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301 lines (281 loc) · 19.1 KB

File metadata and controls

301 lines (281 loc) · 19.1 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.



  • SQLiteSQLAlchemyDatabase, wrapping python's SQLite3 with SQLAlchemy.


  • Dependency updates; typehinting updates in support
  • Implement walrus/assignment operator (:=) in
  • Add get_user_input function to abstracts asking for UI. Takes a prompt, validation function, error message args.
  • Implement get_user_input for most user input.
  • Remove unused setuptools dependency from requirements.txt.
  • Change to use github actions instead of TravisCI.
    • Add dionysus/.github/workflows/CI.yml github action, running essentially same as TravisCI, running tests both Windows and Linux, and unsupported/dev python versions, but failure on these shows as pass, to avoid failing the build.
    • Remove .travis.yml
    • Remove dependencies that were only used for TravisCI from requirements_dev.txt.
  • Change exit to use raise SystemExit with exit code 0.
  • Change generic types to use builtins (eg list, dict rather than List, Dict), per PEP 585.
  • Remove Python 3.8 support due to implementing PEP 585.
  • Change all implicity None-optional typing top explicity declare None type or Optional.


  • Remove Python 3.9 support, add 3.11, 3.12.
  • Remove CircleCI/TravisCI testing.
  • Remove sqlalchemy stubs, functionality now bundled with sqlalchemy
  • Rm codecov in favour of github-action

[0.8.1-alpha] - 2020-08-29


  • Better optimised SQLiteDatabase queries.


  • Remove 32-bit python testing on appveyor.
  • is removed. NB Still available on GitHub.
    • No intention to maintain interoperability of very old data formats going forward.
    • Similar functionality may return in future releases, for conversion between backends.

[0.8.0-alpha] - 2020-08-20


  • SQLiteDatabase - using python's builtin sqlite3 module.
  • - common tests run on every backend to ensure uniform API.
  • Add .dcignore omitting test code from analysis.


  • SQLiteDatabase is now the default backend.
  • Class, Student objects' class methods now return instances of the calling cls. NewClass.from_dict now returns an instance of NewClass, not Class.
  •, now used instead of other attrs (eg name) throught application.
  • Rename score-avatar_dict in chart_data_dict to score-students_dict, and pass Student objects.
  • Retrieval of avatar paths moved from take_chart_data_UI.take_student_scores to process_chart_data.generate_avatar_coords, which now takes an additional class_id. parameter to facilitate getting avatar paths from JSONDatabase.
  • Charts saved as JSON now store the student name, rather than path to an avatar image. Student represented by the default avatar are no longer anonymous!
  • Charts are now saved at 1080p proportion (19.20, 10.80), explicitly saved in png format at better quality 300dpi.


  • Remove - package is not designed to be installed!


  • Python 3.6 is officially unsupported. Looks like it will still work with JSONDatabase, and with SQLiteDatabase if the database path is changed to a string, but no support going forward is intended.
  • Python 3.7 is pending depreciation, as Python 3.9 is due for release in October.

[0.7.0-alpha] - 2020-06-27


  • Database ABC, establishing API for database objects.
    • Subclasses cannot instantiate without implementing methods defined in Database.
    • Class attr required_attributes: List[str] is a list of string attr names that subclasses must in implement (such as default_avatar_path)..
    • Uses ABCMetaEnforcedAttrs metaclass to enforce existence of attrs in required_attributes in Database subclasses.
  • JSONDatabase(Database) class implementing this API, apart from get_avatar_path which is incompatible: this method is implemented as get_avatar_path_class_filename, since it needs the class' name as well as the avatar's filename. This is clearly documented, and only used in one instance inside
    • Registry object managing JSONDatabase's registry.
  • ClassIdentifier - NamedTuple with attrs id, name for a class - allowing the id to be anything the database backend needs to use, with the human-readable/string name of the class. This avoids difficulty with supporting existing JSON database, as well as a uniform API between backends.
  • definitions.DATABASE Database object initialised on app_start, prompt user to set if app is being run for the first time.
    • Presently defaults to JSONDatabase, ie legacy backend.
    • Call to DATABASE.close() to close out database (eg write registry to disk for JSONDatabase, close connections etc).
  • settings_functions to change database backend. Actual change machinery yet to be implemented, as only JSON backend currently implemented.


