Toolkit for helping to choose the right Monero minging pool based off of latency and decentralization of the network. Also, a json database containing the most recent accepted pool names, mining addresses, and live stats APIs is included.
For a fresh Linux install, follow these commands to download the python3 packages required
sudo apt install python3-pip
pip3 install tabulate requests
git clone
cd /xmr-pool-choice
Download Python3, I prefer the miniconda3 distrubtion from Anaconda. Download the Python 3.5 exe installer and follow the instructions. Download a copy of this repository to a location of your choice, then run
cd "<repository-location>\xmr-pool-choice"
conda install pip
pip install requests tabulate
Download Python3 if you don't already have it, I prefer the miniconda3 distrubtion from Anaconda. Download the Python 3.5 bash installer and follow the instructions. Download or git clone a copy of this repository to a location of your choice, then run
cd <repository-location>\xmr-pool-choice
conda install pip
pip install requests tabulate
General note: it takes a few minutes to get the data from the network so please allow the script to run to completion. An example output (for an eastcoast based miner) would look like
The top 10 pools based on latency are listed below.
It is recommended to chose a low latency, reliable,
and small pool with <10 % Network Hashrate.
The full results are written to the text file pool_results.txt
Rank Pool Latency Fee Network % Hash Rate Miners
------ -------------------------- --------- ------------------- ----------- ----------- --------
1 17.28 ms Variable 0.4 - 6.5% 0.412 218.3 kH/s 40
2 32.24 ms 0.9 % 0.022 11.6 kH/s 35
3 - us 45.55 ms 0.5 % 0.229 121.4 kH/s 6
4 48.12 ms 1.6 % 1.829 970.0 kH/s 523
5 75.64 ms 1.0 % 0.001 448.0 H/s 4
6 - useast1 78.89 ms 1.0 % 1.932 1.0 MH/s 184
7 - uswest1 79.41 ms 1.0 % 1.932 1.0 MH/s 184
8 90.89 ms 1.0 % 4.787 2.5 MH/s 1128
9 - eu 92.43 ms 0.5 % 0.229 121.4 kH/s 6
10 99.11 ms 2.0 % 18.024 9.6 MH/s 946
Looking to develop some metric that can be calculated from the data this script acquires. This could then provide a way to suggest top pools for a miner to join that is beneificial to the miner as well as the network decentralizaition.
- Calculate average block per day to give a miner how many additions to their account they can expect
- Choose pools from a certain region you would like to only choose from.
- Incorporate tabulate and requests into the code base so they don't need to be installed ahead of time.
This code relies on the data gathered by the folk(s) at and for maintaing all of the pool information. Check them out.
XMR Donations if you feel this was useful:
Pool list updated: February 26th, 2017