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Substrate VM Java Limitations

Substrate VM does not support all features of Java to keep the implementation small and concise, and also to allow aggressive ahead-of-time optimizations. This page documents the limitations.

What Support Status
Dynamic Class Loading / Unloading Not supported
Reflection Mostly supported
Dynamic Proxy Mostly supported
Java Native Interface (JNI) Mostly supported
Unsafe Memory Access Mostly supported
Static Initializers Partially supported
InvokeDynamic Bytecode and Method Handles Not supported
Lambda Expressions Supported
Synchronized, wait, and notify Supported
Finalizers Not supported
References Mostly supported
Threads Supported
Identity Hash Code Supported
Security Manager Not supported
JVMTI, JMX, other native VM interfaces Not supported
JCA Security Services Supported

Dynamic Class Loading / Unloading

Support Status: Not supported

What: Loading new classes that were not available at native image build time; dynamically generating new bytecodes and loading them; relying on classes being unloaded at run time.

Dynamic class loading is not supported, and cannot be supported by our execution model. During native image generation, we run an aggressive static analysis that requires a closed-world assumption. For that, we need to know all classes and all bytecodes that are ever reachable. The static analysis finds out which parts are required by the application and performs ahead-of-time compilation for these parts.


Support Status: Mostly supported

What: Calling Class.forName(); listing methods and fields of a class; invoking methods and accessing fields reflectively; most classes in the package java.lang.reflect.

Individual classes, methods, and fields that should be accessible via reflection need to be known ahead-of-time. SubstrateVM tries to resolve these elements through a static analysis that detects calls to the reflection API. Where the analysis fails the program elements reflectively accessed at run time must be specified during native image generation in a configuration file via the option -H:ReflectionConfigurationFiles=, or by using RuntimeReflection from a Feature. For more details, read our documentation on reflection.

During native image generation, reflection can be used without restrictions during native image generation, for example in static initializers.

Dynamic Proxy

Support Status: Mostly supported

What: Generating dynamic proxy classes and allocating instances of dynamic proxy classes using the java.lang.reflect.Proxy API.

Dynamic class proxies are supported as long as the bytecodes are generated ahead-of-time. This means that the list of interfaces that define dynamic proxies needs to be known at image build time. SubstrateVM employs a simple static analysis that intercepts calls to java.lang.reflect.Proxy.newProxyInstance(ClassLoader, Class<?>[], InvocationHandler) and java.lang.reflect.Proxy.getProxyClass(ClassLoader, Class<?>[]) and tries to determine the list of interfaces automatically. Where the analysis fails the lists of interfaces can be specified via configuration files. For more details, read our documentation on dynamic proxies.

Java Native Interface (JNI)

Support Status: Mostly supported

What: The Java Native Interface (JNI) enables Java code to interact with native code and vice versa.

Individual classes, methods, and fields that should be accessible via JNI must be specified during native image generation in a configuration file via the option -H:JNIConfigurationFiles=. For more details, read our JNI implementation documentation.

Alternatives: In addition to JNI, we provide our own native interface that is much simpler than JNI. It allows calls between Java and C, and access of C data structures from Java code. However, it does not allow access of Java data structures from C code. For more details, read our JavaDoc of the package org.graalvm.nativeimage.c and its subpackages.

Unsafe Memory Access

Support Status: Mostly supported

What: The memory access methods of sun.misc.Unsafe.

Fields that are accessed using sun.misc.Unsafe need to be marked as such for the static analysis. In most cases, that happens automatically: field offsets stored in static final fields are automatically rewritten from the hosted value (the field offset for the VM that the image generator is running on) to the Substrate VM value, and as part of that rewrite the field is marked as Unsafe-accessed. For non-standard patterns, field offsets can be recomputed manually using the annotation RecomputeFieldValue.

Static Initializers

Support Status: Partially supported

What: Static class initialization blocks, pre-initialized static variables.

All static class initialization is done during native image construction. This has the advantage that possibly expensive initializations do not slow down the startup of the generated image, and large static data structures are pre-allocated. However, it also means that instance-specific initializations (such as opening and initializing native libraries, opening files or socket connections, starting threads ...) cannot be done in static initializers.

