- Fix valuebar requiring to be in root display list (use tile sprite?)
- Restore unit tests about boundaries (in UITools)
- Save locally first, make saving to cloud an option
- Allow to delete cloud saves
- Fix cloud save games with "Level 0 - 0 ships"
- Store the game version in saves (for future work on compatibility)
- Add simple options to quick battle (fleet level / difficulty)
- Add optional fleet customization (both player and enemy) to quick battle
- Add factions and reputation
- Allow to cancel secondary missions
- Forbid to end up with more than 5 ships in the fleet because of escorts
- Fix problems when several dialogs are active at the same time
- Add a zoom level, to see the location only
- Restore the progressive text effect
- Improve performance when refreshing (and thus during jumps)
- Fix action tooltips showing battle information ("not enough power"...)
- Improve attribute tooltips
- Implement sliders for personality traits
- Center the portraits when there are less than 5
- Move animation should face the target (if any) at the end, not the direction
- Improve arena ships layering (sometimes information is displayed behind other sprites)
- In the ship tooltip, show power cost, toggled and overheat states
- Display shield (and its (dis)appearance)
- Display estimated damage in targetting mode
- Add a voluntary retreat option
- Toggle bar/text display in power section of action bar
- Show a cooldown indicator on move action icon, if the simulation would cause the engine to overheat
- Add an hexagonal grid (optional, may be enforced only on mobile) and work in units of this grid
- Add engine trail effect, and sound
- Find incentives to move from starting position (permanent drones or anomalies?)
- Mark targetting in error when target is refused by the action (there is already an arrow for this)
- Allow to undo last moves
- Add a battle log display
- Allow to move targetting indicator with arrow keys
- Add targetting shortcuts for "previous target", "next enemy" and "next ally"
- Area targetting should include the hotkeyed ship at best (apply exclusion and power limit), not necessarily center on it
- Add shortcut to perform only the "move" part of a move+fire simulation
- Add a turn count marker in the ship list
- BattleChecks should be done proactively when all diffs have been simulated by an action, in addition to reactively after applying
- Fix vigilance action not disabling when reaching the maximum number of triggerings
- Highlight the effects area that will contain the new position when move-targetting
- Add movement attribute (for main engine action, km/power)
- Add damage over time effect (tricky to make intuitive)
- Add actions with cost dependent of distance (like current move actions)
- Add disc targetting (for some jump move actions)
- Add "chain" effects
- Add mines equivalent (drones that apply only at the end)
- RepelEffect should apply on ships in a good order (distance decreasing)
- Add damage on collisions (when two ships are moved to the same place)
- Add hull points to drones and make them take area damage
- Allow to customize effects based on whether a target is enemy, allied or self
- Add a reflect damage effect
- Add untargettable effect (can only be targetted with area effects)
- Add damage modifier (to change the options of incoming damage or outgoing damage)
- If web worker is not responsive, or produces only errors, it should be disabled for the session
- Prevent infinite loops of toggle/untoggle
- Produce interesting "angle" areas
- Evaluate vigilance actions
- Evaluate the "interest" of an active effect (e.g healing is better when harmed...)
- Evaluators result should be more specific (final state evaluation, diff evaluation, confidence...)
- Use a first batch of producers, and only if no "good" move has been found, go on with some infinite producers
- Abandon fight if the AI judges there is no hope of victory
- Add combination of random small move and actual maneuver, as producer
- Use tree techniques to account for potential future moves
- Prototype of evolving AI
- Add a fullscreen incentive at game start
- Fix calling setHoverClick several times on the same button not working as expected
- Fix tooltip remaining when the hovered object is hidden by animations
- If ProgressiveMessage animation performance is bad, show the text directly
- Add caret/focus and configurable background to text input
- Release keybord grabbing when UITextInput is hidden or loses focus
- UI parents should only be containers, not images
- Mobile: think UI layout so that fingers do not block the view (right and left handed)
- Mobile: display tooltips larger and on the side of screen where the finger is not
- Mobile: targetting in two times, using a draggable target indicator
- Use tk-serializer package (may need to switch to webpack)
- Pause timers when the game is paused (at least animation timers)
- Pack sounds
- Add toggles for shaders, automatically disable them if too slow, and initially disable them on mobile
- Add cache for image texture lookup (getImageInfo)
- Handle cancel button in invitation dialog
- Close connection on view exit
- Add timeouts to read operations
- Display connection status
- Tutorial
- Secondary story arcs
- Replays
- Multiplayer/co-op
- Puzzle mode
- Formation or deployment phase
- Add ship personality (with icons to identify?), with reaction dialogs
- Hide enemy information (shield, hull, weapons), until they are in play, or until a "spy" effect is used
- Invocation/reinforcements (need to up the 10 ships limit)
- Dynamic music composition