  • Refactor all code/calls dealing with persistence to definitions.DATABASE.
    • Database object responsible for creating needed paths apart from app_data//temp/, such paths are removed from DataFolder.
  • Student.avatar_filename changed to Student.avatar_id for naming consistency between database backends. This is backwards incompatible, but is a simple string replace operation in any current data files.
  • JSONDatabase's Registry now checks if on-disk version of registry is correct, only writing to it if incorrect or non-existent.
  • Factor out functions asking user for yes/no input into ask_user_bool function, taking a question and optional invalid_input_response parameters.
  • Increased test coverage, more tests converted to Pytest style tests.
  • Stricter Path object passing and usage.
  • Instances of 'folder' changed to 'dir' or 'directory' in vars/docstrings, apart from
  • When clicking 'x' instead of 'save as' when a chart is displayed, UI no longer freezes, nor pops up a 'save chart as' file dialogue.


  •, functionality moved to Registry object in persistence/databases/


  • Python 3.6 support ends with this release.
  • Python 3.7 support will soon be removed also, in dionysus release following release of python 3.9 - plan is to only support 2 minor releases of python at one time.
  • JSONDatabase may be removed at some point, or not support new features, although it, or the data format might be kept for utility of debugging and editing.
  • will not be supporting conversion from older formats than current to any future versions.

[0.6.0-alpha] - 2020-04-01


  • Implemented temp directory created in APP_DATA by data_folder_check on app start and removed on app exit (if it contains files).
  • NewClass subclass of Class using temp directory to hold files before writing to database.
    • Initially holds avatars as user enters during class creation.
  • Add AllContributors badge to, recognising project contributors, .all-contributorsrc with contributor data.


  • Separate UI/logic/persistence concerns in create_classlist.
    • New functions move_avatars_to_class_data, move_avatar_to_class_data utilise NewClass to move avatars from temp to database.
    • write_classlist_to_file now returns None instead of the path written to. Future persistence layer may be a Database rather than a path.
  • create_classlist_data takes a NewClass object.
  • Refactor new_chart/assemble_chart_data to take Class/NewClass object instead of a class name.
    • Supports passing in class directly from create_class without reloading class from database.
    • Move logic prompting user to choose a class from assemble_chart_data to new_chart.
  • More tests converted to Pytest style tests, test coverage improved (eg
  • Improved type hinting, extend passing/use of Paths rather than strings/os/path (eg in,

[0.5.0-alpha] - 2020-01-23


  • Improved test coverage, type hinting across application.
  • mypy check to added to CI.
  • Python 3.8 compatibility and CI integration.
  • Runtime guards raising a meaningful ValueError on uninitialised definitions.REGISTRY, definitions.DEFAULT_CHART_SAVE_FOLDER. NB this should only happen when tests are run without config.
  • Option to go directly from creating a class to creating a chart with the newly created class.


  • Updated dependencies - fixes some unlikely security issues.
  • select_student now uses Class object, returns Student object.
  • file_functions tests now all use new-style class data.


  • Use of old-style data format in testing_class_data


  • class_functions.create_student_list_dict
  • defunct, dependency on pexpect.

[0.4.0-alpha] - 2019-05-22


  • Class and Student objects.
  • CLI script to convert old data format to new.
    • Run without args spawns file selection GUI and converts selected file.
    • -A/--all_class_data_files: Process all the data files in class_data.
    • --f/--filepath=path_to_file: Process single file at path given to arg.
  • Improved test coverage.


