'MomentNewComment'
+ | 'SubscribedArticleNewComment'
-export interface GQLInvites {
- /**
- * Accepted invitation list
- */
- accepted: GQLInvitationConnection
+/** Enums for sorting comments by time. */
+export type GQLCommentSort = 'newest' | 'oldest'
- /**
- * Pending invitation list
- */
- pending: GQLInvitationConnection
+/** Enums for comment state. */
+export type GQLCommentState = 'active' | 'archived' | 'banned' | 'collapsed'
-export interface GQLInvitationConnection extends GQLConnection {
- totalCount: number
- pageInfo: GQLPageInfo
- edges?: Array
+export type GQLCommentType =
+ | 'article'
+ | 'circleBroadcast'
+ | 'circleDiscussion'
+ | 'moment'
+export type GQLCommentsFilter = {
+ author?: InputMaybe
+ parentComment?: InputMaybe
+ state?: InputMaybe
-export interface GQLInvitationEdge {
- cursor: string
- node: GQLInvitation
+export type GQLCommentsInput = {
+ after?: InputMaybe
+ before?: InputMaybe
+ filter?: InputMaybe
+ first?: InputMaybe
+ includeAfter?: InputMaybe
+ includeBefore?: InputMaybe
+ sort?: InputMaybe
-export interface GQLInvitation {
- /**
- * Unique ID.
- */
- id: string
+export type GQLConfirmVerificationCodeInput = {
+ code: Scalars['String']['input']
+ email: Scalars['String']['input']
+ type: GQLVerificationCodeType
- /**
- * Target person of this invitation.
- */
- invitee: GQLInvitee
+export type GQLConnectStripeAccountInput = {
+ country: GQLStripeAccountCountry
- /**
- * Creator of this invitation.
- */
- inviter: GQLUser
+export type GQLConnectStripeAccountResult = {
+ __typename?: 'ConnectStripeAccountResult'
+ redirectUrl: Scalars['String']['output']
- /**
- * Invitation of current Circle.
- */
- circle: GQLCircle
+export type GQLConnection = {
+ pageInfo: GQLPageInfo
+ totalCount: Scalars['Int']['output']
- /**
- * Free period of this invitation.
- */
- freePeriod: number
+export type GQLConnectionArgs = {
+ after?: InputMaybe
+ filter?: InputMaybe
+ first?: InputMaybe
+ oss?: InputMaybe
- /**
- * Created time.
- */
- createdAt: GQLDateTime
+export type GQLCryptoWallet = {
+ __typename?: 'CryptoWallet'
+ address: Scalars['String']['output']
+ /** does this address own any Travelogger NFTs? this value is cached at most 1day, and refreshed at next `nfts` query */
+ hasNFTs: Scalars['Boolean']['output']
+ id: Scalars['ID']['output']
+ /** NFT assets owned by this wallet address */
+ nfts?: Maybe>
- /**
- * Sent time.
- */
- sentAt: GQLDateTime
+export type GQLCryptoWalletSignaturePurpose =
+ | 'airdrop'
+ | 'connect'
+ | 'login'
+ | 'signup'
- /**
- * Accepted time.
- */
- acceptedAt?: GQLDateTime
+export type GQLDatetimeRange = {
+ __typename?: 'DatetimeRange'
+ end?: Maybe
+ start: Scalars['DateTime']['output']
- /**
- * Determine it's specific state.
