This mock package is part of the GoCryptoTrader codebase.
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- REST recording service
- REST mock response server
- Any exchange with mock testing will be enabled by default. This is done using build tags which are highlighted in the examples below via
//+build mock_test_off
. To disable and run live endpoint testing parse-tags=mock_test_off
as a go test param.
- Create two additional test files for the exchange. Examples are below:
//+build mock_test_off
// This will build if build tag mock_test_off is parsed and will do live testing
// using all tests in (exchange)_test.go
package your_current_exchange_name
import (
var mockTests = false
func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
cfg := config.GetConfig()
your_current_exchange_nameConfig, err := cfg.GetExchangeConfig("your_current_exchange_name")
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("your_current_exchange_name Setup() init error", err)
your_current_exchange_nameConfig.API.AuthenticatedSupport = true
your_current_exchange_nameConfig.API.Credentials.Key = apiKey
your_current_exchange_nameConfig.API.Credentials.Secret = apiSecret
log.Printf(sharedtestvalues.LiveTesting, s.Name, s.API.Endpoints.URL)
//+build !mock_test_off
// This will build if build tag mock_test_off is not parsed and will try to mock
// all tests in _test.go
package your_current_exchange_name
import (
const mockfile = "../../testdata/http_mock/your_current_exchange_name/your_current_exchange_name.json"
var mockTests = true
func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
cfg := config.GetConfig()
your_current_exchange_nameConfig, err := cfg.GetExchangeConfig("your_current_exchange_name")
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("your_current_exchange_name Setup() init error", err)
your_current_exchange_nameConfig.API.AuthenticatedSupport = true
your_current_exchange_nameConfig.API.Credentials.Key = apiKey
your_current_exchange_nameConfig.API.Credentials.Secret = apiSecret
serverDetails, newClient, err := mock.NewVCRServer(mockfile)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Mock server error %s", err)
s.HTTPClient = newClient
s.API.Endpoints.URL = serverDetails
log.Printf(sharedtestvalues.MockTesting, s.Name, s.API.Endpoints.URL)
- Under
create a folder matching the name of your exchange. Then create a JSON file matching the name of your exchange with the following formatting:
"routes": {
- Once the files
along with the JSON filetestdata/http_mock/our_current_exchange_name/our_current_exchange_name.json
are created, go through each individual test function and add
var s SomeExchange
func TestDummyTest(t *testing.T) {
s.Verbose = true // This will show you some fancy debug output
s.HTTPRecording = true // This will record the request and response payloads
s.API.Endpoints.URL = apiURL // This will overwrite the current mock url at localhost
s.API.Endpoints.URLSecondary = secondAPIURL // This is only if your API has multiple endpoints
s.HTTPClient = http.DefaultClient // This will ensure that a real HTTPClient is used to record
err := s.SomeExchangeEndpointFunction()
// check error
- This will store the request and results under the freshly created
- To check if the recording was successful, comment out recording and apiurl changes, then re-run test.
var s SomeExchange
func TestDummyTest(t *testing.T) {
s.Verbose = true // This will show you some fancy debug output
// s.HTTPRecording = true // This will record the request and response payloads
// s.API.Endpoints.URL = apiURL // This will overwrite the current mock url at localhost
// s.API.Endpoints.URLSecondary = secondAPIURL // This is only if your API has multiple endpoints
// s.HTTPClient = http.DefaultClient // This will ensure that a real HTTPClient is used to record
err := s.SomeExchangeEndpointFunction()
// check error
- The payload should be the same.
- Some functions require timestamps. Mock tests must match the same request structure, so
will cause problems for mock testing.- To address this, use the boolean variable
to create a consistent date. An example is below.
- To address this, use the boolean variable
startTime := time.Now().Add(-time.Hour * 1)
endTime := time.Now()
if mockTests {
startTime = time.Date(2020, 9, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
endTime = time.Date(2020, 9, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
- Authenticated endpoints will typically require valid API keys and a signature to run successfully. Authenticated endpoints should be skipped. See an example below
if mockTests {
t.Skip("skipping authenticated function for mock testing")
Please feel free to submit any pull requests or suggest any desired features to be added.
When submitting a PR, please abide by our coding guidelines:
- Code must adhere to the official Go formatting guidelines (i.e. uses gofmt).
- Code must be documented adhering to the official Go commentary guidelines.
- Code must adhere to our coding style.
- Pull requests need to be based on and opened against the
If this framework helped you in any way, or you would like to support the developers working on it, please donate Bitcoin to: