This project is a minimalistic flask template that can be used as a base to develop simple APIs on the Flask Framework, with swagger documentation integrated.
It was derived from `a version of my other cookiecutter , that has sqlalchemy and celery support and uses the modular factory/blueprints/extensions architecture recommended on Flask's official site. The celery and db support has been removed from this project to keep the footprint really minimal, to serve as a less bloated starting point.
A Makefile to wrap the most common operations and ease project management and , with commands to run the development server, the shell, etc...
python 3.9
flask 2.0
flasgger (swagger wrapper) as documentation for the API, using doctrings on the API endpoints to write the documentation.
gunicorn configured to run the project in the production environment.
pylint as the linter, black as the code formatter, isort to fix import order
pytest tests, with some plugins to ease presentation.
environment variables for configuration.
coverage report.
docker/podman image generation (properly tagged)
Sample endpoints working
- Install cookiecutter on your distribution (e.g. Ubuntu):
$ sudo apt install cookiecutter
- If you want to clone this repository locally to run the cookiecutter also locally:
$ mkdir -p ~/cookiecutters
$ cd ~/cookiecutters
$ git clone
- Enter the folder where your want to create your project locally:
cd ~/projects/
- Run the cookiecutter from the local copy:
$ cookiecutter ~/cookiecutters/minimal-viable-flask-cookiecutter
... or directly from github (recommended):
$ cookiecutter gh:tiagoprn/minimal-viable-flask-cookiecutter
It will ask some questions with sane defaults, and then will generate a folder with the value you
indicated for project_slug
. Congratulations, this is your new minimal flask project! :)
- Enter the project directory:
$ cd ~/projects/your-project_slug
$ make docker-build-local-app-container && make docker-run-local-app-container
$ make podman-build-local-app-container && make podman-run-local-app-container
Then, check the api documentation:
$ make api-docs
- Create a virtualenv to the project. If you're using pyenv:
$ pyenv virtualenv 3.9.1 your-project_slug
$ pyenv activate your-project_slug
- Install the development requirements:
$ make requirements
- Run the make command to create the sample configuration file:
$ make init-env
- Create a local git repository to bootstrap version control:
$ git init
$ git add .
$ git commit -m 'Boostrapping project.'
- Run the formatter, linter and tests:
$ make style && make style-check
$ make lint
$ make test
- Start the development server:
$ make runserver-dev
... or start the production server (gunicorn):
$ make runserver
Then, check the api documentation:
$ make api-docs