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314 lines (313 loc) · 21.8 KB

Help on class AnnA in module main:

class AnnA(builtins.object)
 |  AnnA(deckname=None, reference_order='relative_overdueness', task='filter_review_cards', bypass_task_just_return=False, target_deck_size='deck_config', max_deck_size=None, stopwords_lang=['english', 'french'], rated_last_X_days=4, score_adjustment_factor=[1, 5], field_mappings='utils/', acronym_file='utils/', acronym_list=None, minimum_due=5, highjack_due_query=None, highjack_rated_query=None, low_power_mode=False, log_level=0, replace_greek=True, keep_OCR=True, append_tags=False, tags_to_ignore=['AnnA', 'leech'], add_KNN_to_field=False, filtered_deck_name_template=None, filtered_deck_at_top_level=True, filtered_deck_by_batch=False, filtered_deck_batch_size=25, show_banner=True, repick_task='boost', enable_fuzz=True, resort_by_dist='closer', resort_split=False, vectorizer='embeddings', sentencetransformers_device=None, embed_model='paraphrase-multilingual-mpnet-base-v2', ndim_reduc='auto', TFIDF_tokenize=True, TFIDF_tknizer_model='GPT', TFIDF_stem=False, plot_2D_embeddings=False, plot_dir='Plots', dist_metric='cosine', whole_deck_computation=False, profile_name=None, sync_behavior='before&after', disable_threading=False)
 |  Arguments
 |  ---------
 |  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
 |  --deckname DECKNAME   the deck containing the cards you want to review. If
 |                        you don't supply this value or make a mistake, AnnA
 |                        will ask you to type in the deckname, with
 |                        autocompletion enabled (use `<TAB>`). Default is
 |                        `None`.
 |  --reference_order REF_ORDER
 |                        either "relative_overdueness" or "lowest_interval" or
 |                        "order_added" or "LIRO_mix". It is the reference used
 |                        to sort the card before adjusting them using the
 |                        similarity scores. Default is
 |                        `"relative_overdueness"`. Keep in mind that my
 |                        relative_overdueness is a reimplementation of the
 |                        default overdueness of anki and is not absolutely
 |                        exactly the same but should be a close approximation.
 |                        If you find edge cases or have any idea, please open
 |                        an issue. LIRO_mix is simply the the weighted average
 |                        of relative overdueness and lowest interval (4 times
 |                        more important than RO) (after some post processing).
 |                        I created it as a compromise between old and new
 |                        courses. My implementation of relative overdueness
 |                        includes a boosting feature: if your dues contain
 |                        cards with its overdueness several times larger than
 |                        its interval, they are urgent. AnnA will add a tag to
 |                        them and increase their likelyhood of being part of
 |                        the Optideck.
 |  --task TASK           can be 'filter_review_cards',
 |                        'bury_excess_learning_cards',
 |                        'bury_excess_review_cards',
 |                        'add_KNN_to_field''just_plot'. . Respectively to
 |                        create a filtered deck with the cards, or bury only
 |                        the similar learning cards (among other learning
 |                        cards), or bury only the similar cards in review
 |                        (among other review cards) or just find the nearest
 |                        neighbors of each note and save it to the field
 |                        'Nearest_neighbors' of each note, or create a 2D plot
 |                        after vectorizing the cards. Default is
 |                        `filter_review_cards`.
 |  --target_deck_size TARGET_SIZE
 |                        indicates the size of the filtered deck to create. Can
 |                        be the number of due cards like "100", a proportion of
 |                        due cards like '80%', the word "all" or "deck_config"
 |                        to use the deck's settings for max review. Default is
 |                        `deck_config`.
 |  --max_deck_size MAX_DECK_SIZE
 |                        Maximum number of cards to put in the filtered deck or
 |                        to leave unburied. Default is `None`.
 |  --stopwords_lang STOPLANG [STOPLANG ...]
 |                        a comma separated list of languages used to construct
 |                        a list of stop words (i.e. words that will be ignored,
 |                        like "I" or "be" in English). Default is `english
 |                        french`.
