Meshtastic.js is a javascript library that provides an interface to Meshtastic devices. It can be used to build applications interacting with the Meshtastic network natively in the browser. Currently HTTP(S) and bluetooth connections are possible.
Supported features:
- Connect to multiple meshtastic devices via bluetooth
- Start configuration process on connect
- Get device info and node database
- Receive messages from device
- Send messages (text, position, data, packet)
- Set device preferences
- Set owner data
Documentation/API Reference (work in progress)
This includes meshtastic.js into an html file and makes it available through the global variable meshtasticjs and creates a new meshtastic client instance and initializes the client:
<script src="path/to/meshtastic.js"></script>
var client = new meshtasticjs.Client();
import { Client } from "meshtasticjs";
const client = new Client();
After that, a new connection can be created. it returns an IBLEConnection interface:
const connectionOne = client.createBLEConnection();
The connection interface provides events that can subscribed to:
Gets called whenever a fromRadio message is received from device, returns fromRadio data object in event.detailonDataPacketEvent
Gets called when a data packet is received from device, returns fromRadio data object in event.detailonUserPacketEvent
Gets called when a user packet is received from device, returns fromRadio data object in event.detailonPositionPacketEvent
Gets called when a position packet is received from device, returns fromRadio data in event.detailonConnectedEvent
Gets called when link to device is connectedonDisconnectedEvent
Gets called when link to device is disconnectedonConfigDoneEvent
Gets called when device has been configured (myInfo, radio and node data received). device interface is now ready to be usedonNodeListChangedEvent
Gets called when node database has been changed, returns changed node number in event.detail
// Registering an onFromRadioEvent listener
connectionOne.onFromRadioEvent.subscribe((data) => {
Now we can connect to the device asynchronously. It returns a promise, so it must be used either in an async/await function or with .then.
Important when using BLE connections: the connect action must be called from a user interaction (e.g. button press), otherwise the browsers won't allow the connect to a BLE device
.then((result) => {
// This code gets executed when the connection has been established
console.log("Successfully connected!");
.catch((error) => {
Send a text message via the device over the meshtastic radio. If no recipient node is provided, it gets sent as a broadcast:
.sendText("meshtastic is awesome")
.then((result) => {
.catch((error) => {
All calls (if not using then/catch promise syntax) should be wrapped in a try/catch to handle errors.
For more examples see /examples.
The library is tested with meshtastic devices running firmware versions 0.9.5, 1.0.0 and 1.1.6
Since meshtastic.js relies on the bluetooth web api (, bluetooth connections only work in the later versions of Google Chrome, Opera and Microsoft Edge. On windows systems, the meshtastic device has to be paired via windows settings beforehand once.
- Google Chrome 56+
- Google Chrome for Android 85+
- Microsoft Edge 79+
- Opera 43+
More detailed compatibility information can be found at
Clone the library into a local directory and run:
npm install
to fetch the needed dependencies.
To build:
npm run build
npm run generate-docs
Roadmap for version 1.0:
- Support for serial usb connections
- More granular error management