- */
- state: GQLInvitationState
+export type GQLDatetimeRangeInput = {
+ end?: InputMaybe
+ start: Scalars['DateTime']['input']
-export type GQLInvitee = GQLPerson | GQLUser
+export type GQLDeleteAnnouncementsInput = {
+ ids?: InputMaybe>
-/** Use this to resolve union type Invitee */
-export type GQLPossibleInviteeTypeNames = 'Person' | 'User'
+export type GQLDeleteCollectionArticlesInput = {
+ articles: Array
+ collection: Scalars['ID']['input']
-export interface GQLInviteeNameMap {
- Invitee: GQLInvitee
- Person: GQLPerson
- User: GQLUser
+export type GQLDeleteCollectionsInput = {
+ ids: Array
-export interface GQLPerson {
- email: GQLemail_String_NotNull_format_email
+export type GQLDeleteCommentInput = {
+ id: Scalars['ID']['input']
-export type GQLemail_String_NotNull_format_email = any
+export type GQLDeleteDraftInput = {
+ id: Scalars['ID']['input']
-export type GQLInvitationState =
- | 'accepted'
- | 'pending'
- | 'transfer_succeeded'
- | 'transfer_failed'
+export type GQLDeleteMomentInput = {
+ id: Scalars['ID']['input']
-export interface GQLCircleAnalytics {
- income: GQLCircleIncomeAnalytics
- subscriber: GQLCircleSubscriberAnalytics
- follower: GQLCircleFollowerAnalytics
- content: GQLCircleContentAnalytics
+export type GQLDeleteTagsInput = {
+ ids: Array
-export interface GQLCircleIncomeAnalytics {
- /**
- * income history of last 4 months
- */
- history: Array
+export type GQLDirectImageUploadInput = {
+ draft?: InputMaybe
+ entityId?: InputMaybe
+ entityType: GQLEntityType
+ mime?: InputMaybe
+ type: GQLAssetType
+ url?: InputMaybe
- /**
- * total income of all time
- */
- total: number
+/** This type contains content, collections, assets and related data of a draft. */
+export type GQLDraft = GQLNode & {
+ __typename?: 'Draft'
+ /** Access related fields on circle */
+ access: GQLDraftAccess
+ /** Published article */
+ article?: Maybe
+ /** List of assets are belonged to this draft. */
+ assets: Array
+ /** associated campaigns */
+ campaigns: Array
+ /** whether readers can comment */
+ canComment: Scalars['Boolean']['output']
+ /** Collection list of this draft. */
+ collection: GQLArticleConnection
+ /** Content (HTML) of this draft. */
+ content?: Maybe
+ /** Draft's cover link. */
+ cover?: Maybe
+ /** Time of this draft was created. */
+ createdAt: Scalars['DateTime']['output']
+ /** Unique ID of this draft. */
+ id: Scalars['ID']['output']
+ /** whether the first line of paragraph should be indented */
+ indentFirstLine: Scalars['Boolean']['output']
+ /** whether publish to ISCN */
+ iscnPublish?: Maybe
+ /** License Type */
+ license: GQLArticleLicenseType
+ /** Media hash, composed of cid encoding, of this draft. */
+ mediaHash?: Maybe
+ /** State of draft during publihsing. */
+ publishState: GQLPublishState
+ /** creator message after support */
+ replyToDonator?: Maybe
+ /** creator message asking for support */
+ requestForDonation?: Maybe
+ /** whether content is marked as sensitive by author */
+ sensitiveByAuthor: Scalars['Boolean']['output']
+ /** Slugified draft title. */
+ slug: Scalars['String']['output']
+ /** Summary of this draft. */
+ summary?: Maybe
+ /** This value determines if the summary is customized or not. */
+ summaryCustomized: Scalars['Boolean']['output']
+ /** Tags are attached to this draft. */
+ tags?: Maybe>
+ /** Draft title. */
+ title?: Maybe
+ /** Last time of this draft was upadted. */
+ updatedAt: Scalars['DateTime']['output']
+ /** The counting number of words in this draft. */
+ wordCount: Scalars['Int']['output']
+/** This type contains content, collections, assets and related data of a draft. */
+export type GQLDraftCollectionArgs = {
