Component name must be Upper Case USESTATE cannot be outside of the function or Components body cannot call conditionally
eg : if () { hook is inside here = useState } Result will be Error.
We can use multiple useState values.
By default runs after every re-render Cleanup Function Second Parameter
We cannot call Hook comditionally
second condition or second parameter is []array of dependencies or list of dependencies
Each time its dependencies [] will change and re-run.
You can use as many useEffect as you want
but if you left the dependency array [] empty , it will run only one time
Eg: useEffect(() => { console.log('Hello World');
}, []) // In this case , Hello World will be printed only one time, since empty dependency .
- Everytime, we have useEffect , we have the optional return.
In Js 👾 const input = document.getElementById ('mytext'); const inputValue = input.value
In React 👾 value , onChange
- preserve values
- Does not trigger re-render
- target DOM nodes/elements
- better usecase for the big projects