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The Linkerd-Jaeger extension adds distributed tracing to Linkerd using OpenCensus and Jaeger.

Version: 0.0.0-undefined

AppVersion: edge-XX.X.X


Quickstart and documentation

You can run Linkerd on any Kubernetes cluster in a matter of seconds. See the Linkerd Getting Started Guide for how.

For more comprehensive documentation, start with the Linkerd docs.

Prerequisite: Linkerd Core Control-Plane

Before installing the Linkerd Jaeger extension, The core control-plane has to be installed first by following the Linkerd Install Guide.

Adding Linkerd's Helm repository

# To add the repo for Linkerd edge releases:
helm repo add linkerd

Installing the Jaeger Extension Chart

Helm v3

helm install linkerd-jaeger -n linkerd-jaeger --create-namespace linkerd/linkerd-jaeger

Get involved


Kubernetes: >=1.22.0-0

Repository Name Version
file://../../../charts/partials partials 0.1.0


Key Type Default Description
clusterDomain string "cluster.local" Kubernetes DNS Domain name to use
collector.GID string nil GID for the collector resource
collector.UID string nil UID for the collector resource
collector.command string "/otelcol-contrib"
collector.config object see value.yaml for actual configuration OpenTelemetry Collector config, See the Configuration docs for more information
collector.enabled bool true Set to false to exclude collector installation
collector.env list [] Collector Deployment env string "otel/opentelemetry-collector-contrib"
collector.image.pullPolicy string ""
collector.image.version string "0.83.0"
collector.nodeSelector object {"":"linux"} NodeSelector section, See the K8S documentation for more information
collector.replicas int 1 Number of replicas of the collector component
collector.resources.cpu.limit string nil Maximum amount of CPU units that the collector container can use
collector.resources.cpu.request string nil Amount of CPU units that the collector container requests
collector.resources.ephemeral-storage.limit string "" Maximum amount of ephemeral storage that the collector container can use
collector.resources.ephemeral-storage.request string "" Amount of ephemeral storage that the collector container requests
collector.resources.memory.limit string nil Maximum amount of memory that collector container can use
collector.resources.memory.request string nil Amount of memory that the collector container requests
collector.tolerations string nil Tolerations section, See the K8S documentation for more information
commonLabels object {} Labels to apply to all resources
createNamespaceMetadataJob bool true Creates a Job that adds necessary metadata to the extension's namespace during install; disable if lack of privileges require doing this manually
defaultGID int 2103 Default GID for all the jaeger components
defaultUID int 2103 Default UID for all the jaeger components
enablePSP bool false Create Roles and RoleBindings to associate this extension's ServiceAccounts to the control plane PSP resource. This requires that enabledPSP is set to true on the control plane install. Note PSP has been deprecated since k8s v1.21
enablePodAntiAffinity bool false Enables Pod Anti Affinity logic to balance the placement of replicas across hosts and zones for High Availability. Enable this only when you have multiple replicas of components.
imagePullSecrets list [] For Private docker registries, authentication is needed. Registry secrets are applied to the respective service accounts
jaeger.GID string nil GID for the jaeger resource
jaeger.UID string nil UID for the jaeger resource
jaeger.args list ["--query.base-path=/jaeger"] CLI arguments for Jaeger, See Jaeger AIO Memory CLI reference
jaeger.enabled bool true Set to false to exclude all-in-one Jaeger installation string "jaegertracing/all-in-one"
jaeger.image.pullPolicy string ""
jaeger.image.version float 1.31
jaeger.nodeSelector object {"":"linux"} NodeSelector section, See the K8S documentation for more information
jaeger.resources.cpu.limit string nil Maximum amount of CPU units that the jaeger container can use
jaeger.resources.cpu.request string nil Amount of CPU units that the jaeger container requests
jaeger.resources.ephemeral-storage.limit string "" Maximum amount of ephemeral storage that the jaeger container can use
