All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- removed incorrect concat operator bingings with arrays
- reworked generics in different versions of xxxMap operators
- fixed declarations in map/flatMap operators
- added additional declarations for various operators (pipe, forkJoin, generate etc)
- support rxjs 5.5.11 version
- synch rxjs version with interop library version (fixes will be tagged using additional labels, e.g. 5.5.11-1)
- fixed bufferWhen, delayWhen, repeatWhen, retryWhen, windowWhen signatures
- remove ambiguous static declarations (targeted to 6.0.0-alpha)
- fix zip, combiteLatest declarations
- moved to rxjs 5.5.6
- fixed "withLatestFrom" definitions
- convenient flatMap declarations
- added missing "merge" declarations
- advanced supported rxjs version to 5.4.1
- skipLast operator (rxjs 5.4.0)
- maxWindowSize parameter in windowTime operator
- methods definitions generator for automatically test methods availability (trying to make migration to new rxjs versions easier)
- fixed jsinterop definition for Subscription
- renamed AnonymousSubscription to TearDownSubscription to make it more meaningful
- fixed generic definition for key comparator
- fixed "subscribe" signature
- added forgotten "capture" for fromEvent
- pluck operator
- flatMap and flatMapTo aliases
- fixed generics
- Observable.fromEvent
- ObservableEx.fromMouseEvent
- ObservableEx.fromKeyboardEvent
- JsInterops for mouse and keyboard events
- Initial release with basic functionality (almost all operators for Observable)