+ input: GQLConnectionArgs
- /**
- * income of this month
- */
- thisMonth: number
+export type GQLDraftAccess = {
+ __typename?: 'DraftAccess'
+ circle?: Maybe
+ type: GQLArticleAccessType
- /**
- * income of next month
- */
- nextMonth: number
+export type GQLDraftConnection = GQLConnection & {
+ __typename?: 'DraftConnection'
+ edges?: Maybe>
+ pageInfo: GQLPageInfo
+ totalCount: Scalars['Int']['output']
-export interface GQLMonthlyDatum {
- value: number
- date: GQLDateTime
+export type GQLDraftEdge = {
+ __typename?: 'DraftEdge'
+ cursor: Scalars['String']['output']
+ node: GQLDraft
-export interface GQLCircleSubscriberAnalytics {
- /**
- * subscriber count history of last 4 months
- */
- subscriberHistory: Array
+export type GQLEditArticleInput = {
+ accessType?: InputMaybe
+ /** which campaigns to attach */
+ campaigns?: InputMaybe>
+ /** whether readers can comment */
+ canComment?: InputMaybe
+ circle?: InputMaybe
+ collection?: InputMaybe>
+ content?: InputMaybe
+ cover?: InputMaybe
+ /** revision description */
+ description?: InputMaybe
+ id: Scalars['ID']['input']
+ indentFirstLine?: InputMaybe
+ /** whether publish to ISCN */
+ iscnPublish?: InputMaybe
+ license?: InputMaybe
+ pinned?: InputMaybe
+ replyToDonator?: InputMaybe
+ requestForDonation?: InputMaybe
+ sensitive?: InputMaybe
+ state?: InputMaybe
+ summary?: InputMaybe
+ tags?: InputMaybe>
+ title?: InputMaybe
+export type GQLEmailLoginInput = {
+ email: Scalars['String']['input']
+ /** used in register */
+ language?: InputMaybe
+ passwordOrCode: Scalars['String']['input']
+ referralCode?: InputMaybe
- /**
- * invitee count history of last 4 months
- */
- inviteeHistory: Array
+export type GQLEntityType =
+ | 'announcement'
+ | 'article'
+ | 'campaign'
+ | 'circle'
+ | 'collection'
+ | 'draft'
+ | 'moment'
+ | 'tag'
+ | 'user'
- /**
- * current subscriber count
- */
- currentSubscriber: number
+export type GQLExchangeRate = {
+ __typename?: 'ExchangeRate'
+ from: GQLTransactionCurrency
+ rate: Scalars['Float']['output']
+ to: GQLQuoteCurrency
+ /** Last updated time from currency convertor APIs */
+ updatedAt: Scalars['DateTime']['output']
- /**
- * current invitee count
- */
- currentInvitee: number
+export type GQLExchangeRatesInput = {
+ from?: InputMaybe
+ to?: InputMaybe
-export interface GQLCircleFollowerAnalytics {
- /**
- * subscriber count history of last 4 months
- */
- history: Array
+export type GQLFeature = {
+ __typename?: 'Feature'
+ enabled: Scalars['Boolean']['output']
+ name: GQLFeatureName
+ value?: Maybe
- /**
- * current follower count
- */
- current: number
+export type GQLFeatureFlag = 'admin' | 'off' | 'on' | 'seeding'
- /**
- * the percentage of follower count in reader count of circle articles
- */
- followerPercentage: number
+export type GQLFeatureName =
+ | 'add_credit'
+ | 'circle_interact'
+ | 'circle_management'
+ | 'fingerprint'
+ | 'payment'
+ | 'payout'
+ | 'spam_detection'
+ | 'tag_adoption'
+ | 'verify_appreciate'
-export interface GQLCircleContentAnalytics {
- public?: Array
- paywall?: Array
+export type GQLFeaturedCommentsInput = {
+ after?: InputMaybe
+ first?: InputMaybe
+ sort?: InputMaybe
-export interface GQLCircleContentAnalyticsDatum {
- node: GQLArticle
- readCount: number
+export type GQLFeaturedTagsInput = {
+ /** tagIds */
+ ids: Array
-export interface GQLCommentsInput {
- sort?: GQLCommentSort
- after?: string
- before?: string
- includeAfter?: boolean
- includeBefore?: boolean
- first?: GQLfirst_Int_min_0
- filter?: GQLCommentsFilter
+export type GQLFilterInput = {
+ /** Used in RecommendInput */
+ followed?: InputMaybe
+ inRangeEnd?: InputMaybe