Releases: thisdp/dgs
Releases · thisdp/dgs
DGS Update 3.523 Stable(4/Apr/2024)
DGS Update 3.523 Stable(4/Apr/2024)
- "shift+tab" can now switch to previous edit
- Default font of items of combo box is now following "font" property, instead of remembering old font
- Shader default texture is now using DGSBuiltInTex.white_1x1 to eliminate if-condition in shader
- Decrease the usage of github api to reduce possibility of api cooling down
- Split lua and shader to optimise memory
- Make some "set" functions support a table of dgs elements as input element
- Rename property "length" -> "cursorLength" of scroll bar
- New Settings System: This will replace
with the MTA settings system. Refer to #133 for more information - Add validation for position and size checks for render target elements in relative mode
- Upgrade to version 1.6 #132
- Add warning for non-existing files in style
- colorCoded of dgs-dxtab doesn't work
- alternative font issue of dgs-dxedit and dgs-dxtab
- typo of dgsGradientSetColor
- onDgsMouseLeave/Enter isn't triggered when cursor state changes
- edit auto complete malfunctions
- error when destroying opened combobox
- shadow color of icon image pf button @ihaswn
New Properties
- property "textPadding" of dgs button
New Elements
- dgs-dxeffectview
- dgs-dxquad: Any quadrilateral
New Functions
- dgsCreateEffectView
- dgsEffectViewSetEffectShader
- dgsComboBoxSetScrollBarState
- dgsComboBoxGetScrollBarState
- dgsCreateQuad
- dgsQuadSetVertices
- dgsQuadGetVertices
- dgsQuadSetTexture
- dgsQuadGetTexture
- dgsQuadSetColor
- dgsQuadGetColor
- dgsQuadSetColorOverwritten
- dgsQuadGetColorOverwritten
- dgsQuadSetRotation
- dgsQuadSetRotation
- dgsQuadSetTextureRotation
- dgsQuadGetTextureRotation
New Events
- onDgsCursorStateChange
- file security check (using MTA official fileGetContents)
- element keeper
DGS Update 3.522 Stable(Oct/1/2023)
- Refactored: blur/focus logic
- Fixed: scroll bar doesn't work on some element when creating
- Fixed: fuzzy edge of rounded rectangle
- Fixed: element still get focused even invisible
- Fixed: dgsLabelGetColor always returns one color
- Fixed: render issue of grid list row
- Fixed: dxDrawImageSection affects rounded rectangle
- Fixed: QR Code/RemoteImage plugin doesn't work
- Fixed: incorrect behavior of onDgsMouseClickUp
- Fixed: error message of dgsGridListSetItemBackGroundColor/dgsGridListSetItemColor
- Fixed: continuous mouse triggering doesn't work
- Fixed: dgsScrollBarSetTroughClickAction doesn't work
- Fixed: render issue of combobox
- Fixed: onDgsElementScroll doesn't calculate mapped value at argument 4 and 5
- Fixed: error when destroying layout
- Fixed: incorrect color of 3d interface (working after client version: 1.6.0 r22188)
- Fixed: scroll doesn't work using "scrollbarState"
- Changed: "item as section" of dgsGridListSetItemText is now "row as section"
- Changed: troughClickAction of scroll bar is now set to "step"
- Added: roation for circle
- Added Core Element: dgs-dxmenu
New Functions
- dgsCreateMenu
- dgsMenuShow
- dgsMenuHide
- dgsMenuAddItem
- dgsMenuSetItemCommand
- dgsMenuGetItemCommand
- dgsMenuSetItemText
- dgsMenuGetItemText
- dgsMenuSetItemTextSize
- dgsMenuGetItemTextSize
- dgsMenuSetItemColor
- dgsMenuGetItemColor
- dgsMenuAddSeparator
- dgsMenuRemoveItem
- dgsComboBoxSetItemBackGroundImage
- dgsComboBoxGetItemBackGroundImage
- dgsComboBoxSetItemBackGroundColor
- dgsComboBoxGetItemBackGroundColor
- dgsCircleSetRotation
- dgsCircleGetRotation
- dgsGridListSetScrollBarState
- dgsGridListGetScrollBarState
New Events
- onDgsMenuHover
- onDgsMenuSelect
New Properties
- dgs-dxcombobox
- textBoundingBoxIncludeArrow
- textOffset
- arrowSize
- dgs-dx3dinterface
- enableColorFilter
Improve G2D compatibility:
- guiGridListSetSelectionMode
- AlwaysOnTop property
- guiGridListAddRow fixed incorrect behavior when passing item text
- guiComboBoxGetItemText should return false if the item is -1 (the same as the CEGUI version)
DGS Update 3.521 Stable(Jul/6/2023)
Breaking Changes:
- Removed: DGS Element Keeper
- Removed properties:
- clickType (dgs-button, dgs-checkbox, dgs-combobox, dgs-radiobutton, dgs-switchbutton)
- clickButton (dgs-switchbutton)
- mouseSelectButton (dgs-gridlist)
- The input elements (dgs-edit and dgs-memo) were previously clickable by all mouse buttons. This was changed to only allow left-click, or any other button specified in the new 'mouseButtons' property.
