Chongxuan Li, Jun Zhu and Bo Zhang
Full paper, a journal version of our NIPS15 paper (original paper and code). A novel class-condional variants of mmDGMs is proposed.
- We boost the effectiveness and efficiency of DGMs in semi-supervised learning by
- Employing advanced CNNs as the x2y, xy2z and zy2x networks
- Approximating the posterior inference of labels
- Proposing powerful max-margin discriminative losses for labeled and unlabeled data
- and the arrived mmDCGMs can
- Perform efficient inference: constant time with respect to the number of classes
- Achieve state-of-the-art classification results on sevarl benchmarks: MNIST, SVHN and NORB with 1000 labels and MNIST with full labels
- Disentangle classes and styles on raw images without preprocessing like PCA given small amount of labels
State-of-the-art results on MNIST, SVHN and NORB datasets with 1000 labels and excellent results competitive to best CNNS given all labels on MNIST
chmod +x *.sh
./ gpu0 (Run .sh files to obtain corresponding results)
For small norb dataset, please download the raw images in .MAT format from and run datasets_norb.convert_orig_to_np() to convert it into numpy format.
See Table 6 and Table 7 in the paper for the classfication results.