Dimon Run is a platformer-like game written in C++ using the Entity Component System architechture and Qt by DreamTeam.
The game is a study project of Belarusian State University first year students (March - May 2022).
DreamTeam members:
- Yahor Tiliguzov (@tiliguzov)
- Ilya Shtanov (@ManFormTheMoon)
- Christina Sivakova (@CCivakova)
- Mikhail Semenov (@Marmotikon)
- Yahor Khadasevich (@Khody31)
- Maxim Miasoedenkov (@ternerss)
- Maxim Litskevich (@Zzzabiyaka)
The best artist who never once refused to help:
- Elizabeth Ilyina
The player is invited to be a scientist of the future, who created a jetpack time machine, which goes to the past in search of easy earnings. To get to the treasure, he will have to use his wits. He might not succeed from the first time, but with his invention he can get to the same point in time an unlimited number of times.
The game also includes the ability to create your own levels, and immediately play them. MapCreator automates the map creation process, making it easy and fun.
Development started in March 2022 and completed in May 2022.
If you want to work with the project in CLion, you need to clone the repository. Then you need to edit the file CMakeLists.txt. Add the line describing the path to CMake config files contained in Qt. For example:
set(CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH "~/Qt/6.2.4/gcc_64/lib/cmake)
for Linux
set(CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH "C:/Qt/Qt6.2.4/6.2.4/mingw73_64/lib/cmake")
for Windows
If your OS is Linux, work is done. Otherwise you have to add path to Qt libraries and compiler into Path. For exmample:
After that you need to reboot your Windows.