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179 lines (123 loc) · 6.28 KB

File metadata and controls

179 lines (123 loc) · 6.28 KB


Implements a simple, read-only REST API on top of a directory of Git repositories, allowing for basic browsing, and a simple single-page web UI on top of that. Does not require a working directory - files are served using git show.

The git repository subdirectory names must end with .git.

Why? Gitweb is awful, Cgit is painful to set up; and for a lot of cases, a full fledged push/pull-over-http server is more than you need. It was written with Gitolite in mind, but it will work with any system that contains a folder of Git repositories.

The idea is to painlessly provide a reasonable read-only UI on the web with minimum pain, and provide a REST api for widgets showing recent commits and such.

It's written in node.js and can be run from the command-line. You aim it at a folder full of Git repositories and go (make sure it runs as a user account that can read them). Then use the built-in, minimal web UI or roll your own.


The web API supports the following, returning JSON:

  • List repositories
  • List commits information for a repository, limiting the number of entries returned and the starting entry
  • List files for a repository, optionally specifying a branch name
  • Download an individual commit diff, specifying a repository and commit hash
  • Download an individual file, optionally specifying a branch
  • Download an archive of a repository, optionally specifying a branch, in one of
    • tar.xz format
    • tar.bz2 format
    • tar.gz format
    • zip format

The web ui provides a single-page web application for doing the above in a web browser.


It looks for a file named gittattle.json in the process` working directory. The following properties are relevant and shown with their defaults:

  • gitdir : /var/lib/gitolite/repositories - Path to the parent directory of git repos to serve
  • port : 9902 - The port to run the HTTP server on
  • tar : tar - The name of the tar command, for platforms that call GNU tar gtar
  • logEntriesPerPage : 30 - The number of log entries to return if log is called with no count URL parameter
  • serveIndexPage : true - Should the built-in HTML client be used
  • failOnNoDir : true - Exit early if the git repositories directory does not exist when the program is started
  • blacklist : [] - The list of repository names that must'nt be exposed to the world
  • whitelist : [] - The exhaustive list of repository names that must be exposed to the world
  • listfilter: 'blacklist' - The filtering strategy (blacklist by default) - Only necessary to enforce whitelist when both arrays are defined

Web UI

The application includes a simple web user interface which uses CDN-hosted JQuery, Twitter Bootstrap and AngularJS to create a single-page web application which uses the web API to browse Git repositories.

Run it and navigate in a browser to /git/index.html for that.


The API aims to be simple and intuitive. Since this is read-only, only GET and HEAD requests are supported.

/git/index.html, /git/

A minimal web ui for a git server which can show lists of commits and files for a set of repositories which are subdirectories of the folder it was given on startup.


Lists the respositories being served as a JSON array, with some info about the most recent commit if available

[ { location: '/tmp/git/blog.git',
    dir: 'blog.git',
    name: 'blog',
    description: 'Yet another nodejs blog engine\n',
     { hash: '92cb9cb',
       author: 'Joe Shmoe',
       date: '2013-03-24T16:12:23.000Z',
       email: 'joe@foo.example',
       message: 'Fix utf8, more attempts to get working in IE8, filter obvious spam comments',
       commitDate: '2013-03-24 12:12:23 -0400',
       age: '5 months ago' }
} ]


Get a commit log for one repository. Example data:

    [{ hash: '56cbf59',
      author: 'Tim Boudreau',
      date: '2012-11-27T01:20:05.000Z',
      email: '',
      message: 'Fix gzip length bug',
      commitDate: '2012-11-26 20:20:05 -0500',
      age: '9 months ago' }]

Optional parameters:

  • skip - integer number of log records to skip
  • count - the maximum number of log records to return


List the files in one repository, as they would be presented by tar tv, JSON-ized. Example data:

[{ type: '-rw-rw-r--', size: 646, date: '2013-03-24T16:12:00.000Z', path: 'ui/package.json' }]

Add the parameter ?branch=$BRANCH_NAME to download the version from a particular branch.

Directories are omitted from the file list.


Download an archive of this repository, specifying the compression type with the file name. The following are supported: .tar, .tar.gz, .tar.bz2, .tar.xz, zip

Add the parameter ?branch=$BRANCH_NAME to download the version from a particular branch.


Download the file path/to/some.file. Add ?raw=true to have the server attempt to set the content-type to the MIME type suggested by the extension.

Add the parameter ?branch=$BRANCH_NAME to download the version from a particular branch.


Fetch the output of git diff-tree --patch-with-stat $COMMIT_HEX_ID - a basic diff and stats output for that repository.


The web API does call git in a shell with arguments passed from an HTTP request. The usual precautions have been taken about not allowing characters such as backticks, redirects, pipes, etc. I make no promises that there isn't some way for someone to do something nasty, but I've taken the basic precautions. If you find any issues, please let me know.

The web api does not do any authentication/authorization. It's easy enough to proxy it behind something that does.

To-Do / Issues

  • Would be nice to use a router and have permalinks
  • Appending .git should be optional but is actually currently required - probably some tweaks needed
  • git show on binary files such as images appears to be prepending a few bytes to output, corrupting "raw" links for those