- Previously, the focus could be clicked using any mouse button. This was changed to only allow left-click, or any other button specified in the new 'mouseButtons' property.
- Added Function: dgs3DInterfaceGetDoublesided
- Added Function: dgs3DInterfaceSetDoublesided
- Added Function: dgs3DInterfaceProcessLineOfSight
- Added Event: onDgsTranslationTableChange
- Added Function: dgsCheckBoxGetButtonSide
- Added Function: dgsCheckBoxSetButtonSide
- Added Function: dgsCheckBoxGetButtonAlign
- Added Function: dgsCheckBoxSetButtonAlign
- Added Function: dgsRadioButtonGetButtonSide
- Added Function: dgsRadioButtonSetButtonSide
- Added Function: dgsRadioButtonGetButtonAlign
- Added Function: dgsRadioButtonSetButtonAlign
- Fixed: typo in styleSettings
- Fixed: Multilingual property listener
- Added Property: horizontalMoveOffset/verticalMoveOffset for scale pane
- Refactored: Cursor Management
- Refactored: internal function getParentLocation -> dgsGetElementPositionOnScreen
- Fixed: scroll bar may be not able to scroll when using grade.
- Fixed: cursor disappear when main menu is active with custom cursor.
- Fixed: text of edit renders wrongly with horizontal alignment center and padding
- Fixed: dgsSetPropertyInherit doesn't work
- Fixed: render target aren't cleared if element doesn't have parent when invisible
- Fixed: 3d interface has weird transparency when cursor shows/hides
- Fixed: disabled element can be clicked in debugdgs 3
- Fixed: Wrong render result of rounded rectangle
- Added: Global Edit/Memo destroy detector
- Fixed: Error when destroying element in onDgsMouseClickUp
- Fixed: Error when scroll position of memo is an invalid value
- Refactored: Mouse click event
- Fixed: Error when using DetectArea
- Fixed: Error when using debugdgs 3
- Fixed: Error when destroying/deleting tab
- Added Property: scrollBarAlignment for gridlist. Only vertical scrollbar is supported at the moment
- Fixed: G2D Hooker should return false instead of throwing an error when a gridlist/combobox value is out of range
- Fixed: Infinite loop in animations (pieT)
- Fixed: textPadding for checkbox and radiobutton (pieT)
- Fixed: ColorPicker: Fix typo HSL - HSV and minor code cleanup inside HSVRingChange function (pieT)
- Fixed: Improve server-side messages
- Fixed: Issue where middle mouse button fails to trigger click events
- Added: Middle mouse button to debugdgs
- Fixed: cData error occurring when the custom cursor image is destroyed
- Added Property: subPixelPositioning for button
- Fixed: Memory leak caused by the color picker component selector
- Fixed: Prevent DGS from changing the cursor alpha on DGS stop if custom cursor is disabled
- Fixed: Editbox/Memo becoming unfocusable after opening main menu/console
- Added Property: mouseButtons property
- Fixed: G2D console command doesn't get disabled
- Renamed: setWhiteList OOP method to setTextFilter
DGS Update 3.520 Stable(Feb/2/2023)
DGS Update 3.520 Stable(Feb/2/2023)
0. Backward compatibility remove
- Fixed: error when restarting dgs after restarting object preview
- Removed: maxSize of window
- Added Event: onDgsKey
- Fixed: dgs 3d interface was affected by color filter
- Added: style 4 for dgs switch button
- Added: textColor of dgs button can be affected by colorTransitionPeriod now
- Fixed: typo of dgs mask
- Fixed: wrong position when dgs tab panel has parent
- Fixed: security issue
- Enhanced: dgsTranslateText now supports conditional translation
- Added property: padding for dgs-dxcrollpane
- Fixed: color transition of button have wrong behavior after changing color
- Added Property: horizontalMoveOffsetRelative/verticalMoveOffsetRelative
- Fixed: dgsScrollBarSetScrollPosition of grades doesn't work
