OSD end-to-end testing uses the Ginkgo testing framework and Gomega matching libraries.
There are different suites of tests within OSDe2e with varying meanings and purposes. However, all new tests added should fall under the "informing" test suite.
This test suite is used as a proving ground for new tests to validate their quality and to ensure a potentially new flaky test does not impact the overall CI Signal.
Once a test has run for over a week with quality results, it can then be graduated into its correct/respective suite.
All Ginkgo tests that are imported in /cmd/osde2e/test/cmd.go
are ran as part of the osde2e suite.
For example, to add the tests in the Go package github.com/openshift/osde2e/test/verify
to the normal test suite, you would add the following to /cmd/osde2e/test/cmd.go
import (
_ "github.com/openshift/osde2e/pkg/e2e/verify"
This test from /pkg/e2e/verify/imagestreams.go
provides a good example of setting up new ones:
Create new file in a package that is imported by
as discussed above. For this example, we will call the file imagestreams.go. -
Import Ginkgo testing framework and Gomega matching libraries:
import (
. "github.com/onsi/gomega
- Create new Describe block. These are used to organize tests into groups:
var _ = ginkgo.Describe("[Suite: informing] ImageStreams", func() {
// tests go here
Note: New tests must be initially added to the "informing" test suite. This allows existing signal to not be impacted by potentially flaky or unproven tests.
- Import the helper package and create new helper instance in Describe block. This will setup a Project for each test run and can be used to access the cluster.
import (
var _ = ginkgo.Describe("[Suite: informing] ImageStreams", func() {
h := helper.New()
// tests go here
- Perform a request on the cluster. The helper provides various clientsets:
import (
metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
var _ = ginkgo.Describe("[Suite: informing] ImageStreams", func() {
h := helper.New()
list, err := h.Image().ImageV1().ImageStreams(metav1.NamespaceAll).List(metav1.ListOptions{})
- Using Gomega the results of the request can be validated. The following checks that the requests to the cluster completed successfully and at least 50 ImageStreams exist cluster-wide:
var _ = ginkgo.Describe("[Suite: informing] ImageStreams", func() {
h := helper.New()
util.GinkgoIt("should exist in the cluster", func() {
list, err := h.Image().ImageV1().ImageStreams(metav1.NamespaceAll).List(metav1.ListOptions{})
Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred(), "couldn't list ImageStreams")
numImages := len(list.Items)
minImages := 50
Expect(numImages).Should(BeNumerically(">", minImages), "need more images")
All together this is a working and complete addition to the osde2e suite.
The "ImageStreams should exist in the cluster" test will run as part of the suite:
package verify
import (
. "github.com/onsi/gomega"
metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
var _ = ginkgo.Describe("[Suite: informing] ImageStreams", func() {
h := helper.New()
util.GinkgoIt("should exist in the cluster", func() {
list, err := h.Image().ImageV1().ImageStreams(metav1.NamespaceAll).List(metav1.ListOptions{})
Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred(), "couldn't list ImageStreams")
numImages := len(list.Items)
minImages := 50
Expect(numImages).Should(BeNumerically(">", minImages), "need more images")
Ginkgo has been configured to bring a cluster up in it's BeforeSuite
and destroy it in it's AfterSuite
Cluster configuration
- Launched clusters are setup with the osd package
- Changes to the way test clusters are launched should be made there
- ocm-sdk-go is used to launch clusters
- Configuration for launching clusters is loaded from a
A helper can be created in tests using helper.New()
The helper:
- Configures Ginkgo to create a Project before each test and delete it after
- Provides access to OpenShift and Kubernetes clients configured for the test cluster
- Provides commonly used test functions
Static files for OSDe2e
such as YAML manifests are managed using a project called pkger
takes and compresses assets into a single file for easier distribution. If your test has a static asset such as a manifest, add it into the /assets/
Once your assets are in the correct directory, they will automatically be added to the pkged.go
file that is created by pkger
. during a make build
Note: make build
or make pkger
will automatically install pkger
on your system
You can debug pkger
and ensure that your assets have been installed by running:
pkger list
For local development, OSDe2e has a CRC provider. This ties in an existing CRC installation and will provision and run against a CRC cluster locally.
Supported CRC Version: 1.9.0
Supported OpenShift version: 4.3.10
Example usage:
PROVIDER=crc make test
This provider assumes that you already have and verified the installation of CRC. For more information on setting it up, please refer to their docs.
CRC clusters...
- will not be able to test upgrade paths
- have multiple operators disabled
- will not have many OSD operators installed
- are not (yet) tied into a Hive installation
- spin up a VM locally and require significant resources
All these negatives said, being able to run a subset of tests against a limited cluster locally still boosts developer productivity and is recommended when doing development locally.