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10. Tool Calling

Brian Dashore edited this page Sep 1, 2024 · 2 revisions

Tool Calling in TabbyAPI


Before getting started here, please look at the Custom templates page for foundational concepts.

Thanks to Storm for creating this documentation page.

TabbyAPI's tool calling implementation aligns with the OpenAI Standard, following the OpenAI Tools Implementation closely.

Features and Limitations

TabbyAPI's tool implementation supports:

  • Tool calling when streaming
  • Calling multiple tools per turn

Current limitations:

  • No support for tool_choice parameter (always assumed to be auto)
  • strict parameter not yet supported (OAI format ensured, but dtype and argument name choices not yet enforced)

Model Support

TabbyAPI exposes controls within the prompt_template to accommodate models specifically tuned for tool calling and those that aren't. By default, TabbyAPI includes chatml_with_headers_tool_calling.jinja, a generic template built to support the Llama 3.1 family and other models following the ChatML (with headers) format.

For more templates, check out llm-prompt-templates.


In order to use tool calling in TabbyAPI, you must select a prompt_template that supports tool calling when loading your model.

For example, if you are using a Llama 3.1 Family model you can simply modify your config.yml's prompt_template: to use the default tool calling template like so:

  prompt_template: chatml_with_headers_tool_calling

If loading via /v1/model/load, you would also need to specify a tool-supporting prompt_template.

Creating a Tool Calling Prompt Template

Here's how to create a TabbyAPI tool calling prompt template:

  1. Define proper metadata:

    Tool Call supporting prompt_templates can have the following fields as metadata:

    • tool_start This is a string that we expect the model to write when initating a tool call. (Required)
    • tool_end This is a string the model expects after completing a tool call.

    Here is an example of these being defined:

    {# Metadata #} 
    {% set stop_strings = ["<|im_start|>", "<|im_end|>"] %}
    {% set message_roles = ['system', 'user', 'assistant', 'tool'] %}
    {% set tool_start = "<|tool_start|>" %}
    {% set tool_end = "<|tool_end|>" %}

    tool_start and tool_end should be selected based on which model you decide to use. For example, Groq's Tool calling models expects <tool_call> and </tool_call> while Llama3 FireFunctionV2's model expects only functools to start the call, without a tool_end

  2. Define an initial_system_prompt:

    While the name of your inital_system_prompt can vary, it's purpose does not. This inital prompt is typically a simple instruction set followed by accessing the tools_json variable. This will contain the function specification the user provided to the tools endpoint in their client when the chat completion request. Inside the template we can call this like so: {{ tools_json }}.

    Note: Depending on the model you are using, it's possible your model may expect a special set of tokens to surround the function specifications. Feel free to surround tools_json with these tokens.

    {% set initial_system_prompt %}
    Your instructions here...
    Available functions:
    {{ tools_json }}
    {% endset %}

    You'll then want to make sure to provide this to the model in the first message it recieves. Here is a simple example:

    {%- if loop.first -%}
    {{ bos_token }}{{ start_header }}{{ role }}{{ end_header }}
    {{ inital_system_prompt }}
    {{ content }}{{ eos_token }}
  3. Handle messages with the tool role:

    After a tool call is made, a well behaved client will respond to the model with a new message containing the role tool. This is a response to a tool call containing the results of it's execution.

    The simplest implementation of this will be to ensure your message_roles list within your prompt template contains tool. Further customization may be required for models that expect specific tokens surrounding tool reponses. An example of this customization is the Groq family of models from above. They expect special tokens surrounding their tool responses such as:

    {% if role == 'tool' %}
    <tool_response>{{ content }}</tool_response>
    {% endif %}
  4. Preserve tool calls from prior messages:

    When creating a tool calling prompt_template, ensure you handle previous tool calls from the model gracefully. Each message object within messages exposed within the prompt_template could also contain tool_calls_json. This field will contain tool calls made by the assistant in previous turns, and must be handled appropriatly so that the model understands what previous actions it has taken (and can properly identify what tool response ID belongs to which call).

    This will require using the tool_start (and possibly tool_end) from above to wrap the tool_call_json like so:

    {% if 'tool_calls_json' in message and message['tool_calls_json'] %}
    {{ tool_start }}{{ message['tool_calls_json'] }}{{ tool_end }}
    {% endif %}
  5. Handle tool call generation:

    {% set tool_reminder %}
    Available Tools:
    {{ tools_json }}
    Tool Call Format Example:
    {{ tool_start }}{{ example_tool_call }}
    Prefix & Suffix: Begin tool calls with {{ tool_start }} and end with {{ tool_end }}.
    Argument Types: Use correct data types for arguments (e.g., strings in quotes, numbers without).
    {% endset %}
    {% if tool_precursor %}
    {{ start_header }}system{{ end_header }}
    {{ tool_reminder }}{{ eos_token }}
    {{ start_header }}assistant{{ end_header }}
    {{ tool_precursor }}{{ tool_start }}
    {% else %}
    {{ start_header }}assistant{{ end_header }}
    {% endif %}

    This clever bit of temporal manipulation allows us to slip in a reminder as a system message right before the model generates a tool call, but after it writes the tool_start token. This is possible due to TabbyAPI revisitng the prompt_template after a tool_start token is detected. Here's how it works:

    • We detect tool_precursor, which signals the model is about to generate a tool call.
    • We then inject a system message with our tool_reminder.
    • Finally, we initialize an assistant message using tool_precursor as the content.

    This creates the illusion that the model just happened to remember the available tools and proper formatting right before generating the tool call. It's like giving the model a little nudge at exactly the right moment, enhancing its performance without altering what the user sees.

When creating your own tool calling prompt_template, it's best to reference the default chatml_with_headers_tool_calling.jinja template as a starting point.

Support and Bug Reporting

For bugs, please create a detailed issue with the model, prompt template, and conversation that caused it. Alternatively, join our Discord and ask for Storm.

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