 |  --rated_last_X_days RATED_LAST_X_DAYS
 |                        indicates the number of passed days to take into
 |                        account when fetching past anki sessions. If you rated
 |                        500 cards yesterday, then you don't want your today
 |                        cards to be too close to what you viewed yesterday, so
 |                        AnnA will find the 500 cards you reviewed yesterday,
 |                        and all the cards you rated before that, up to the
 |                        number of days in rated_last_X_days value. Default is
 |                        `4` (meaning rated today, and in the 3 days before
 |                        today). A value of 0 or `None` will disable fetching
 |                        those cards. A value of 1 will only fetch cards that
 |                        were rated today. Not that this will include cards
 |                        rated in the last X days, no matter if they are
 |                        reviews or learnings. you can change this using
 |                        "highjack_rated_query" argument.
 |                        a comma separated list of numbers used to adjust the
 |                        value of the reference order compared to how similar
 |                        the cards are. Default is `1,5`. For example: '1, 1.3'
 |                        means that the algorithm will spread the similar cards
 |                        farther apart.
 |  --field_mapping FIELD_MAPPING_PATH
 |                        path of file that indicates which field to keep from
 |                        which note type and in which order. Default value is
 |                        `utils/`. If empty or if no matching
 |                        notetype was found, AnnA will only take into account
 |                        the first 2 fields. If you assign a notetype to
 |                        `["take_all_fields]`, AnnA will grab all fields of the
 |                        notetype in the same order as they appear in Anki's
 |                        interface.
 |  --acronym_file ACRONYM_FILE_PATH
 |                        a python file containing dictionaries that themselves
 |                        contain acronyms to extend in the text of cards. For
 |                        example `CRC` can be extended to `CRC (colorectal
 |                        cancer)`. (The parenthesis are automatically added.)
 |                        Default is `"utils/"`. The matching
 |                        is case sensitive only if the key contains uppercase
 |                        characters. The ".py" file extension is not mandatory.
 |  --acronym_list ACRONYM_LIST [ACRONYM_LIST ...]
 |                        a comma separated list of name of dictionaries to
 |                        extract file supplied in `acronym_file` var. Used to
 |                        extend text, for instance
 |                        `AI_machine_learning,medical_terms`. Default to None.
 |  --minimum_due MINIMUM_DUE_CARDS
 |                        stops AnnA if the number of due cards is inferior to
 |                        this value. Default is `5`.
 |  --highjack_due_query HIGHJACK_DUE_QUERY
 |                        bypasses the browser query used to find the list of
 |                        due cards. You can set it for example to
 |                        `deck:"my_deck" (is:due OR prop:due=0) -rated:14 flag:1`. Default is
 |                        `None`. **Keep in mind that, when highjacking queries,
 |                        you have to specify the deck otherwise AnnA will
 |                        compare your whole collection.**
 |  --highjack_rated_query HIGHJACK_RATED_QUERY
 |                        same idea as above, bypasses the query used to fetch
 |                        rated cards in anki. Related to `highjack_due_query`.
 |                        Using this will also bypass the function
 |                        'iterated_fetcher' which looks for cards rated at each
 |                        day until rated_last_X_days instead of querying all of
 |                        them at once which removes duplicates (reviews of the
 |                        same card but on different days). Note that
 |                        'iterated_fetcher' also looks for cards in filtered
 |                        decks created by AnnA from the same deck. When
 |                        'iterated_fetcher' is used, the importance of reviews
 |                        is gradually decreased as the number of days since the
 |                        review grows. In short it's doing temporal
 |                        discounting. Default is `None`.
 |  --low_power_mode      enable to reduce the computation needed for AnnA,
 |                        making it usable for less powerful computers. This can
 |                        greatly reduce accuracy. Also removes non necessary
 |                        steps that take long like displaying some stats.
 |                        Default to `False`.
 |  --log_level LOG_LEVEL
 |                        can be any number between 0 and 2. Default is `0` to
 |                        only print errors. 1 means print also useful
 |                        information and >=2 means print everything. Messages
 |                        are color coded so it might be better to leave it at 3
 |                        and just focus on colors.
 |  --replace_greek       if True, all greek letters will be replaced with a
 |                        spelled version. For example `σ` becomes `sigma`.
 |                        Default is `True`.
 |  --keep_OCR            if True, the OCR text extracted using the great
 |                        AnkiOCR addon (
 |                        will be included in the card. Default is `True`.
 |  --append_tags         Whether to append the tags to the cards content or to
 |                        add no tags. Default to `False`.
 |  --tags_to_ignore [TAGS_TO_IGNORE ...]
 |                        a list of regexp of tags to ignore when appending tags
 |                        to cards. This is not a list of tags whose card should
 |                        be ignored! Default is ['AnnA', 'leech']. Set to None
 |                        to disable it.