  • Changed data file data format reflecting serialised objects rather than dictionaries.
    • Core differences:
      • the class' name is a key in the json dict
      • students is a key with a list of json-ified student objects
      • data (eg avatars) that is None is not saved to disk, but inferred on instantiation.
    • Reinstantiation to object rather than dict allows easy modification, additional attributes, change of data format or implementation of a database to be non-breaking changes.
  • Changed implementation of UI_functions.scrub_candiate_filename to replace removed characters with '_' - this means 'Ni/' and 'Ni' will render non-identically as 'Ni_' and 'Ni'
  • Factored out create_app_data__init__ from create_app_settings_file.
  • Changed target for dependency updates to development branch.
  • Updated dependencies.
  • Progress conforming all path passing to use Path objects - in particular casting path str to Path before returning from GUI filedialogs. load_chart_save_folder now also returns Path object.


  • class_functions.create_student_list_dict: unused function loads class from disk to return an enumerated student list. Function is thus unnecessary when replaced by one-lined: {numeral: for numeral, student in enumerate(c.students, start=1)}


  • Rectified error where settings_dict was initialised with a string, not dict.

[0.3.3-alpha] - 2019-03-04


  • Added coverage.
  • Added/enable Codeship test build on Python 3.7.2 with manually-installed tkinter via sudo apt-get install -y python3-tk.
  • Improved test coverage.
  • Added settings_functions_UI.
  • Implemented create_chart_save_folder - now creates new folder, moves existing folder.


  • Refactored settings_menu to match main_menu with a view to a future factoring out similar/common logic.
  • Refactored settings_functions:
    • Factor out UI elements into settings_functions_UI.
    • Refactor folder move out of create_chart_save_folder.
  • copy_file, move_file now check to see if origin path exists, doing nothing if it does not.
  • Update dependencies.

[0.3.2-alpha] - 2019-02-15


  • Improved test coverage.


  • Implementation of take_student_scores:
    • Move fetching of student data into if clause, fetch only if student has a score.
    • Simplify conditional to only filter out scores of None rather than chained conditional testing for values evaluating to True or 0.
  • Chart generation test scripts moved to dedicated folder in test_suite.
  • Refactor application exit, main_menu:
    • Move quit_app to app_main, have quit_app call check_registry_on_exit before call to sys.exit.
    • Refactor main_menu and take_main_menu_input to use flag for exit call. take_main_menu_input returns True instead of None if use chooses to quit.
  • Simplify loop in take_main_menu_input preferring if; if over if elif else.


  • check_registry_on_exit is now called on exit. Previously was called after sys.exit and not run.

[0.3.1-alpha] - 2019-02-06


  • Improved test coverage.
  • Add load_chart_data, load_json_from_file
  • Add .bettercodehub.yml - prevent failed PR checks because of test code.


  • Refactor save_as_dialogue to prevent TypeError.
  • Refactor load_class_data using load_from_json_file.
  • Rename take_custom_chart_options to get_custom_chart_options to avoid name conflict. Calls UI function take_custom_chart_options.


  • Fix bug where avatar for student with score of 0 not added to student_scores.
  • Fix bug in save_as_dialogue that failed with TypeError when called without filetypes parameter or with default filetypes=None.
  • Fix circleci not storing test metadata.

[0.3.0-alpha] - 2019-01-23


  • Improved test coverage.
  • Add Contact note, badge to README.
  • Add currently unimplemented select_student/take_student_selection functions mirroring similar class selection functionality.
  • Select class/student dialogues will now take exact name of class/student (as well as integer per user direction), note this is to be considered an implementation detail, since a class with an integer name will only be selectable by entering that name if the integer is not displayed/larger that the number of options.


