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This program can be used to convert various 3D model formats to and from model formats used by Colobot


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Colobot Model Converter

This program can be used to convert various 3D model formats to and from model formats used by Colobot.

Basic usage

To convert one format to another you need to run this program in terminal. [switches]

The most basic case is when you just specify files. Actual format will be determined by extension. For example, extension "obj" means Wavefront .OBJ format and "mod" extension means old Colobot binary format. To specify input file you use "-i" switch and to specify output file you use "-o" switch. For example, to convert .obj file to new Colobot text format, use can use following command: -i box.obj -o box.txt

You can specify formats manually with "-if" and "-of" switches. They mean input and output formats respectively. You can also add parameters using "-ip" and "-op" switches. For example, by default text Colobot format version 2 is used for output. If you need version 1, you need to add output parameter like this: -i box.obj -if obj -o box.txt -of new_txt -op version=1

Batch mode

Batch mode allows you to process multiple files at once. "-i" and "-o" switches are ignored and files are added using "-add" switch instead. You can also make a list of files, put them in text file and use "-addlist" switch to add entire list of files at once.

Files are specified either as single file using "-add filename" or as two files using "-add filename1:filename2". In first case, filename specifies input filename and output filename will be guessed based on output format. If output format is not specified explicitly, convertion cannot be performed and warning will be issued. In second case, input filename is filename1 and output filename is filename2. Output format will be guessed based on filename extension if not specified explicitly with "-of" switch.

Examples of usage: -batch -add model1.obj:model1.mod -add model2.obj:model2.mod -batch -of old -add model1.obj -add model2.obj -batch -of old -addlist models.txt

models.txt file:


Command line switches

Switch Description
-add filename Adds single file for batch mode processing. Output filename will be automatically found if possible.
-add filename1:filename2 Adds single file for batch mode processing. Output filename specified explicitly.
-addlist filename Processes file filename and adds each line exactly like -add switch.
-batch Enables batch mode for processing multiple files.
-ext Lists all available default extensions and exits.
-f Lists all available formats and exits.
-i filename Sets input file name to filename.
-if format Sets input format to format.
-ip name Adds input format parameter name with no value.
-ip key=value Adds input format parameter key with value value.
-o filename Sets output file name to filename.
-of format Sets output format to format.
-op name Adds output format parameter name with no value.
-op key=value Adds output format parameter key with value value.

Supported formats

Below are listed all formats supported by this converter. A given format can have read only, write only and read/write access. Read only means you can convert this format to something else but not into it. Write only means you can convert other format to this format but can't convert from it. Read/write means you can convert to and from this format. Format might have assigned default extension.

Format name Extension Access Description
default depends Default format that uses filename extension to determine actual format
colobot read/write Default Colobot format (currently: old binary format)
old mod read/write Old Colobot binary format (.mod files) version 1.2 only
new_txt txt read/write New Colobot text format
obj obj read/write Wavefront .OBJ format

Format specific options

  • old
    • dirt - specifies dirt texture number, defaults to 0
  • new_txt
    • dirt - specifies dirt texture name, defaults to none
    • version - specifies format version, defaults to 2
  • obj
    • flipX - flips axis X during import/export
    • flipY - flips axis Y during import/export
    • flipZ - flips axis Z during import/export

State specification

Colobot meshes specify internal state of each triangle that changes behaviour of rendering engine. You can specify state in material name like this: Material name [state]. state has to be a list of numbers or state names.

Valid state names are listed in table below. Some states are not properly documented and have unknown effects.

Name Code Description
normal 0 Normal texture
ttexture_black 1 Texture with black color transparency
ttexture_white 2 Texture with white color transparency
ttexture_diffuse 4 Texture with transparency
wrap 8 Wrap mode
clamp 16 Clamp mode
light 32 Completely bright
dual_black 64 Dual black ?
dual_white 128 Dual white ?
part1 256 Part 1
part2 512 Part 2
part3 1024 Part 3
part4 2048 Part 4
2face 4096 Render both faces
alpha 8192 Transparency with alpha channel
second 16384 Use second texture
fog 32768 Render fog
tcolor_black 65536 Black color is transparent
tcolor_white 131072 White color is transparent
text 262144 Used for rendering text
opaque_texture 524288 Opaque texture
opaque_color 1048576 Opaque color


  • 1.6
    • added batch mode for processing multiple files
    • added console messages for converted files
  • 1.5.1
    • added support for reading old Colobot format version 1.2
  • 1.5
    • added support for writing Wavefront OBJ files
    • added switches for obj format
    • added base for COLLADA format (not yet useful)
    • added -ext switch
  • 1.4
    • more refactoring
    • split some code into additional file
    • changed way of registering and accessing formats
    • added registering of filename extensions
    • added default format that chooses appropriate format by filename extension
    • added filename extensions: mod, txt and obj
  • 1.3.1
    • added support for writing old Colobot model format files
    • added parameter to specify dirt texture
  • 1.3
    • code refactored
    • added simple and extensible API for format conversion
    • added command line switches
  • 1.2
    • code refactored, split into separate files
  • 1.1
    • added alternate state specification
    • default output format version changed to 2
  • 1.0
    • state specification in material name ("Material [state]")


This program can be used to convert various 3D model formats to and from model formats used by Colobot







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