- Fixed: Issue with onDgsWindowClose event not triggering
DGS Update 3.519 Stable(9/Jan/2023)
- Added: enableDebug in config.txt to disable /debugdgs
- Fixed: Wrong scroll bar index of gridlist make render target size incorrect
- Removed Property: "mode" of grid list
- Added Property: "rowShowUnclippedOnly" of grid list
- Fixed: incorrect behavior of rounded rectangle with borderOnly
- Fixed: loaded image of rounded rectangle doesn't work
- Added Property: basePointOffset for dgs-dxscrollpane
- Added Property: minViewSize for dgs-dxscrollpane
- Added: UV is now supported by dgs basic shape (circle/rounded rectangle)
- Added: rowImageStyle for grid list, row background image can be applied partly to items in the same row.
- Enhanced: UVPos/UVSize of dgs image is now supporting dgs basic shader
- Enhanced: "out of range" of grid list now has more details
- Added: missing visible/dimension/interior functionality of dgs world 3d elements
- Added: dgsGridListSetItemAsSection
- Refactored: data retrieve method of grid list
- Fixed: item 'hoverable" doesn't work
- Fixed: some data conflicts in grid list
- Fixed: wrong blend mode after drawing 3d interface
- Fixed: error when using dgs-dxcanvas as texture
- Enhanced: dgsIsMouseWithinGUI can now accept a table of dgs elements
- Fixed: Config file doesn't get updated when there are new-added configs
- Optimised: click variables and some internal event triggers
- Added Function: dgsSetMouseStayDelay
- Added Function: dgsGetMouseStayDelay
- Added Event: onDgsMouseStay
- Added Plugin: dgs-dxtooltip
dgsTooltipRemoveFrom - Added: 3d interface support for dgsGetCursorPosition
- Added Property: lineType of 3d line
- Added Function: dgs3DLineSetLineType
- Added Function: dgs3DLineGetLineType
- Fixed: Config file being created empty for new users.
- Added function: dgsGridListSetColumnTextColor
- Added function: dgsGridListGetColumnTextColor
DGS 3.518
DGS Update 3.518 DGS Update 3.518 Stable(16/Oct/2022) 0. Code clean up & code optimise 1. Fixed: render issue of progress bar 2. Enhanced: Conditional Multilingual Dictionary 3. Added Function: dgsTranslationAddPropertyListener 3. Added Function: dgsTranslationRemovePropertyListener 4. Optimised: shared getCameraMatrix for 3d elements 5. Optimised: reduce string creating when using shadow with color coded 6. Optimised: table creation when rendering 3dinterface 7. Added Property: buttonPosition for radiobutton and checkbox 8. Added Property: shadow for editbox 9. Fixed: sourceResource sometimes will be changed into dgs element 10. Optimised: onDgsCreate event logic 11. Fixed: error when using custom cursor 12. Enhanced: dgs rounded rectangle 13. Enhanced: dgs custom cursor 14. Optimised: shared texture/shader in style system 15. Fixed: Error when rendering tab panel 16. Fixed: stack C overflow when using dgsCloseWindow in onDgsWindowClose 17. Added Function: dgsButtonMakeForm 18. Added Function: dgsButtonRemoveForm 19. Added Event: onDgsFormSubmit 20. Changed: dgsGetListeneingProperties -> dgsGetListenedProperties 21. Fixed: color picker doesn't work in scroll pane 22. Fixed: masked text should not be able to be copied 23. Fixed: wrong position of debug trace 24. Fixed: error when using debugdgs 3 with dgs animation 25. Fixed: render issue of dgs color picker 26. Fixed: error when using dgs animation 27. Fixed: error when using combobox (now autoSort is disabled by default) 28. Fixed: error when using sort of combobox 29. Fixed: Missing function dgsComboBoxGetScrollBar 30. Optimised: video memory using of combobox/gridlist/scrollpane/scalepane/tabpanel/3dinterface/edit/memo 31. Fixed: render issue of grid list 32. Fixed: memo goes to wrong line when set caret position 33. Optimised: reduce cpu usage when there's no dgs elements (50% optimised)