jaeger.resources.ephemeral-storage.request string "" Amount of ephemeral storage that the jaeger container requests
jaeger.resources.memory.limit string nil Maximum amount of memory that jaeger container can use
jaeger.resources.memory.request string nil Amount of memory that the jaeger container requests
jaeger.tolerations string nil Tolerations section, See the K8S documentation for more information
linkerdNamespace string "linkerd" Namespace of the Linkerd core control-plane install
linkerdVersion string "linkerdVersionValue" string "extension-init" Docker image name for the namespace-metadata instance
namespaceMetadata.image.pullPolicy string imagePullPolicy Pull policy for the namespace-metadata instance
namespaceMetadata.image.registry string "" Docker registry for the namespace-metadata instance
namespaceMetadata.image.tag string "v0.1.0" Docker image tag for the namespace-metadata instance
namespaceMetadata.nodeSelector object {"":"linux"} NodeSelector section, See the K8S documentation for more information
namespaceMetadata.tolerations string nil Tolerations section, See the K8S documentation for more information
nodeSelector object {"":"linux"} Default nodeSelector section, See the K8S documentation for more information
podLabels object {} Additional labels to add to all pods
revisionHistoryLimit int 10 Specifies the number of old ReplicaSets to retain to allow rollback.
tolerations string nil Default tolerations section, See the K8S documentation for more information
webhook.GID string nil GID for the webhook resource
webhook.UID string nil UID for the webhook resource
webhook.caBundle string "" Bundle of CA certificates for webhook. If not provided nor injected with cert-manager, then Helm will use the certificate generated for webhook.crtPEM. If webhook.externalSecret is set to true, this value, injectCaFrom, or injectCaFromSecret must be set, as no certificate will be generated. See the cert-manager CA Injector Docs for more information.
webhook.collectorSvcAccount string "collector" service account associated with the collector instance
webhook.collectorSvcAddr string "collector.linkerd-jaeger:55678" collector service address for the proxies to send trace data. Points by default to the linkerd-jaeger collector
webhook.crtPEM string "" Certificate for the webhook. If not provided and not using an external secret then Helm will generate one.
webhook.externalSecret bool false Do not create a secret resource for the webhook. If this is set to true, the value webhook.caBundle must be set or the ca bundle must injected with cert-manager ca injector using webhook.injectCaFrom or webhook.injectCaFromSecret (see below).
webhook.failurePolicy string "Ignore" string ""
webhook.image.pullPolicy string ""
webhook.image.version string "linkerdVersionValue"
webhook.injectCaFrom string "" Inject the CA bundle from a cert-manager Certificate. See the cert-manager CA Injector Docs for more information.
webhook.injectCaFromSecret string "" Inject the CA bundle from a Secret. If set, the annotation will be added to the webhook. The Secret must have the CA Bundle stored in the ca.crt key and have the annotation set to true. See the cert-manager CA Injector Docs for more information.
webhook.keyPEM string "" Certificate key for the webhook. If not provided and not using an external secret then Helm will generate one.
webhook.logLevel string "info"
webhook.namespaceSelector object {"matchExpressions":[{"key":"","operator":"NotIn","values":["kube-system"]}]} Namespace selector used by admission webhook.
webhook.nodeSelector object {"":"linux"} NodeSelector section, See the K8S documentation for more information
webhook.objectSelector string nil
webhook.replicas int 1 Number of replicas of the jaeger-injector component
webhook.resources.cpu.limit string nil Maximum amount of CPU units that the jaeger-injector container can use
webhook.resources.cpu.request string nil Amount of CPU units that the jaeger-injector container requests
webhook.resources.memory.limit string nil Maximum amount of memory that jaeger-injector container can use
webhook.resources.memory.request string nil Amount of memory that the jaeger-injector container requests
webhook.tolerations string nil Tolerations section, See the K8S documentation for more information

Autogenerated from chart metadata using helm-docs v1.12.0