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Install on Raspberry pi

This procedure gives instructions on how to install the app aqi_luftdaten on a Raspberry pi.


The Raspberry pi and the PC used for the deploy must be connected to the same LAN network.

Key exchange between RPi and github

from your PC log into the RPi.

ssh pi@<RPi_IP>


become admin

sudo su

ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C ""

press enter


This password becomes the password you have to give in from the RPi to interact with github (e.g. git clone), so note it down..




Generating public/private ed25519 key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/root/.ssh/id_ed25519): 
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): 
Enter same passphrase again: 
Your identification has been saved in /root/.ssh/id_ed25519.
Your public key has been saved in /root/.ssh/
The key fingerprint is:


activate the ssh agent

eval $(ssh-agent -s)

this should return

Agent pid 716

add the new .ssh file to the files recognized by the ssh agent

ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_ed25519


get the content of the file ending with .pub

cat ~/.ssh/

copy the output of this command (it should start with ssh-ed25519 and end with the e-mail address)

log in into your github account and go to

github profile > top-right dropdown menu > settings > left-side menu > SSH and GPG keys > add ssh key


Choose a self-explanatory title, such as id_ed25519.pub_from_RPi_model4B_4GB so that you will remember which device it is associated to.

Clone the app on raspberry pi

from your PC log into the RPi.

ssh pi@<RPi_IP>


become admin

sudo su

Install git

sudo apt update
sudo apt install git

clone the app

Go to the directory where we want to install the app

cd /var/www/

get the git clone link from github:

  • go to the github repo
  • Code button
  • HTTPS tab
  • copy the link


On deploy machine, git clone the project by using the github link starting with https. This one allows to pull the project easily (but it should not allow the user to push changes to github, so it is safer).
On development, git clone the project by using the github link starting with git@. This one allows to git push the project easily by using github SSH authentication method (SSH key exchange between github and the machine).

git clone

Install Nginx as web server and reverse proxy

This is the web server (server the static files) and reverse proxy (forwards the dynamic requests to Django).

sudo su
cd /var/www/aqi_luftdaten
source venv/bin/activate

apt-get update
apt-get install nginx

test that it works by running

hostname -I

then place in your browser the URL


you should see the Nginx welcome page.

NOTE: Nginx configuration will be done later.

Install Postgresql database


sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install postgresql

Check the port on which postgres is listening

sudo netstat -lntp | grep postgres

Reset root default password

Useful information for Ubuntu:

Useful information for AWS EC2:

The default password for postgresql is postgres, but it is better to change it for security reasons.

Become user postgres

sudo -i -u postgres

open the postgres shell


reset the root password

\password postgres


This will become the new root password of postgres. If you forget this, you will not be able to manage postgresql anymore, so note it down.



commit the change by exiting the shell


Create a new database for the app

enter the postgres shell as postgres user

psql -h localhost -U postgres -d postgres

create the new database

create database aqiluftdaten;

create a "main" and a "readonly" user for the app

create user luftdaten_main WITH ENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'aqimain';  # choose short one

create user luftdaten_readonly WITH ENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'aqireadonly';  # choose short one

make the main user the owner of the database

alter database aqiluftdaten OWNER TO luftdaten_main;

exit the shell and test to reopen it as the "main user of the app"


psql -h localhost -U luftdaten_main -d aqiluftdaten


The database name, the database-owner user and its password become the credentials for the Django app to access the database.

'NAME': 'aqiluftdaten',
'USER': 'luftdaten_main',
'PASSWORD': 'aqimain',

These credentials must be inserted in the DATABASES variable in module of the Django main app (the one created by default by django, at the same folder level of the other django apps inside that Django project).

    'default': {
        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql',
        'NAME': '<db name here>',
        'USER': '<user here>',
        'PASSWORD': '<password here>',
        'HOST': 'localhost',
        'PORT': '5432',

Install Python

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa

sudo apt update


Do not install a different version of python3. Compatibility between Python 3.8 and the content of the requirements.txt file, ovarall Django 3.1.4, is guaranteed by the author.

sudo apt install python3.8

Install pip and virtualenv

sudo apt-get install pip

sudo apt install python3-virtualenv

create virtual environment


This procedure is to create a virtual environment on the deploy machine, the RPi.
To create the virtual environment on the development machine, just run python3 -m venv ./venv/ .
Syntax: python3 -m venv ./<virtual_environment_name>/

sudo su

cd /var/www/aqi_luftdaten

specifically use python3 to create a virtual environment for the app in folder venv

