This project was generated from the (3Amigos CookieCutter Template)[] this file records the updates received from the upstream cookiecutter template so that it is clear what upstream updates have already been applied to consider application of new updates.
- Use an (Azure Pipelines)[] CI.
- Follow (3Amigos)[] to use CI container pattern.
- Use (pyspelling)[] to check spelling in CI.
- Use (flake8)[] for static code analysis.
- Use (bandit)[] for security static analysis.
- Use (pylint)[] for static code analysis.
- Use (isort)[] for sorting imports.
- Use (towncrier)[] for news updates.
- Use (dlint)[] for security static analysis.
- Use (safety)[] to check package safety.
- Use (pytest)[] for unit testing.
- Use (pytest-cov)[] to check 100% unit test coverage.
- Use (pytest-xdist)[] for test parallelization.
- Use (pytest-azurepipelines)[] to publish tests results and coverage to Azure Pipelines Artifacts.
- Use (resplendent)[] to spell check reStructuredText in pyspelling.
- Use (shellcheck)[] for shell script static analysis.
- Use (sphinx)[] for documentation generation.
- Use (twine)[] for publishing to PyPI.
- Use (black)[] for code format.
- Badge for (PyPI)[]
- Badge for (ReadTheDocs)[]
- Badge for (Azure Pipelines)[]
- Badge for (Coveralls)[]
- Badge for (black)[]
- Installation details on