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This example shows how to use gulp-bundle-assets in a very basic express app using hogan (hjs) as its view engine.

To view the app locally

$ npm install
$ gulp bundle
$ npm start

visit http://localhost:3000/

How the app gets bundles on the page

Step 1: Build

First, we can pipe the result of gulp bundle to a custom destination like so:

// gulpfile.js
var gulp = require('gulp'),
  bundle = require('gulp-bundle-assets');
gulp.task('bundle', function() {
  return gulp.src('./bundle.config.js')
    .pipe(bundle.results('./')) // arg is dest of bundle.result.json

which gives us a bundle.result.json file that looks like this:

  "main": {
    "styles": "<link href='main.css' media='screen' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'/>",
    "scripts": "<script src='main.js' type='text/javascript'></script>"

Step 2: Consume

Next, we take the resulting bundle.result.json file, require it in our route and send it on to our view, e.g.

// routes/index.js
var express = require('express');
var router = express.Router();
var bundles = require('../bundle.result.json');

router.get('/', function(req, res) {
  res.render('index', { title: 'Express', bundle: bundles });

module.exports = router;

Step 3: Write

Finally, in our view we can write out the bundles however we see fit, e.g.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>{{ title }}</title>
    <!-- put my main style bundle in the head -->
    {{{ bundle.main.styles }}}
    <h1>{{ title }}</h1>
    <p>Hello World</p>
    <!-- put my main script bundle at the end of the body -->
    {{{ bundle.main.scripts }}}