DGS 3.517
DGS Update 3.517 Stable(30/May/2022)
- Fixed: Render issues
- Fixed: memo/edit RT doesn't get updated when parent's alpha changes
- Added Property: textOffset for radiobutton/checkbox
- Fixed: alpha doesn't applied to bgColor of progress bar
- Fixed: dgsGetPosition is broken
- Added Property: textOffset of window
- Fixed: shadow removes color code
- Fixed: edit box padding
- Fixed: label doesn't destroy after resource stopped
- Fixed: alpha doesn't affect progress bar's background
- Fixed: blend issue of dgs circle
- Changed Property: iconDirection -> iconAlignment of button
- Added: iconOffset now supports 3rd argument as "relative"
- Optimised: decrease Render Target using
- Fixed: clear memo will cause errors
- Fixed: scroll position doesn't work on the creation of scroll pane
- Fixed: Render issue of basic shapes in scroll pane
- Fixed: incorrect inner radius of rounded rectangle (border only)
- Fixed: error when using dgsCreateFont in debugdgs 3
- Changed: tabImage/tabColor is now hold by tab panel, but you can still apply them to a specific tab
- Enhanced: added pivot for dgsSetPosition/dgsSetSize
- Added Property: sizePivot and posPivot
- Changed: now bgImage/bgColor will use tab panel's data if not specified by tab
- Changed: rename g2d convertor's commands, see g2d help
- Enhanced: g2d hooker now can be added by g2d command
- Added Function:
dgsButtonGetTextSize - Fixed: custom renderer is not working for some cases
- Fixed: some issues of remote image
- Fixed: render issue of mask
- Added Function: dgsGridListSetItemBackGroundColorTemplate
- Fixed: typo of effect 3d
DGS 3.516
DGS Update 3.516 Stable(2/Apr/2022) DGS Update 3.516 Stable(2/Apr/2022) 1. Added Property: shadow for dgs-dxtab/dgs-dxtabpanel 2. Added: #RGBAHEX/RGBAHEX style for color picker 3. Fixed: "isReversed" doesn't work for component selector 4. Changed: reversed render order of attached elements of grid list 5. Fixed: dgsGetCursorPosition returns wrong position when there is a 3dinterface 6. Optimised: Remove the using of table in custom easing function 7. Changed: position->scrollPosition for scroll bar, resolve confliction 8. Added: dgsLabelGetTextSize 9. Fixed: padding of dgs edit has wrong behavior 10. Enhanced: Security of loading classlib.lua 11. Optimised: Memory using of holding classlib.lua 12. Fixed: C Stack Overflow when calling dgsAnimation function at animation stop event 13. Enhanced: Animation Library(multi animations with the same property) 14. Fixed: Warnings in cmd 15. Enhanced: rowShadow/columnShadow of grid list 16. Changed: dgsGetDxGUIFromResource->dgsGetElementsFromResource 17. Changed: dgsGetDxGUINoParent->dgsGetElementsInLayer 18. Fixed: Unable to load texture in default style if there is another style loaded 19. Fixed: Create a edit when minimized will cause RT clear 20. Fixed: text size of dgsCreateEdit doesn't work 21. Fixed: error when using dgsGridListRemoveColumn 22. Added: troughImageSectionMode for scroll bar 23. Added Property: bgImage/bgColor for scroll bar 24. Fixed: unexpected render result of roundRect when size is smaller than corner radius 25. Refactored: shadow 26. Added: image of button can now support single material element 27. Fixed: Strange behavior of combo box 28. Fixed: Switch Button color interaction 29. Fixed: onDgsBlur sometimes doesn't work 30. Added Property: closeButtonEnabled for dgs window 31. Added Concept: dgsChildRenderer 32. Fixed: jelly effect when resizing gridlist/scrollpane/combobox 33. Added: Start Up memory logger 34. Fixed: get selected row after remove the row will return incorrect id 35. Added: OOP elements are now traceable