 |  --add_KNN_to_field    Whether to add a query to find the K nearestneighbor
 |                        of a given card to a new field called
 |                        'Nearest_neighbors' (only if already present in the
 |                        model). Be careful not to overwrite the fields by
 |                        running AnnA several times in a row! For example by
 |                        first burying learning cards then filtering review
 |                        cards. This argument is to be used if you want to find
 |                        the KNN only for the cards of the deck in question and
 |                        that are currently due. If you want to run this on the
 |                        complete deck you should use the 'task' argument.
 |  --filtered_deck_name_template FILTER_DECK_NAME_TEMPLATE
 |                        name template of the filtered deck to create. Only
 |                        available if task is set to "filter_review_cards".
 |                        Default is `None`.
 |  --filtered_deck_at_top_level
 |                        If True, the new filtered deck will be a top level
 |                        deck, if False: the filtered deck will be next to the
 |                        original deck. Default to True.
 |  --filtered_deck_by_batch
 |                        To enable creating batch of filtered decks. Default is
 |                        `False`.
 |  --filtered_deck_batch_size FILTERED_DECK_BATCH_SIZE
 |                        If creating batch of filtered deck, this is the number
 |                        of cards in each. Default is `25`.
 |  --show_banner         used to display a nice banner when instantiating the
 |                        collection. Default is `True`.
 |  --repick_task REPICK_TASK
 |                        Define what happens to cards deemed urgent in
 |                        'relative_overdueness' ref mode. If contains 'boost',
 |                        those cards will have a boost in priority to make sure
 |                        you will review them ASAP. If contains 'addtag' a tag
 |                        indicating which card is urgent will be added at the
 |                        end of the run. Disable by setting it to None. Default
 |                        is `boost`.
 |  --vectorizer VECTORIZER
 |                        Either TFIDF or 'embeddings' to use
 |                        sentencetransformers. The latter will deduplicate the
 |                        field_mapping, mention the name of the field before
 |                        it's content before tokenizing, use a cache to avoid
 |                        recomputing the embedding for previously seen notes,
 |                        ignore stopwords and any TFIDF arguments used.
 |                        Default to 'embeddings'.
 |  --sentencetransformers_device
 |                        either "cpu" or "gpu". None to guess. Default to None.
 |  --embed_model EMBED_MODEL
 |                        For multilingual use 'paraphrase-multilingual-mpnet-base-v2'
 |                         but for anything else use 'all-mpnet-
 |                        base-v2'
 |  --ndim_reduc NDIM_REDUC
 |                        the number of dimension to keep using TruncatedSVD (if
 |                        TFIDF) or PCA (if embeddings). If 'auto' will
 |                        automatically find the best number of dimensions to
 |                        keep 80% of the variance. If an int, will do like
 |                        'auto' but starting from the supplied value. Default
 |                        is `auto`, you cannot disable dimension reduction for
 |                        TF_IDF because that would result in a sparse matrix.
 |                        (More information at
 |                        odules/generated/
 |                        ml).
 |  --TFIDF_tokenize      default to `True`. Enable sub word tokenization, for
 |                        example turn `hypernatremia` to `hyp + er + natr +
 |                        emia`. You cannot enable both `TFIDF_tokenize` and
 |                        `TFIDF_stem` but should absolutely enable at least
 |                        one.
 |  --TFIDF_tknizer_model TFIDF_tknizer_model
 |                        default to `GPT`. Model to use for tokenizing the text
 |                        before running TFIDF. Possible values are 'bert' and
 |                        'GPT' which correspond respectivelly to `bert-base-
 |                        multilingual-cased` and `gpt_neox_20B` They should
 |                        work on just about any languages. Use 'Both' to
 |                        concatenate both tokenizers. (experimental)
 |  --TFIDF_stem          default to `False`. Whether to enable stemming of
 |                        words. Currently the PorterStemmer is used, and was
 |                        made for English but can still be useful for some
 |                        other languages. Keep in mind that this is the longest
 |                        step when formatting text.
 |  --plot_2D_embeddings  EXPERIMENTAL AND UNFINISHED. default to `False`. Will
 |                        compute 2D embeddins then create a 2D plots at the
 |                        end.
 |  --plot_dir PLOT_PATH  Path location for the output plots. Default is
 |                        'Plots'.
