This is the UI for the Bundesrat Scraper data. You can check the behavior of the counties of Germany in the Bundesrat
for a given session and Tagesordnungspunkt
(TOP). You can find a live demo on Render (this might take 3-5 minutes).
The website and scraper, including the data, scraper and website code, are unofficial. The Bundesrat
has nothing to do with it. There is no warranty that the scraped data is correct or complete or the website displays the correct information.
You can search either for some keyword in all Tagesordnungspunkt(TOP) titles.
If you start the webpage for the very first time, it can take up to 30-60 seconds before you see the page. In this time, the data JSONs from the Bundesrat Scraper get downloaded. After this, it should be much faster.
The setup is optimized for Arch Linux, but should work with other Linux Distros as well. Please check that you are connected to the internet.
pacman -S docker
sudo systemctl start docker
docker build --file=./Dockerfile . -t bsw
docker run -p 8000:8000 -d my
Now, the server should be seen under docker ps
. Visit in your browser to see the website
To kill the website, just run docker kill $NAMEINSTANCE
, if you want to run the website only locally. If you want to run the app on Heroku, also do:
heroku create #Creates new app on Herkou
git push heroku main #Push code onto heroku
heroku run python migrate #Create DB
heroku open #Go to website
For some reason, the first build always fails. Afterwards, just manually start the build-process again
The website currently fetches the JSON data from the Bundesrat Scraper only when it is started the very first time. If the data was updated, do the following steps to drop the website's database and force a re-fetch of the data:
cd bundesrat-scraper-website
rm db.sqlite3
python3 migrate
heroku local
and visit the local website once to start fetching.
cd bundesrat-scraper-website
heroku pg:reset --confirm APPNAME
heroku run python migrate
and visit the website once to start fetching.
heroku ps -a bundesrat-scraper-website #replace bundesrat-scraper-website with your app name. App name irrelevant as long as it belongs to you.
Please check that you are connected to the internet. Afterward, execute:
pip install coverage
coverage run --source='.' test scraper
coverage report #To see the test coverage of files