HelloWorld example of akka-http
class HelloWorldServlet extends AkkaHttpServlet with StaticEndpoints {
var helloWorldActor: Option[ActorRef] = None
val helloWorldFunction = RequestResponse {
req =>
// doing some heavy work here then
// creating function responsible for completing request, this function might not be called if request expired
FutureResponse {
res =>
<h1>Hello World</h1>
<h3>endpoint function</h3>
override def onSystemInit(system: ActorSystem, endpoints: EndpointsAgent) {
super.onSystemInit(system, endpoints)
helloWorldActor = Some(system.actorOf(Props[HelloWorldActor]))
def providers = {
//endpoint as a function will be used for "/" and "/function" urls
case "/" | "/function" => helloWorldFunction
//endpoint as an actor will be used for "/actor" url
case "/actor" => helloWorldActor.get
class HelloWorldActor extends Actor {
def receive = {
case req: HttpServletRequest =>
// doing some heavy work here
//will be called for completing request
val future = FutureResponse {
res =>
<h1>Hello World</h1>
<h3>endpoint actor</h3>
//passing future to AsyncActor, created for this AsyncContext
sender ! Complete(future)