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Exploring Multilingual Language Models and their effectinves for Named Entity Recognition (NER) in German and English.


  • Python 3.x

Requierements can be installed via pip using the requierements.txt. We use

It is recommended to run the experiments on at least 1 GPU. Our experiments were conducted using 2. The prediction is run on CPU only.

NER experiments

We uset Google's BERT model (english bert base and multilingual bert base, both cased) and evaluate them on the [CoNLL-2003] NER dataset.

Create the appropriate datasets using the makefile

Run Usage (listing the most important options) :

  • lang: select the language to train. Supported languages are eng, deu, and engm using the english data on the multilingual models
  • batch_size
  • lr: define learning rate
  • epochs: define epochs to train
  • dataset: path to dataset. Note: lang will be appended to this path to access the language specific dataset.
  • loss: set to zero to mask of all padding during loss calculation
  • ds_size: limit the dataset loaded for testing
  • bertAdam: if flag set uses the BertAdam optimiser
  • save: saves the final model, it can then be loaded with for NER.

(Example) Replicating English BERT NER experiment

Create the dataset:

make dataset-engI

Train the NER model:

python --do-train --do-eval --lr=3e-5 --batch-size=16 --epochs=4 --bertAdam --dataset=data/conll-2003-I/

[DEMO] Use your trained model for NER

If you use with the save flag, the saved model can be loaded in and it will recognise the named entities of the senteces provided. Note, you just need to proved the file name, the learner will automatically look for it in it's directory and append to correct extension.

python eng_3_model

Example output:

Loading model...
Lang: eng
Model: bert-base-cased
Run: eng_3_model
Enter sentence: Antonia goes to Trinity College Dublin, in Ireland.
input:  ['[CLS]', 'Anton', '##ia', 'goes', 'to', 'Trinity', 'College', 'Dublin', ',', 'in', 'Ireland', '.', '[SEP]']
tensor([0, 4, 0, 1, 1, 5, 5, 5, 1, 1, 2, 1, 0])
Named Entities
Antonia I-PER
goes O
to O
Trinity I-ORG
College I-ORG
Dublin, I-ORG
in O
Ireland. I-LOC
Enter sentence: ...

Fine-tuning experiments

We apply the LM fine-tuning methods from ULMFIT to the BERT model, in order to boost performance. It does not work.

LM - pretraining

Use conl_to_docs from to convert the trainings set to a document of sentences.

Use the output file you specified as input to the data generation:

make 2bert DIR='data/conll-2003/eng/' M='bert-base-cased' E=20

Then fine-tune the language model on the task data:

make pretrain_lm FILE='' DIR='data/conll-2003/deu/' M='bert-base-multilingual-cased' E=20 


Learnig rates were selected using the jupter notebooks.

Run to fine-tuning using the tuning methods from ULMFIT. Add tuned_learner to load the fine-tuned LM:

python --batch-size=16 --epochs=4 --lr=5e-5 --do-train --do-eval --dataset=data/conll-2003-I/ --lang=deu --tuned-learner='pretrain/pytorch_fastai_model_i_bert-base-multilingual-cased_10.bin'



model datset dev f1 test f1
BERT Large - 96.6 92.8
BERT Base - 96.4 92.4
English BERT (ours) IOB1 96.4 92.6
" BIO 95.6 92.2
Mutlilingual BERT (ours) IOB1 96.4 91.9
" BIO 96.5 92.1


model datset dev f1 test f1
Ahmed & Mehler IOB1 - 83.64
Riedl & Pado - - 84.73
Mutlilingual BERT (ours) IOB1 88.44 85.81
" BIO 87.49 84.98

Fine-tuning showed no improvement, the results stayed about the same.

File overview:

  • generates data for LM fine-tuning (see make 2bert for example usage)
  • {deu|eng}-tune-ex-i.ipynb: used to select discriminative learning rates for fine-tuning
  • provides helper functions for the fastai learner: e.g loss function , metric callback
  • fine-tunes LM on pregenerated bert data
  • makefile: make instructions for dataset generation etc.
  • contains the data preprocessing
  • adation of BertAdam optimiser to work with fastai
  • plots.ipynb: generate plots for discriminative learning rate selection.
  • use pretrained model for NER
  • requirements.txt: requirements of project
  • Run NER experiment; train bert model on conll-2003 data
  • fine-tune with ULMFIT fine-tuning methods (current discriminative lrs are hard coded).