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Tom Carman edited this page Jun 26, 2024 · 55 revisions


Rule Details

Rule Description Metadata Implementation Options
object-should-have-a-description Custom objects should have a description, describing how the object is used. Custom Object Identifies metadata files that end with .object-meta.xml and have a __c or __e in the filename.

Checks for a <description> tag in the file.

object-description-minimum-length A custom object should have a description, describing how the object is used. The description should be at least {option.minimumLength} characters long. Custom Object Identifies metadata files that end with .object-meta.xml and have a __c or __e in the filename.

Inspects the length of the value in the <description> tag in the file.

minimumLength (integer)
field-should-have-a-description Custom fields should have a description, describing how the field is used. Custom Field Identifies metadata files that end with .field-meta.xml and have a __c or __e in the filename.

Checks for a <description> tag in the file.

field-description-minimum-length A custom field should have a description, describing how the field is used. The description should be at least {option.minimumLength} characters long. Custom Field Identifies metadata files that end with .field-meta.xml and have a __c or __e in the filename.

Inspects the length of the value in the <description> tag in the file.

minimumLength (integer)
flow-should-have-a-description Flows should have a description, describing how the Flow is used. Flow Identifies metadata files that end with .flow-meta.xml.

Checks for a <description> tag in the file.

flow-description-minimum-length A Flow should have a description, describing how the Flow is used. The description should be at least {option.minimumLength} characters long. Flow Identifies metadata files that end with .flow-meta.xml.

Inspects the length of the value in the <description> tag in the file.

minimumLength (integer)
validation-rule-should-have-a-description Validation rules should have a description, describing how the rule is used. Validation Rule Identifies metadata files that end with .validationRule-meta.xml.

Checks for a <description> tag in the file.

validation-rule-description-minimum-length A validation rule should have a description, describing how the rule is used. The description should be at least {option.minimumLength} characters long. Validation Rule Identifies metadata files that end with .validationRule-meta.xml.

Inspects the length of the value in the <description> tag in the file.

minimumLength (integer)
validation-rule-error-minimum-length A validation rule should have a clear error message, describing how the user should resolve the error. The error message should be at least {option.minimumLength} characters long. Validation Rule Identifies metadata files that end with .validationRule-meta.xml.

Inspects the length of the value in the <errorMessage> tag in the file.

minimumLength (integer)
metadata-should-have-prefix All metata must have a prefix of one of the following: {option.prefixes}


Metadata of types: {option.types} should have one of the following prefixes: {option.prefixes}
All custom metadata, or the types defined in option.types Identifies metadata files that end with .validationRule-meta.xml.

Inspects the length of the value in the <errorMessage> tag in the file.

minimumLength (integer)