This guide shows how to add an external adapter to the ChainLink core software via the Rails console.
docker run -it --env-file=.env smartcontract/chainlink rails c
An assignment type will be used to determine the data that will be provided to smart contracts. This also makes it so that multiple adapters can utilize the same assignment types so long as they return JSON data which conforms to the assignment type's schema.
testAT = AssignmentType.create(name: "testAssignmentType", description: "this is a test assignment type", json_schema: "{}")
The URL will be where the adapter is running. If required, a username and password can be supplied. If the username and password is left blank, one will be generated for you.
ea = ExternalAdapter.create(url: "http://localhost:8000", assignment_type: testAT)
# or
ea = ExternalAdapter.create(url: "http://localhost:8000", assignment_type: testAT, username: "username1", password: "password1")
If needed, you can update the information for the external adapter by using the update_attributes
ea.username # => "username1"
ea.update_attributes(username: "username2")
ea.username # => "username2"
Searching for external adapters on the node can be done with typical Ruby methods.
ExternalAdapter.find(1) #uses the id field