stoch-proc is a library that aims for users to easily define and infer structural time series models in pytorch together with pyro. stoch-proc was previously a submodule in pyfilter, but was moved into a separate library in order to enable integration with pyro's inference algorithms.
Follow the below steps in order to install the library.
As mentioned earlier stoch-proc is built on top of pytorch (and pyro). While it's included in the requirements.txt
file, it's highly recommended to follow these instructions to install it
stoch-proc is currently not available on PyPi, so you'll have to install it via
pip install git+
You'll find all the examples here, but below you'll find a small example of how to simulate a Lorenz-63 system.
from stochproc import timeseries as ts
import torch
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def f(x, s_, r_, b_):
dxt = s_ * (x.value[..., 1] - x.value[..., 0])
dyt = r_ * x.value[..., 0] - x.value[..., 1] - x.value[..., 0] * x.value[..., 2]
dzt = -b_ * x.value[..., 2] + x.value[..., 0] * x.value[..., 1]
return torch.stack((dxt, dyt, dzt), dim=-1)
initial_values = torch.tensor([-5.91652, -5.52332, 24.5723])
s = 10.0
r = 28.0
b = 8.0 / 3.0
dt = 1e-2
model = ts.RungeKutta(f, (s, r, b), initial_values, dt=dt, event_dim=1)
x = model.sample_states(3_000)
array = x.get_path().numpy()
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 9))
ax = plt.axes(projection="3d")
ax.plot3D(array[:, 0], array[:, 1], array[:, 2])
Resulting in the following pretty picture
Contributions are always welcome! Simply
- Fork the project.
- Create your feature branch (I try to follow Microsoft's naming).
- Push the branch to origin.
- Open a pull request.
Distributed under the MIT License, see LICENSE
for more information.
Contact details are located under