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This repo contains convertion scripts and models to automatically extract event triggers following the TimeML Annotation Guidelines. The CRF models has been developed using the CRF++ Toolkit (

Scripts for feature extraction (training and test) take in input:

As for test data, two feature extraction scripts are available. The scripts ending with "" deal with TempEval-3 data only; the other with any other dataset or pre-processed text files.

Two CRF templates are made available:

  1. NWR-only: features are obtained only from the NewsReader Pipeline, Predicate Matrix (version 1.1), and WordNet supersenses (for nouns only)
  2. Stanford+NWR: features are obtained by combning together the output of the Stanford CoreNLP tool (basic morph-synatactic and dependency features), the NewsReaer pipeline (the semantic role layer), Predicate Matrix (version 1.1), and and WordNet supersenses (for nouns only)

Evaluation has been conducted on the TempEval-3 Platinum test set. See table below for results and comparison with best 3 sota systems which took part to the TempEval-3 evaluation exercise (for more details

Sytem Precision Recall F1-score
TE3-ATT1 0.814 0.806 0.81
TE3-ATT2 0.81 0.808 0.809
NavyTime-1 0.798 0.807 0.803
------------- ------------- ------------- -------------
NWR-only 0.809 0.787 0.798
Stanford+NWR 0.817 0.82 0.817

Both systems use Gold+Silver data in training . Pre-trained models can be downloaded:

Event Attributes

The script for extracting training and test format for the event attributes are stored in the event_attributes folder. The templates are available the event_attribute_template folder.

Evaluation against the TempEval-3 Platinum test:

Sytem Class - F1 Tense - F1 Aspect - F1
TE3-ATT1 0.718 0.594 0.735
ClearTK 0.678 0.616 0.716
NavyTime-1 0.674 0.698 0.732
------------- ------------- ------------- -------------
Stanford+NWR 0.722 0.608 0.731

Note: for the Class attribute, we used both gold and silver data to train the model. For Tense and Aspect training was done using the gold data only.

Temporal Relations

Three subsets of temporal relations are available:

  • Event - Document Creation Time (DCT)
  • Event - Temporal expression (same sentence)
  • Event - Event (same sentence)

Script for extrating the training data are available in the tlinks folder. The templates are available the tlinks_template folder. The best system assumes dense temporal relations (i.e. all events in the same sentence connected among them) in test mode.

Sytem P R F1
ClearTK 0.34 0.284 0.309
------------- ------------- ------------- -------------
Stanford+NWR 0.238 0.392 0.296
LREC 2018 paper

All materials in the LREC 2018 paper are available in the folder LREC18_materials.

References and Links:


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