/usr/local/opt/python-3.8.1/bin/python3.8 -m venv ./venv/

ativate and deactivate the virtual environment only for testing

source venv/bin/activate

Install the python modules web framework django

sudo su
cd /var/www/aqi_luftdaten
source venv/bin/activate


Make sure you have already installed postgresql, or the installation of python module psycopg2 will raise problems and confliects.

sudo apt update

Safe install of psycopg2

safe install psycopg2 before massively installing all the other python modules

pip install psycopg2-binary

only if it does not work again, run

sudo apt-get install libpq-dev

Once psycopg2 is installed, launch the massive safe installation of required python modules

cat requirements.txt | xargs -n 1 pip install

for every package which raises problems, open the file requirements.txt, look up for the line including that module and remove the string ==X.X.X, then run again the same command

cat requirements.txt | xargs -n 1 pip install

Create the app tables in postgresql via python

Once the app framework and postgres are both installed, create the tables required by the app to operate correctly.

sudo su
cd /var/www/aqi_luftdaten
source venv/bin/activate

python makemigrations

python migrate

Create superuser

Create superuser in order to access the admin section of the app.

sudo su
cd /var/www/aqi_luftdaten
source venv/bin/activate

python createsuperuser

Collect static files

Custom static files (images, javascript and css - i.e. everything useful for beautifying the frontend) are developed in the static folders defined in the list variable STATICFILES_DIRS in settings.
In this app, one of these flders is is static.

In production (i.e. when DEBUG = False), the static files must be served by the web server (e.g. nginx).

Since the layout of the admin section (and eventually some third-parts django libraries) is managed by Django, the static files of the admin section will automatically created into the folder defined in the variable STATIC_ROOT in settings.
In this app it is staticfiles.

So, every time new static files are developed in STATICFILES_DIRS folders, the STATIC_ROOT folder must be updated.
This can be done by running the django command collectstatic.

sudo su
cd /var/www/aqi_luftdaten
source venv/bin/activate

python collectstatic   

Configure the app to be hosted on the RPi

In aqi_luftdaten/, insert the IP of the RPi in the list variable ALLOWED_HOSTS


or leave it to


to allow the app to be hosted on any server (not recommanded for security reasons).

In the end, test that the app can be on the RPi without throwing any error.

sudo su
cd /var/www/aqi_luftdaten
source venv/bin/activate

python runserver

Configure Nginx to serve the app

sudo su
cd /var/www/aqi_luftdaten
source venv/bin/activate

the default nginx configuration files are at paths


but we do not need the one in sites-enabled, so you can delete it

rm /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default

Create the symbolic link

ln -s /var/www/aqi_luftdaten/infrastructure/nginx/aqi_luftdaten_nginx.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/

Check that the symbolic link is right, run

ll /etc/nginx/conf.d

you should see

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root   68 May  5 21:18 aqi_luftdaten_nginx.conf -> /var/www/aqi_luftdaten/infrastructure/nginx/aqi_luftdaten_nginx.conf

This allows Nginx to find the app-specific configuration file infrastructure/nginx/aqi_luftdaten_nginx.conf when it searches for configuration files.

Check that Nginx is working

In case the app is running because it was manually started via python runserver, stop it via ctrl + D.

restart nginx

/etc/init.d/nginx restart

By using the browser of any other device (other than the RPi) connected to the LAN network,
connect via browser to both IP addresses

http://<RPi_IP>:PORT_1  # e.g. the port of another app already running and exposed on the RPi

NOTE: Make sure the prefix is http and not https.

The other app should still be reachable, while on port http://<RPi_IP>:3001 you should get 502 bad gateway, as the HTTP WSGI server for is not installed yet.

in case of errors, to rollback to the previous configuration, run

sudo su
cd /etc/nginx/conf.d/
rm /etc/nginx/conf.d/aqi_luftdaten_nginx.conf

systemctl stop nginx.service
systemctl start nginx.service
systemctl status nginx.service

web server for python: gunicorn

Gunicorn is an HTTP WSGI server (Web Server Gateway Interface) for Python applications.
In other words, it is a web server designed to run Python web applications that adhere to the WSGI standard.

install gunicorn

sudo su
cd /var/www/aqi_luftdaten
source venv/bin/activate

pip install gunicorn

check you have wsgi file


Gunicorn requires that you have the .wsgi files in the root directory of your project , and it will not be able to read it if it is elsewhere.

