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File metadata and controls

93 lines (86 loc) · 3 KB



  • terms
    • palindrome
      • use two pointers
      • odd length or even length
    • anagram
      • use hashmap
      • need to have same length
    • isomorphic
      • use hashmap
      • build bijection mapping relation
    • strobogrammatic number
      • a number whose numeral is rotationally symmetric
      • eg. "69", "81018"
    • substring
      • is contiguous like subarray, not like subsequence
    • subsequence
      • can contruct by deleting some chars
    • prefix and suffix
      • prefix is the start of a string
      • suffix is the end of a string
    • lexicographical order
      • eg. ["app", "apple", "application", "ban", "banana"]
    • trie
      • can insert and search in O(L)


  • traverse from end

    • traverse from last idx
    • or reverse whole string first
  • handle value’s bound

    • be aware of the negative number
      • -25//10 == -3
      • int(-25/10) == -2
      • -102 % 10 == 8
      • 2 == 10 - (-102 % 10)
  • use chunk

    • every chunk starts with 4 char/byte string to represent the the length of string in chunk
    • use bit manipulation to turn length (int number) to 4-byte string
  • use rabin karp

    • find pattern match / substring in string can use Rabin Karp (rolling hash)
      • time O(n) or O(n+m)
      • space O(n), due to hashset or O(1), due to finding fixed hash val
      • notice: we can use mod to avoid large number calculations
      • should consider the collision problem
        • solution 1: use 2-choice hashing
        • solution 2: when find match, check the substring really match or not. worst time could degenerate to O(nm)
    # notice s length and p length must > 0
    def get_pattern_match_start_idx(s, p):
        base = 27
        hashval_set = set()
        hashval = 0
        for i, c in enumerate(p):
            hashval = hashval * base + ord(c)
        hashval = 0
        remove_base = base ** (len(p) - 1)
        for i, c in enumerate(s):
            if i >= len(p):
                hashval -= remove_base * ord(s[i - len(p)])
            hashval = hashval * base + ord(c)
            if i >= len(p) - 1:
                if hashval in hashval_set:
                    return i - (len(p) - 1)
        return - 1
    # notice s length and k must > 0
    def is_length_k_substring_repeat(s, k):
        base = 27
        mod = 10**9 + 7
        hashval_set = set()
        hashval = 0
        remove_base = (base ** (k - 1)) % mod
        for i, c in enumerate(s):
            if i >= k:
                hashval -= (remove_base * ord(s[i - k])) % mod
            hashval = (hashval * base + ord(c)) % mod
            if i >= k - 1:
                if hashval in hashval_set:
                    return True
        return False
  • string composition

    • consider the composition of string
    • consider how to concat the string