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Driver design API

Ayke edited this page Jan 28, 2019 · 7 revisions

Proposal for driver design

Drivers vary greatly in their complexity. Here is a WIP proposal for an API.

Simple sensors

type TemperatureSensor interface {
    // ReadTemperature returns the current temperature in milli-degrees
    // Celsius. For example, 25°C is returned as 25000.
    ReadTemperature() (int32, error)

type RelativeHumiditySensor interface {
    // ReadRelativeHumidity returns the current humidity (0%-100%) in
    // promilles.
    // Rationale: even very precise humidity sensors rarely go below 1%
    // accuracy so providing more accuracy isn't very useful.
    ReadRelativeHumidity() (int16, error)

More complex sensors

type AccelerationSensor interface {
    // ReadAcceleration returns the current acceleration in µm/s².
    // Note: this is more precise than returning gravity, because gravity
    // varies by location.
    // The unit µm/s² is used because it captures the precision of most
    // sensors, unlike mm/s².
    ReadAcceleration() (x int32, y int32, z int32, err error)

type RotationSensor interface {
    // TODO
    ReadRotation() (x int32, y int32, z int32, err error)


type Display interface {
    Dimensions() image.Point
    Density() (dpi int) // estimate of the real density in DPI
    Write([]byte) (int, error)
    ColorModel() image.ColorModel

Graphics library

A graphics library takes a display and adds support for all kinds of graphics animations using an internal buffer. For example, it could look like this:

type Gfx struct {
    display Display
    buffer []byte

// Set a single pixel.
func (g *Gfx) SetPixel(coord image.Point, color ...) {}

// Set an area to the given color.
func (g *Gfx) SetArea(area image.Rectangle, color ...) {}

// Overwrite a part of the image.
func (g *Gfx) Draw(dstRect image.Rectangle, src image.Image, srcPts image.Point) error {}

// Write buffered image to the display.
func (g *Gfx) Display()

Such a graphics library should make it unnecessary for a driver to use an internal buffer.

Sensor fusion

A sensor fusion algorithm takes an accelerometer, a gyroscope, and possibly a magnetometer and/or barometer and fuses their readings together to get a good estimate of the position of the object.

type SensorFusionAlgorithm interface {
    UpdateAcceleration(x, y, z int32)
    UpdateRotation(x, y, z int32)

    // Orientation returns the current rotation quaternion.
    Orientation() (x, y, z, w int32)
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