Autocomplete UI written with Angular JS.
bower install angular-smarty
Configuration is handled in smarty-config.js which is injected into the main module in smarty.js. The main configuration variable is the function getSmartySuggestions that returns a promise containing the suggestions to be used in the autocomplete dropdown list. The default getSmartySuggestions uses a url endpoint for a backend service that returns suggestions in the following format: [{Name: suggestion1}, {Name: suggestion:2}, etc.].
Include smarty-config.js and smarty.js in that order in your html. In your main Angular module,
inject angular-smarty, or if you're not using Angular elsewhere on your page, include
angular.bootstrap(angular.element("body"), ["angular-smarty"]);
in a script tag in your html and
don't forget that Angular is a dependency.
$(function() {
angular.bootstrap(angular.element("body"), ["angular-smarty"]);
Model your html after the following:
<body ng-controller="SmartyController">
<div class="container-main">
<h1>angular-smarty demo</h1>
<div class="container-autocomplete">
<input type="text" smarty-input select="setSelected(x)"
index="selected" list-items="suggestions" close="suggestionPicked()"
selection-made="selectionMade" ng-model="prefix"></input>
<div smarty-suggestions-box></div>
<input type="text" focus-me focus-when="{{selectionMade}}"></input>