The various parts of the Pybehave framework are connected through a single, unified event system. These events are relayed via inter process communication between the Workstation, main TaskProcess, and Sources.
All events subclass the base PybEvent class which sets a number of flags to allow for serialization via the msgspec protocol. This class is heavily subclassed to represent numerous possible types of Events that could be leveraged by various tasks or external systems.
While events can be customized for specific needs, there are a few default Event classes that can represent the majority of task information across systems. All task-related events subclass the base TaskEvent class which adds a field representing the chamber the event is associated with. Events that happen during the task also have related timing information and are represented by the TimedEvent subclass of TaskEvent. TimedEvent has two further subclasses, StatefulEvent and LoggableEvent, that are used to forward events to the state-related task methods or event logging system respectively. A full overview of the available subclasses is described below.
An additional set of events are available specifically for communicating with Sources. Additional information on interacting with these events is included in the Sources documentation.
EventLoggers handle LoggableEvents to complete desired tasks like serialization or forwarding to external systems.
The core method of the EventLogger class, log_events
will receive
the list of events produced by its corresponding task in the last event cascade. All EventLoggers will receive the full
list of events. Different logic cases can be written in the method to ensure EventLoggers only capture events of interest and vary behavior based on the Event subclass.
For example, the OENetworkLogger
class has a case for handling OEEvents
while all other EventLoggers do not.
An example log_events
override for the core event types is shown below:
def log_events(self, events):
for e in events:
self.event_count += 1
if isinstance(e, InitialStateEvent):
# Log for InitialStateEvent
elif isinstance(e, FinalStateEvent):
# Log for FinalStateEvent
elif isinstance(e, StateChangeEvent):
# Log for end of prior state
self.event_count += 1
# Log for beginning of new state
elif isinstance(e, InputEvent):
# Log for InputEvent
super().log_events(events) # Sometimes the super class method should be called
All EventLoggers have an event_count
attribute for tracking the number of events that have been handled by the logger.
Additional EventLogger parameters for particular subclasses can be provided when added to the Workstation.
The EventLogger class also provides three additional methods that will be called when the task begins, ends, or is cleared: start
, stop
, and close
These methods do not have to be overridden but the start
method will reset event_count
each time it is called.
FileEventLogger is a subclass of EventLogger with additional functionality for handling file saving. The start
and close
methods of FileEventLogger ensure that files are opened and closed when needed. Additionally, the log_events
method will flush
the file regularly if called by its subclass. To use a FileEventLogger, the user needs to override the get_file_path
which will return the path to the file that should be saved. This path will then be used to open a file stored in the log_file
attribute. FileEventLoggers will default to saving to the Desktop/py-behav-v2/TASK_NAME/Data/SUBJECT_NAME/DATE folder which
is represented in the class by the output_folder
attribute. An example override of get_file_path
used by CSVEventLogger is shown below:
def get_file_path(self):
return "{}{}.csv".format(self.output_folder, math.floor(time.time() * 1000))
The classes detailed below are contained in the PybEvents
class PybEvent(msgspec.Struct, kw_only=True, tag=True, omit_defaults=True, array_like=True):
metadata: Dict = {}
Base event class
a dictionary containing any metadata that should be associated with the event
class ErrorEvent(PybEvent):
error: str
traceback: str
Event class for forwarding errors to the Workstation process. These events should be logged if a user needs to be notified in the GUI that an error occurred.
the name of the error
descriptive text related to the error
class PygameEvent(PybEvent):
event_type: int
event_dict: Dict
Associated with internal events in the pygame-based Task GUIs
pygame event code
all metadata for the event
class ExitEvent(PybEvent)
Event associated with Pybehave exiting
class HeartbeatEvent(PybEvent)
Regular event sent from the main Task process to the Workstation to keep the GUI updated and verify connectivity.
class TaskEvent(PybEvent):
chamber: int
Base class for events specifically related to a Task.
the chamber ID the Task the event refers to is associated with
class TimedEvent(TaskEvent, kw_only=True, tag=True, omit_defaults=True, array_like=True):
timestamp: typing.Optional[float] = None
Base class for events that should be associated with a particular time-point in the task.