Why: Static initializers run in the host VM during native image generation, and it is not possible to prevent or intercept that.

Alternatives: Write your own initialization methods and call them explicitly from your main entry point.

InvokeDynamic Bytecode and Method Handles

Support Status: Not supported

What: The invokedynamic bytecode and the method handle classes introduced with Java 7.

The static analysis and our closed-world assumption require that we know all methods that are called and their call sites, while invokedynamic can introduce calls at runtime or change the method that is invoked.

Only special use cases of invokedynamic are supported: when the invokedynamic can be reduced to a single virtual call or field access during native image generation. This is sufficient for full support of Java 8 Lambda expressions.

Lambda Expressions

Support Status: Supported

What: The Lambda expressions introduced with Java 8.

Lambda expressions use the invokedynamic bytecode, but only for the bootstrapping process (which dynamically creates new classes). All the bootstrapping runs during native image generation, so that no reflective or dynamic method invocation is necessary at run time.

Synchronized, wait, and notify

Support Status: Supported

What: Java offers the synchronized keyword for methods and blocks. Every object and every class has an intrinsic lock. The base class java.lang.Object provides wait and notify methods for conditional waiting.

The implementation of synchronization uses java.util.concurrent.locks. There are no optimizations such as biased locking that reduce the overhead of synchronized, so code that uses unnecessary synchronization (synchronization on temporary objects that do not escape a single thread) is slower on Substrate VM compared to the Java HotSpot VM.


Support Status: Not supported

What: The Java base class java.lang.Object defines the method finalize(). It is called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object. A subclass overrides the finalize() method to dispose of system resources or to perform other cleanup.

Finalizers are not supported at all, and there are no plans to support it. This means that no finalize() method will ever be called. Finalizers are an ancient relict of the early days of Java that are complicated to implement, and have very badly designed semantics. For example, the finalizer can make the object reachable again by storing it in a static field.

Alternatives: Use weak references and reference queues.


Support Status: Mostly supported

What: The package java.lang.ref defines the base class Reference, as well as subclasses for weak, soft, and phantom references. The object that the reference refers to can be deallocated, in which case the reference is updated to contain the value null. With the help of a ReferenceQueue, user code can be executed when a reference gets deallocated.

We have our own Feeble References (exposed as java.lang.ref.Reference) similar to Java's weak references. However, we do not distinguish between weak, soft, and phantom references.


Support Status: Supported

What: Starting new threads; Support for java.lang.Thread.

We have nearly full support for java.lang.Thread. Only deprecated methods, such as Thread.stop(), are not supported. Starting threads in a static initializer is not allowed. See the Static Initializers section for details.

It is possible to build single-threaded applications using the option -H:-MultiThreaded. This removes the dependency on the OS thread library such as pthreads. In a single-threaded application, starting new threads is not allowed and synchronization operations are implemented as no-ops.

Identity Hash Code

Support Status: Supported

What: java.lang.Object.hashCode() and java.lang.System.identityHashCode() return a random but fixed-per-object integer value. Successive calls to identityHashCode() for the same object yield the same result.

Identity hash codes are fully supported. The identity hash code of hosted objects during native image generation is the same as the identity hash code at run time, so hash maps that are built during native image generation can be used at run time.

Security Manager

Support Status: Not supported

What: java.lang.SecurityManager

Since there is no dynamic class loading, there is also no need to sandbox "untrusted" code. The method System.getSecurityManager alsways returns null, i.e., there are no runtime security manager checks performed.

JVMTI, JMX, other native VM interfaces

Support Status: Not supported

What: Management and debugging interfaces that Java offers.

These interfaces require access to Java bytecodes, which are no longer available at run time. They also allow dynamic instrumentation of bytecodes and interception of VM events.

JCA Security Services

Support Status: Supported

What: Java Cryptography Architecture (JCA) and all the corresponding cryptographic communication libraries

The JCA security services must be enabled using the --enable-all-security-services option. They require a custom configuration on Substrate VM since the JCA framework relies on reflection to achieve algorithm extensibility. For more details, read our documentation on security services..