 |  --dist_metric DIST_METRIC
 |                        when computing the distance matrix, whether to use
 |                        'cosine' or 'rbf' or 'euclidean' metrics. cosine and
 |                        rbf should be fine. Default to 'cosine'
 |  --whole_deck_computation
 |                        defaults to `False`. This can only be used with TFIDF
 |                        and would not make any sense for sentence-
 |                        transformers. Use ankipandas to extract all text from
 |                        the deck to feed into the vectorizer. Results in more
 |                        accurate relative distances between cards. (more
 |                        information at
 |  --enable_fuzz         Disable fuzzing when computing optimal order ,
 |                        otherwise a small random vector is added to the
 |                        reference_score and distance_score of each card. Note
 |                        that this vector is multiplied by the average of the
 |                        `score_adjustment_factor` then multiplied by the mean
 |                        distance then divided by 10 to make sure that it does
 |                        not overwhelm the other factors. Defaults to `True`.
 |  --resort_by_dist RESORT_BY_DIST
 |                        Resorting the new filtered deck taking onlyinto
 |                        account the semantic distance and not the reference
 |                        score. Useful if you are certain to review the
 |                        entierety of the filtered deck today as it will
 |                        minimize similarity between consecutive cards. If you
 |                        are not sure you will finish the deck today, set to
 |                        `False` to make sure you review first the most urgent
 |                        cards. This feature is active only if you set `task`
 |                        to 'filter_review_cards'. Can be either 'farther' or
 |                        'closer' or False. 'farther' meaning to spread the
 |                        cards as evenly as possible. Default to 'closer'.
 |  --resort_split        If 'resort_by_dist' is not False, set to True to
 |                        resort the boosted cards separately from the rest and
 |                        make them appear first in the filtered deck. Default
 |                        to `False`.
 |  --profile_name PROFILE_NAME
 |                        defaults to `None`. Profile named used by ankipandas
 |                        to find your collection. If None, ankipandas will use
 |                        the most probable collection. Only used if
 |                        'whole_deck_computation' is set to `True`
 |  --disable_threading DISABLE_THREADING
 |                        defaults to `False`. If True will disable most hackish
 |                        multithreading of the code. Needed if you have a
 |                        terrible GPU that is slowing you down. This does not
 |                        apply to the plotting
 |  --keep_console_open   defaults to `False`. Set to True to open a python
 |                        console after running.
 |  --sync_behavior SYNC_BEHAVIOR
 |                        If contains 'before', will trigger a sync when AnnA is
 |                        run. If contains 'after', will trigger a sync at the
 |                        end of the run. Default is `before&after`.
 |  Methods defined here:
 |  __init__(self, deckname=None, reference_order='relative_overdueness', task='filter_review_cards', bypass_task_just_return=False, target_deck_size='deck_config', max_deck_size=None, stopwords_lang=['english', 'french'], rated_last_X_days=4, score_adjustment_factor=[1, 5], field_mappings='utils/', acronym_file='utils/', acronym_list=None, minimum_due=5, highjack_due_query=None, highjack_rated_query=None, low_power_mode=False, log_level=0, replace_greek=True, keep_OCR=True, append_tags=False, tags_to_ignore=['AnnA', 'leech'], add_KNN_to_field=False, filtered_deck_name_template=None, filtered_deck_at_top_level=True, filtered_deck_by_batch=False, filtered_deck_batch_size=25, show_banner=True, repick_task='boost', enable_fuzz=True, resort_by_dist='closer', resort_split=False, vectorizer='embeddings', sentencetransformers_device=None, embed_model='paraphrase-multilingual-mpnet-base-v2', ndim_reduc='auto', TFIDF_tokenize=True, TFIDF_tknizer_model='GPT', TFIDF_stem=False, plot_2D_embeddings=False, plot_dir='Plots', dist_metric='cosine', whole_deck_computation=False, profile_name=None, sync_behavior='before&after', disable_threading=False)
 |      Initialize self.  See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
 |  display_opti_rev_order(self, display_limit=50)
 |      instead of creating a deck or buring cards, prints the content
 |      of cards in the order AnnA though was best.
 |      Only used for debugging.
 |  memoize(self, f)
 |      store previous value to speed up vector retrieval
 |      (40x speed up)
 |  save_df(self, df=None, out_name=None)
 |      export dataframe as pickle format in the folder DF_backups/
 |  time_watcher(self, signum, frame)
 |      raise a TimeoutError if plotting or searching similar cards takes
 |      too long
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data descriptors defined here:
 |  __dict__
 |      dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
 |  __weakref__
 |      list of weak references to the object (if defined)