the time in seconds when the event occurred relative to the beginning of the task
acknowledge(timestamp : float) -> None:
record the time when this event was handled
class StatefulEvent(TimedEvent)
Base class for events that should be forwarded to the relevant Task state methods
class Loggable(TimedEvent)
Base class for events that should be forwarded to EventLoggers
format(self) -> LoggerEvent:
must be overridden by subclasses to format an event for logging
class AddTaskEvent(TaskEvent):
task_name: str
task_event_loggers: str
Event for instantiating a new Task
the class name for the Task formatted as a string
a string encoding instructions to create the EventLoggers for the Task
class ClearEvent(TaskEvent):
del_loggers: bool
Event for removing a Task
flag indicating if any associated loggers should be closed along with the Task
class InitEvent(TaskEvent)
Event associated with a Task successfully being added
class StartEvent(TaskEvent)
Event associated with a Task starting
class StopEvent(TaskEvent)
Event associated with a Task stopping
class ResumeEvent(Loggable, StatefulEvent)
Event associated with a Task resuming
class PauseEvent(Loggable, StatefulEvent)
Event associated with a Task pausing
class AddLoggerEvent(TaskEvent):
logger_code: str
Event associated with adding a new EventLogger to a Task
string representation of instruction to instantiate the EventLogger
class RemoveLoggerEvent(TaskEvent):
logger_name: str
Event associated with removing an EventLogger from a Task
the given name for the EventLogger to be removed
class OutputFileChangedEvent(TaskEvent):
output_file: str
subject: str
Event associated with a change in the save directory or subject name for the Task
the path where Task data should be saved
the name of the subject completing the Task
class ComponentUpdateEvent(TimedEvent):
comp_id: str
value: Any
Event associated with a change in the state/value of a Component
the ID of the Component
the new value for the Component
class ComponentChangedEvent(Loggable, StatefulEvent):
comp: Component
index: int
Simplified version of ComponentUpdateEvent to be used by Task state methods
the Component that has recently changed state/value
the internal index of the Component
class TaskCompleteEvent(TaskEvent)
Event associated with completion of the Task
class TimeoutEvent(Loggable, StatefulEvent):
name: str
Event associated with task behavior that should begin after a set period of time
a string that identifies the specific timeout
class StateEnterEvent(Loggable, StatefulEvent):
name: str
value: int
Event associated with the beginning of a state
a string identifying the name of the state matching one of the values in the States enum
a numeric identifier for the state corresponding to the States enum
class StateExitEvent(Loggable, StatefulEvent):
name: str
value: int
Event associated with the end of a state
a string identifying the name of the state matching one of the values in the States enum
a numeric identifier for the state corresponding to the States enum
class GUIEvent(Loggable, StatefulEvent):
name: str
value: int
Event associated with a user input in the Task's GUI
a string identifying the name of the event
a numeric identifier for the event
class InfoEvent(Loggable):
name: str
value: int
Event associated with information that should be sent to EventLoggers and GUI but won't be handled by the Task event methods.
a string identifying the name of the event
a numeric identifier for the event
class AddSourceEvent(PybEvent):
sid: str
conn: PipeConnection
Event associated with adding a new Source to pybehave.
the unique identifier/name given to the Source
a Pipe object for interprocess communication
class RemoveSourceEvent(PybEvent):
sid: str
Event associated with removing a Source from pybehave.
the unique identifier/name given to the Source
class CloseSourceEvent(PybEvent)
Event associated with ending a Source.
class UnavailableSourceEvent(PybEvent):
sid: str
Event associated with a Source signaling to the main process that it no longer has an active connection to its corresponding hardware/software.
the unique identifier/name given to the Source
class ComponentRegisterEvent(PybEvent):
comp_type: str
cid: str
address: typing.Union[str, typing.List[str]]
Event associated with registering a Component with the Source.
the object type of the Component
the ID of the component
the address in the Source that should be associated with this Component
class ComponentCloseEvent(PybEvent):
comp_id: str
Event associated with the request to close the hardware/software connection with a particular Component.
the ID of the component
class ConstantsUpdateEvent(TaskEvent):
constants: Dict
Event associated with sending information from the SubjectConfigWidget to the Task. This event may send multiple updates at once which will be split into constant-specific ConstantUpdateEvents for constants that actually had their values changed.
class ConstantUpdateEvent(Loggable):
name: str
value: Any
Event associated with changes to constants from the SubjectConfigWidget that occur while the Task is running. One of these events will be logged for each constant that had a change in value after receiving a ConstantsUpdateEvent.
class ConstantRemoveEvent(TaskEvent):
constant: str
Event associated with removing a constant from the SubjectConfigWidget. Will reset the value of the constant to what is listed
in the task's get_constants
method. If this occurs while a task is running, a ConstantUpdateEvent will be logged.
The classes detailed below are contained in the Events
package and associated with event logging.
class EventLogger:
name: str
Base EventLogger class
a string identifying the name associated with this EventLogger
start() -> None:
called when the Task is started
stop() -> None:
called when the Task is stopped
close() -> None:
called when the Task is cleared. Should be used to free resources that require it.
set_task(task: Task) -> None:
called when the EventLogger is first associated with a Task
log_events(events: collections.deque[LoggerEvent]) -> None:
must be overriden to specify how events should be logged
format_event(le: LoggerEvent, event_type: str) -> str:
translates a LoggerEvent into a representative string
class LoggerEvent:
event: TaskEvent
name: str
eid: int
entry_time: float
Container class for encapsulating all the information necessary to log a TaskEvent
the TaskEvent to be logged
the name to be associated with the event
the numeric representation of the event
the time when the event occurred
class FileEventLogger(EventLogger):
name: str
Base class for EventLoggers that are exporting events to files. Has default behavior to open a file stream in start
, flush
events regularly during log_events
, and close the file in stop
a string representing the path where the file will be saved
the file object
get_file_path() -> str:
abstract method returning the full path to the file
class CSVEventLogger(FileEventLogger):
name: str
Default EventLogger for all Tasks that saves event stream to a CSV file. Saved files include a header with subject,task, protocol, address file, and other configuration-related information. The default filename is set to the timestamp in seconds when the task began.
class OENetworkLogger(EventLogger):
name: str
address: str
port: str
EventLogger that transmits pybehave events as strings to OpenEphys to aid in synchronization. This logger should be paired with a NetworkEvents plugin in OpenEphys.
Required Extras: oe
the IP address of the device running OpenEphys. Use localhost if both pybehave and OpenEphys are running on the
same system.
the port of the corresponding NetworkEvents plugin for OpenEphys.