The files in the app folder infrastructure/wsgi/ must be symbolically linked into the root directory of the project.



sudo su
cd /var/www/aqi_luftdaten
source venv/bin/activate 

Create the symbolic link

ln -s /var/www/aqi_luftdaten/infrastructure/wsgi/aqi_luftdaten.wsgi /var/www/aqi_luftdaten/

Check that the symbolic link is right, run

ll /var/www/aqi_luftdaten/

you should see the symbolic link and check that it is not colored in red

lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root   74 May  5 15:26 aqi_luftdaten.wsgi -> /var/www/aqi_luftdaten/infrastructure/wsgi/aqi_luftdaten.wsgi

run the app manually via gunicorn

This command is to have Gunicorn running the python app.
It binds the app internal port (8001) on which the app is exposed by the command python runserver localhost:8001, to the address and port localhost:8001.
The --bind part tells Gunicorn that it has to listen HTTP requests coming from that port (from the app).

sudo su
cd /var/www/aqi_luftdaten
source venv/bin/activate

PYTHONPATH=`pwd`/.. venv/bin/gunicorn aqi_luftdaten.wsgi:application --bind localhost:8001

See here why PYTHONPATH=`pwd`/.. is required at the start of the line.

By using the browser of any other device (other than the RPi) connected to the LAN network, you should see the app running at

Start the app manually in background via gunicorn (and gracefully exit the machine)


This is just a temporary command and should be launched only to check that guincorn can run the app successfully. The starting, stopping and starting-at-boot of the app should be managed via systemd and the systemctl syntax, which should be implemented as last step of the app installation process.

sudo su
cd /var/www/aqi_luftdaten/
source venv/bin/activate

sudo nohup env PYTHONPATH=`pwd`/.. venv/bin/gunicorn aqi_luftdaten.wsgi:application --bind localhost:8001 > /home/pi/aqi_luftdaten.log 2>&1 &

check that the app is up and running

echo "Grepping the app name from ps aux"
echo "$(ps aux | grep 'aqi_luftdaten')"

exit the machine gracefully


Do not use the X button of the UI of the terminal.

To exit the RPi gracefully, press ctrl + D

By using the browser of any other device (other than the RPi) connected to the LAN network, you should see the app still running at

cron files

The files in the app folder infrastructure/cron/ must be symbolically linked into directory


of the RPi.


sudo su
cd /var/www/aqi_luftdaten/
source venv/bin/activate

Create the symbolic link

ln -s /var/www/aqi_luftdaten/infrastructure/cron/aqi_luftdaten-cron /etc/cron.d/

Check that the symbolic link is right, run

ll /etc/cron.d/aqi_luftdaten-cron

you should see

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 46 May  1 10:59 /etc/cron.d/aqi_luftdaten-cron -> /var/www/aqi_luftdaten/infrastructure/cron/aqi_luftdaten-cron

This allows cron to find the app-specific cron file infrastructure/cron/aqi_luftdaten-cron .

NOTE: No chmod of the cron files is needed.
No restart of cron is needed.

Just enable the execution of the files target of the cron

sudo chmod +x infrastructure/sh/*

Log files

Create directrory to host logs

sudo mkdir /var/log/aqi_luftdaten/

Turn the app into a service

The files in the app folder infrastructure/systemd/ must be symbolically linked into directory


of the RPi.

The first one will allow them to be run as services via the command systemctl.

The second one will allow them to be automatically started as service as the machine re/boots.


sudo su
cd /var/www/aqi_luftdaten/
source venv/bin/activate

Create the symbolic links

ln -s /var/www/aqi_luftdaten/infrastructure/systemd/aqi_luftdaten.service /etc/systemd/system/
ln -s /var/www/aqi_luftdaten/infrastructure/systemd/aqi_luftdaten.service /etc/systemd/system/

Check that the symbolic link is right, run

ll /etc/systemd/system/
ll /etc/systemd/system/aqi_luftdaten.service

you should see

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 52 May  1 11:04 /etc/systemd/system/ -> /var/www/aqi_luftdaten/infrastructure/systemd/aqi_luftdaten.service

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 52 May  1 11:04 /etc/systemd/system/aqi_luftdaten.service -> /var/www/aqi_luftdaten/infrastructure/systemd/aqi_luftdaten.service

start the service

sudo systemctl start aqi_luftdaten.service

and check it is allright

sudo systemctl status aqi_luftdaten.service

To make this service automatically run on boot

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable aqi_luftdaten.service
sudo systemctl restart aqi_luftdaten.service  # there is no real need to run this

In the end, test that the service works after the RPi booting


This will restart your RPi.

sudo reboot

After a while, by using the browser of any other device (other than the RPi) connected to the LAN network, you should see the app automatically booted and running at

In case you want to disable the program on boot

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl disable aqi_luftdaten.service


In case you change nginx or wsgi configurations, reload the daemon and restart the services to make them effective

/etc/init.d/nginx restart
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl restart aqi_luftdaten.service

+ The app aqi_luftdaten is now successfully installed!