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File metadata and controls

109 lines (79 loc) · 3.58 KB


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The package can be installed by adding igdb to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:igdb, "~> 1.0.1"}

Documentation can be found at


You will need to set the following configuration variables in your config/config.exs file:

use Mix.Config

config :igdb, api_key:  "IGDB_API_KEY",
              api_root: "IGDB_API_ROOT"

For security, I recommend that you use environment variables rather than hard coding your account credentials. If you don't already have an environment variable manager, you can create a .env file in your project with the following content:

export IGDB_API_KEY="<production key here>"
export IGDB_API_ROOT=""

Then, just be sure to run source .env in your shell before compiling your project.



Returns a list of resources found from given search options.

If the resources could not be loaded, search/1 will return a 3-element tuple in this format, {:error, message, code}. The code is the HTTP status code returned by the IGDB API, for example, 404.


The options should be passed as a keyword list. Below is a list of allowed keys:

Option Values Example
fields atom, string or list of those; can be nested with periods "*", ["*", "game.*]
sort string; column with the direction (asc/desc); cannot be used with search "created_at desc"
limit integer 10
search string; text you want to search for; cannot be used with sort "Final Fantasy"
where list of strings, will be joined with AND - you may construct your own ["platforms = 48", "date > 1538129354"]
exclude string; exclude irrelevant data from your query "tags"

Refer to individual resources for the available columns to filter on.


iex> "Final Fantasy", limit: 5, where: ["platforms = 48"], fields: "name")
  %{id: 37087, name: "Monster of the Deep: Final Fantasy XV"},
  %{id: 11169, name: "Final Fantasy VII Remake"},
  %{id: 36831, name: "Dissidia Final Fantasy NT"},
  %{id: 38492, name: "Final Fantasy XV Deluxe Edition"},
  %{id: 26069, name: "FINAL FANTASY XV - Season Pass Upgrade"}


Unit tests:

mix test

There is an external test, not run by default, that hits the API for each resource endpoint. To enable, it, first ensure you have the API configured in the ENV:

export IGDB_TEST_API_KEY="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

And run:

mix test --include external


A lot of inspiration taken from ex_twilio. Thank you!