  • Bugfixes
    • Fix path for default_avatar.
    • Fix cwd set in TestDataFolder.test_generate_data_path_defaults to draw from ROOT_DIR.
    • Fix bug - essentially blank (eg '_') chart name caused infinite loop.
    • Add '.png' to save filename, as it is not otherwise appended.
  • Major refactor of chart display and saving code.
    • Fixes major bugs where blank image would be saved, app would hang indefinitely.
    • Chart image now saves to app_data. Saved image is then displayed using Tkinter with a 'Save as' button. When this is pressed, image window disappears and os 'save as' dialogue is spawned, user can save where and as they choose.
    • Pillow is used to process the image, resize it for display.
  • Refactor UI elements into dedicated functions and scripts in UI_menus.
  • Add Pillow dependency, remove as yet unused numpy.
  • Move converting int to str responsibility to UI functions taking input rather than doing so in function creating enumerated dict.

[0.2.0-alpha] - 2018-12-31


  • Save chart dialogue.
    • OS native 'save as' dialogue.
    • Starting default folder to class folder in dionysus charts ie dionysus_charts/class_name.
    • Default filename provided is sanitised user supplied chart name.
    • User can save chart in user selected location with user supplied filename.
    • Copy of image also saved in app_data/class_data/class_name/chart_data along with the chart data.
  • User defined location for dionysus_charts folder.
    • Prompt to set location on startup, default location in application parent directory if user declines to set location.
    • Charts for each class will by default save in sub-folders for each class in dionysus_charts folder.
    • OS native prompt for location selection.
  • Add user settings, settings menu.
    • User can configure, reconfigure dionysus_charts save folder location.
      Changing location moves current folder and contents.
  • Add "not implemented" message when "Edit a classlist" is selected from main menu.
  • CI/Testing
    • Travis CI
      • Use Xenial distribution for Python 3.7 to build on Travis.
    • circleci
      • Add Python 3.7 testing via circleci.
      • circleci badge added to README.
    • Code Climate
      • Connect dionysus to Code Climate
      • Add Code Climate Maintainability badge to README.
    • Codebeat
      • Add Codebeat code quality checker.
      • Add .codebeatignore to ignore test code from code quality metrics
    • Codeship


  • Charts save to correct location in dionysus_charts rather than in app_home folder.
  • Reorganise menus/UI scripts into folder UI_menus.
  • Moved app initialisation code to - data_folder_check moved here.
  • REGISTRY variable moved to
  • CI/Testing
    • Move testing/development dependencies to requirements_dev.txt.
    • Coveralls
      • Correct coverage calculation to only include project code (not testing or python env code).
    • Travis CI
      • Install testing dependencies from requirements_dev.txt rather than manually.
      • Require passing tests Python 3.7 on Linux for successful build.


  • app_data/image_data folder.
    • Unnecessary as saving images to external folder, and to class_data/*/chart_data folder.
    • REGISTRY variable moved to

[0.1.1-alpha] - 2018-12-12


  • OS native file select dialogue
    • Add select_file_dialogue GUI using Tkinter.
    • Implement GUI dialogue for avatar selection. Resolves #79.
    • Add this


  • Avatar image file now copied to app-data folder.
    • Add file_copy function.
    • Implement in copy_avatar_to_app_data func. Resolves #67.


  • Fix bug student with no score passed to chart generator, causing error.


  • Removed TODO file depreciated in favour of using issues, implementing a

[0.1.0-alpha.1] - 2018-12-10


  • Add installation, version docs.


  • Minor UI refinements
    • Prompt to hit enter after entering student name.
    • May enter 'N' instead of 'None' to skip avatar entry.
    • Prompt to press enter after entering student scores.
  • Docs, dev changes
    • Exclude test code from Codacy analysis.
    • Separate dev from prod dependency requirements, update CI config accordingly.


[0.1.0-alpha] - 2018-12-10

Initial alpha release! Dionysus will take class lists, and successfully produce charts with the default avatar.

Known bugs/non-functional features:

  • is boilerplate and untested.