DGS 3.515
DGS Update 3.515 Stable(10/Mar/2022) 1. Changed: dgs3DImage/Interface/Text/LineSetPosition->dgs3DSetPosition 2. Changed: dgs3DImage/Interface/Text/LineGetPosition->dgs3DGetPosition 3. Changed: dgs3DImage/Interface/Text/LineSetInterior->dgs3DSetInterior 4. Changed: dgs3DImage/Interface/Text/LineGetInterior->dgs3DGetInterior 5. Changed: dgs3DImage/Interface/Text/LineSetDimension->dgs3DSetDimension 6. Changed: dgs3DImage/Interface/Text/LineGetDimension->dgs3DGetDimension 7. Changed: rotation->roll of 3d interface 8. Changed: dgs3DInterfaceSetRotation->dgs3DInterfaceSetRoll 9. Changed: dgs3DInterfaceGetRotation->dgs3DInterfaceGetRoll 10. Refactored: animation library (some functions are changed) 11. Removed: "thisdp" from debug view 12. Enhanced: DGS Compatibility Check can show position now, with dgsImportFunction and debugdgs 3. 13. Fixed: Scroll Pane will blink when resizing. 14. Changed: FatherTable->parent property 15. Changed: ChildrenTable->children property 16. Added Function: dgsLayoutSetItemSortPriority 17. Added Function: dgsLayoutGetItemSortPriority 18. Added: debug tracer for animation library 19. Added Function: dgsBlurBoxSetBrightness 20. Added Function: dgsBlurBoxGetBrightness 21. Added Property: blendMode for dgs-dxblurbox 22. Fixed: spamming warnings when there is no RT for blur box 23. Changed: postGUI logic (Now property has higher priority than render setting) 24. Added: make placeHolder of dgsEdit multilingual 25. Fixed: Wrong behavior of alignment of combobox item 26. Added: scrollBarCoverColumn for grid list 27. Added: dgsGetRegisteredProperties 28. Changed: placeHolderColorcoded->placeHolderColorCoded 29. Changed: For checkbox image_f->imageUnchecked image_t->imageChecked image_i->imageIndeterminate color_f->colorUnchecked color_t->colorChecked color_i->colorIndeterminate 30. Changed: For radiobutton image_f->imageUnchecked image_t->imageChecked color_f->colorUnchecked color_t->colorChecked
DGS 3.514
- Fixed: dgs-dxmedia can not be used in dgs mask
- Added Function: dgsComboBoxSetSortFunction
- Added Function: dgsComboBoxSortSetAutoSortEnabled
- Added Function: dgsComboBoxSortGetAutoSortEnabled
- Added Function: dgsComboBoxSort
- Added Property: rowWordBreak for grid list
- Added Property: columnWordBreak for grid list
- Added Property: placeHolderVisibleWhenFocus for edit
- Added Concept: Back-end rendering, which allows some elements that don't have their renderer to have chance to be rendered without borrowing others' renderer.
- Added Property: renderTarget/renderTargetResolution for custom renderer
- Added Function: dgsCustomRendererSetRenderTargetSize
- Added Function: dgsCustomRendererGetRenderTargetSize
- Added Function: dgsCustomRendererGetRenderTarget
- Added Function: dgsCustomRendererSetBackEndFunction
- Added Function: dgsCanvasSetBackEndFunction
- Added Property: disableCustomTexture for canvas
- Fixed: Set PostGUI forcely will cause strange drawing behavior
- Added Function: dgsSVGGetContent
- Added Function: dgsSVGNodeCreateNode
- Added Function: dgsSVGNodeSetAttribute
- Added Function: dgsSVGNodeGetAttribute
- Added Function: dgsSVGNodeSetAttributes
- Added Function: dgsSVGNodeGetAttributes
- Added OOP Support: dgsSVG
- Changed Property: hitoutofparent -> childOutsideHit
- Added Event: onDgsMouseHover
- Optimized: Memory Increment Optimization
- Added: text can be hooked by dgsCustomRenderer
- Fixed: font of switch button doesn't respond on language changing
- Added: dgs-dxchart
dgsChartDatasetClearData - Added Setting: enableTestFile
- Merged: pluginManager -> manager