Source code for
Documentation and info on using the site:
See also: Using FPbase: The Fluorescent Protein Database (2023) Methods Mol Biol . 2023;2564:1-45. doi: 10.1007/978-1-0716-2667-2_1
Clone repo and cd into directory
git clone cd FPbase
Create/activate environment using python 3.11 with pipenv/virtualenv/conda
Install python requirements for local development
pip install -r backend/requirements/local.txt # note: on mac silicon, you might have difficulty compiling psycopg2 # in which case you should pip install psycopg2-binary instead
Make sure that you have
installed.On macOS, with homebrew:
brew install postgresql@15 brew services start postgresql@15
Install Node.js & pnpm (homebrew:
brew install node
)npm i -g pnpm
Install frontend requirements
pnpm install
Install a local postgreSQL database (for mac:
Create database, and apply migrations
createdb fpbase python backend/ migrate
start dev servers:
npm run start python backend/ runserver
If you have used FPbase in a publication, or are referencing an FPbase protein collection or microscope in your methods, please cite the following paper:
Lambert, TJ (2019) FPbase: a community-editable fluorescent protein database. Nature Methods. doi: 10.1038/s41592-019-0352-8
If you would like to contribute to the website directly (for instance, to add a feature or fix an error), please branch off of develop and submit a pull request.
If you have data that you would like to contribute to the database, please do not do that here. All data can be submitted directly on the website: